Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Interpersonal Conflict in the Film Spanglish Essay
The film Spanglish portrays many examples of interpersonal conflict between characters. An interpersonal conflict is two or more persons having different views on a specific thought or idea. In the film one of the most noticeable conflicts occurs between Flor, the house keeper, and Deborah, the mother. The movie is based on the struggles of relationships, with others and with the characters within themselves. Flor’s personality and parenting beliefs conflict with Deborah’s, resulting in a personal and cultural minimal battle. The conflict between Deborah and Flor progress over time because Deborah is uptight and her irrational behavior is often upsetting both households. Flor speaks very little English when she starts to work for the Clasky family as their housekeeper on a daily basis. She does not mention that she has a daughter, named Cristina. The family has two children, George and Bernice, the famous chef father John, the alcoholic grandmother Evelyn, and the neurotic mother Deborah. Summer comes and Flor is needed at the Claskys’ summer home around the clock so Deborah asks her to live there with them. Unable to communicate well in English, Deborah finds a neighbor to interpret, Flor reveals that she is unable to maintain these hours because she has a daughter, so Cristina is invited to come stay with them. While living in their new home for the summer with the Clasky’s, Cristina interprets for her mother to communicate. She impresses Deborah, who begins to treat her like a daughter, taking Cristina shopping, getting her hair done, enrolling her in a private school, and showing her more love than she shows for her own daughter Bernice. Flor becomes unhappy when it appears that Cristina is influenced by Deborah, in part because she wants Cristina to keep in touch with her Mexican roots and working-class values, and partly because Deborah is overstepping her bounds. Flor objects to Deborah’s actions to John, who apologizes and explains to his wife that she cannot do these things for some one else’s child without permission. Flor begins to learn English so she can communicate better. She becomes closer to John, who is having difficulty with Deborah’s self-centered behavior. Flor quits and takes her daughter home, upsetting Cristina, who got along well with the Claskys. On their way home, she tells Cristina that she can’t go to the private school anymore either, upsetting Cristina even more; she screams in the middle of the street that Flor can’t do this to her and that her life is ruined. Flor loses patience with Cristina after she asks her mother for space. Flor explains to her daughter that she must answer the most important question of her life, at a very young age: â€Å"Is what you want for yourself to become someone very different than me? Cristina considers this on their bus ride home, and they make up and embrace. The film ends with Cristina as an adult, years later, acknowledging that her life rests firmly and happily on the simple fact that she is her mother’s daughter. Throughout the movie there are many examples of how different cultures have different values, and different people have different morals and ethics, and how two people can clash and have extreme conflict between them, to the point where it can affect others around them. The movie Spanglish is based on the struggles of relationships, with others and the characters within themselves. Flor’s personality and parenting beliefs conflict with Deborah’s, resulting in a personal and cultural minimal battle. One of the most important reasons for engaging in interpersonal communication is to form and maintain relationships, connections, or associations with other people in your life (Sole, 2011).
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Diffrent Type of Doctors
Different Types of Doctors and What They Do The world is Mother Nature's marvel that is blessed with different wonders of the natural world like the human body system. But, with every blessing comes a curse and this curse that plagues the living world is diseases. There are different diseases and disorders that are either due to microorganisms, parasites, non-functioning of different organs in the body, biochemical imbalances, genetic or hereditary problems, etc. Many times, people suffer from different kinds of accidents- natural and man-made, gunshots, stabbing wounds, burns, and many other innovative types of grievous injuries.These different medical problems are taken care of by different types of doctors, according to their field of specialization. There are hundreds of examples around the world, where doctors have been able to pull men out of the jaws of death with their medical expertise. If you too want to face different medical challenges, then the following list of differen t types of doctors and their specialty, will help you find a foothold in the medical world. Audiologists: These doctors help patients with different ear problems and help children who are either deaf or mute to learn to communicate.Allergist: These doctors help in treating different kinds of allergies and immune system disorders like hay fever, asthma, etc. Andrologist: The andrologist helps in diagnosing and treating disorders related to the male reproductive system. Anesthesiologist: They study and administer anesthesia and anesthetic medicines that helps in facilitating treatment, diagnosis of medical conditions and complete minor and major surgeries without the patient having to feel more than the prick of the anesthetic needle.Cardiologist: These are doctors of the heart that diagnose and treat heart diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Dentist: Perhaps one of the most feared doctors of all is the dentist due to their tooth extraction habits! These doctors are concerned with d ental health, teeth and dental problems like cavities and bleeding gums. They treat gum diseases, straighten teeth, carry out root canals, etc. . Dermatologist: A dermatologist studies the skin, its structure, functions, and diseases, as well as its appendages (nails, hair, sweat glands) and reats the related ailments. Endocrinologist: A doctor who studies disorders of the endocrine system and their glands, like thyroid problems and other such hormonal imbalances and the specific secretions of hormones is what entails an endocrinologist job description. Epidemiologist: Epidemiologist are the doctors who are also known as ‘disease detectives'. They carry out study of diseases and come up with ways of prevention of diseases through vaccinations, etc.Family Practitioner: These are your friendly neighborhood doctors who are general physicians, and treat patients of all ages ; medical non-emergency conditions usually in a clinic. Gastroenterologist: A doctor that studies diseases o f digestive system and gives treatment related to the gasteroenterlogy. Gynecologists: The doctor who studies and treats diseases of the female reproductive system. Hematologist: A hematologist studies blood and its diseases. Hepatologist: A hepatologist studies and treats diseases of the liver.Immunologist: The doctor who studies all aspects of the immune system in all organisms and gives treatment to diseases of the immune system. Infectious Disease Specialists: The doctors who study ; treat diseases that are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and are usually based within the hospital. These doctors are involved in a lot of research work. Internal Medicine Specialists: These doctors provide diagnosis, management and nonsurgical treatment of unusual or serious diseases and are usually found working in hospitals as intensivists.Internists: These doctors focus on adult medicine and have completed a special study related to the prevention and treatment of adult diseases. M edical Geneticist: A medical geneticist is the doctor that carries out studies, tests, treatments and counseling patients with genetic diseases. Microbiologists: A microbiologist studies causes, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Neonatologist: The neonatologist is the doctor that provides medical care to premature and critically ill newborn babies. Nephrologist: The doctor who treats kidney diseases and problems.Neurologist: These are doctors who treat one of the most delicate and important organs of the body, the brain. They treat conditions like seizures, strokes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc. Neurosurgeon: These are surgeons who treat central and peripheral nervous system diseases that can be cured or controlled to some extent with mechanical intervention. Obstetrician: This is a part of gynecology and the doctors are experts with childbirth, C-sections, gynecological surgeries like hysterectomy, surgical removal of ovarian tumors, examination of the pelvic region, PAP smears, prenatal care, etc.Oncologist: An oncologist job description entails treating cancer patients. Ophthalmologist: The doctor that takes care of eyes and treats various eye problems and performs different eye surgeries. Orthopedic Surgeons: The doctor who is concerned with the skeletal system of the human body, that is, bones. These doctors make no bones about broken, fractured or arthritis struck bones! ENT specialists: An ENT specialist treats the Ear, the Nose and the Throat, as well as to some extent some ailments of the head and the neck. This field is also known as otolaryngology.Perinatologist: The doctor who is an expert in caring and treating high risk pregnancies. Paleopathologist: These doctors are into the study of ancient diseases. Parasitologist: The study of parasites, their biology and pathology, as well as the parasitic diseases caused by them is carried out by a parasitologist. Pathologists: The study of abnormalities in living organisms, diagnosing disea ses and conditions from tissue samples like blood or biopsy samples. They also work as medical examiners ; carry out autopsies to determine the cause of death.These doctors usually do not come in contact with the patients directly as their work is mostly lab work. They are therefore called a ‘doctor's doctor' as they speak to doctors of the patients rather than the patient himself. There are many doctors who specialize in forensic pathology and help the police and FBI solve crimes. Pediatricians: A pediatrician is the doctor who studies and treats medical problems of infants, children, and adolescents. Physiologists: A physiologist is a life science doctor who specializes in physiology.Physiatrist: The doctor whose specialty is treatment and rehabilitation of patients with illness or injuries affecting their nerves, muscles, and bones. They basically help people overcome their movement limitations due to an underlying illness or injury. Plastic Surgeon: A plastic surgeon is th e doctor who can literally change the life and look of a patient. He performs cosmetic surgery to repair skin and structural problems that may alter the personality of the patient for good. Podiatrists: The doctor who studies and treats disorders of the foot and ankle.Psychiatrists: These doctors specialize in psychiatry, that is, a branch of medicine concerned with the study, diagnoses and treatment of mental illness and behavioral disorders. Pulmonologist: The doctor who diagnoses and treats lung conditions and treatments and even manages critical care patients admitted in the ICU and those that are on ventilator support. Radiologists: The study of medical use of X-rays or other imaging technologies for diagnoses and treatment of disease is carried out by a radiologist.Rheumatologist: These doctors treat allergic conditions & autoimmune disorders. Surgeons: A surgeon performs operations, related to different sub-specialties of medicine like general surgery, neurosurgery, cardiovas cular, cardiothoracic surgery, ENT, maxillo-facial surgery, plastic surgery, oral surgery, transplant surgery, urology, etc. Urologists: The urologist is a doctor who studies the urinary system and treats urinary tract infections. Emergency Doctors: Emergency doctors are those who offer their services in the emergency room (ER) and are on call 24/7.They treat various emergency cases that vary from poisoning, broken bones, burns, heart attack, and anything and everything that can be termed as a medical emergency. Veterinarian: Although, all the above fields are concerned with human treatment, the veterinarian is also a type of doctor and treat animals. They take care of different diseases of the animal world. There are different types of doctors within the field of animal medicine and like human doctors, the veterinarian too has his field of expertise in case of animal problems.This was some medical career information related to different types of doctors and their related line of wo rk. There are over 50 to 60 specialties of medicine and each specialty has different types of related doctors with varying salaries. You need to understand your area of interest and then choose your line of specialty as a career. I hope this article on different types of doctors and what they do has helped you find your field of interest.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Abuse of the Innocent Essays - Animal Welfare, Cruelty To Animals
Abuse of the Innocent Is it right to force a mouse to live it's live in a laboratory cage to test anti-cancer drug? How would you like to be squeezed in a cage with many other animals, not being able to touch the grass, run around and play, smell the flowers, or go for a walk in the warmth of the sunshine? Animal cruelty is wrong because we are hurting the Innocent. Animals experience and feel pain, fear , anxiety, stress, depression, boredom, joy and happiness. Animals are very intelligent, some ever learn our own language. Most people experience their first bond with an animal. Not only do they bring a companion and a friend into our lives, but also unconditional love and comfort. Pet shops and puppy mills mass produce, kennels are overcrowded and dirty, with very little nutrition. Cats/dogs are held in metal cages and lead miserable lives breeding continuously. Animals suffer and are neglected, some are sold to research laboratories. A large number of animals are raised for slaughter each year. A cow "has a natural life span of twenty- five to thirty years, but only survives for an average of five".1 An estimated "seventeen million raccoons, beavers, bobcats, lynx, coyotes, muskrats, nutria, and other animals are trapped each year in the United States for fur".2 They suffer from unbearable pain for several hours before their lives are ended by the trapper's club. Is the price of live worth the price of fur? Psalm 104, 27-30. All creatures depend on you to feed them throughout the year: you provide the food they eat, with generous hands you satisfy their hunger. You turn your face away, they suffer. You stop their breath, they die and revert to dust. You give breath, fresh life begins, you keep renewing the world. Disections have been practiced in biology classes for many years. Critics accuse some teachers of killing and argue that disection teaches nothing but cruelty. Nothing is learned by cutting up an animal that cannot be learned from photographs or drawings. Children do not learn about the human body by killing and disecting a person, they learn from diagrams and textbooks. Vivisection means "cutting alive". It is a worldwide practice involving millions of animals. Scientists say that vivisections may not necessarily be painful. Every living being with a brain, spinal column, and central nervous system feels pain. Animals were not created for entertainment. What do zoos really teach children? The animals are stolen from their natural habitats and are brutally transferred. They suffer from boredom and have natural needs such as running, climbing, flying, and natural mating. All of the magic and glitter of the circus hides the true animal cruelty. Several animals are confined to small cages, muzzled, and repeatedly whipped in training. They are declawed, have their teeth removed, and drugged to be obedient. Military research on animals include monkeys, baboons, rats, guinea pigs, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, and mice. "... when I see my closest relative locked in a restraining box, his head filled with electrodes, and all he has got to reach out to you is with his eyes, then how can we respond to that if we close ours?".3 Weapons are tested on innocent animals, nerve gas, bullets, and bombs are all used. "One sad insight is gleaned from this statement, made by a Porton workman who lost his bearings: 'I thought I was ill, I thought I was seeing things. It was a little monkey enclosed In a glass cage. Its eyes seemed to be falling out and it couldn't breathe. It was in dreadful, dreadful distress. I forgot everything and went near it and said something to it, and it buried its head in it's arms and sobbed like a child. I never slept that night, and the next day managed to go back to the same room, but it was nearly finished by then. It had sunk to a little heap at the bottom of the glass cage.'."4 Animal cruelty is wrong, we are hurting the innocent. Cruelty of animals can be stopped, not only do we have to open our eyes, but open our mouths as well. Read a book, write a letter, join a group or start a group, either way, an animal will be grateful for the chance of a happy life. 656 End Notes 1. Loraine Kay, Living Without Cruelty, (London: Sidwick & Jackson, 1990), p.15. 2. Laura Fraser, The Animal
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Separating by Leon Stokesbury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Separating by Leon Stokesbury - Essay Example Richard is a father of four children and is particularly acknowledging of the crisis in his mid-years (Updike 2145). This is what is driving the separation from his wife who is against exposing it to their vulnerable children. By this analysis, it shows the family as a vital element in the society. It shows how people relate to one another, their responsibility to family and their willingness to hold it together. This serves to show some elements of a cultural artifact. The characters, such as Richard’s wife Joan, infer that family relationships are important at the time and should always be considered while making decisions at any time. The actions of Joan show that women at that time and place were responsible for keeping their family together. They were sensitive to matters that would affect their family’s wellbeing. The actions of Richard serve to show that men at that time were responsible for taking care of their families too. Their motivations to provide for thei r family at that time and place surpassed the reasoning whether the man and woman were in good terms. For example, Richard moved around repairing hinges, getting mowers sharpened and repairing the tennis court. This shows that a man always had the interest of the family at all times regardless of the situation (Updike 2139). The plot of the story shows that the time was full of difficulties. It was hard to let go of family at that time. It is still hard today also, the fact that Richard has another woman shows that unfaithfulness was present in that time and place. Families struggled to hold together due to the strains in their lives of some parties, in this case, Richard’s crisis this characterizes the history of the time as one with marital problems. The setting of the story is around the family’s homestead. All activity takes places there, especially dinner with the family being the most
World Vision's Marketing Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
World Vision's Marketing Strategy - Case Study Example One main point that can be noticed in this case is the innovation that has been applied in the marketing in the church as the publications, as these are the ones that can make people more aware of the strategies and goals that World Vision has. Walker, (2008) say that in case of the marketing strategy that has been used on the general New Zealand public is not innovative enough and it has failed to attract the audience from the country. The same kinds of the marketing starategies have been used by all the other charity organizations. The television ads need to make the audience realise the fact of the poverty as well as the horrors that are associated with it. The advertisements have been using the celebrities and this has been the most commonly used strategy these days which has not been too effective. Bradley, (2005) says that in order to raise more and more money and to gain more exposure there is an increasing need for the sponsors especially in the case of the organizations which are working on the char
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Write a complex essay comparing the strategies used by the author Sam
Write a complex comparing the strategies used by the author Sam Ruddick's story Leak, to the the strategies used by the filmmaker Mark poirier Smart people - Essay Example Likewise, the characters in the film too are caught up in a tricky quandary. That is there is nothing there can for themselves to improve their personalities and behaviors. The problem being, of course, that a film and story in which people just do things, wild things, like snapping up on in your ex in the middle of the night, disrupting another person’s house uninvited, and fixing yourself pasta, does not really hold up. Stacy and Chuck have similar characters in both Smart People and the story Leak. Just as Wetherhold wonders whether his adopted brother is crazy, so does Oscar marvel whether his nonprofit friend is mad, shifting emotions from his father’s sickness into his professional life. Further so do we too wonder if these people are mad: how else to explain their behaviors? Successful Hollywood productions are not the only ones to depend upon formula. For this features debut, director Naom Murro has taken his safe course of joining the salvation of the misanthrope narrative. Everything on anticipates from such a legend is found here; the dislikable protagonist who is increasingly cultivated over the course of the tale, the love interest who displays to him the route to redemption, and idiosyncratic supporting characters who offer color and flavor what is lacking, nevertheless, is a rationale for a viewer to become invested in anyone living inside Smart People’s world. To avoid sloppiness, Murro uses a technique that keeps the viewers at arm’s length, but there’s not anything adequately remarkable about his characters to facilitate them to leap off the screen. Smart People is a piece of film apparently crafted by dull-witted persons. The character’s in the play are just drifting along, heads in their heads and hands up their posterior whilst griping and moping their way into another uncertain tomorrow, during which they will awake and start bitching and grousing how crappy yesterday was. Lawrence Wetherhold is played by Dennis Quiad
Friday, July 26, 2019
Article Summary. See instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Article Summary. See instructions - Essay Example Thus, as the authors state, as many as 66% of these cases are never reported (Lohmeyer, Mccrory, and Pogreb, 2002). The authors state that IT (information technology) departments in businesses have most often been in charge of information security within companies. However, some companies have gone beyond this and made information security both a business and a technological concept. Regardless, the authors feel that there is still a wide need for improvement in information technology and business practices within the majority of businesses. According to the article, 30 Fortune 500 companies that were studied had placed a senior business executive in charge of ensuring information security. The article further states: â€Å"According to an April 2001 estimate by Gartner, half of the Global 2000 are likely to create similar positions by 2004.†(Lohmeyer, Mccrory, and Pogreb, 2002). A few of these companies are also making sure that further safeguards are being added to the technological measures already being used to protect the business information. Even this approach, however, does not se em to be working for all businessesâ€â€or not all businesses are taking it seriously enough. While some of these Fortune 500 companies are taking the concept in strict measure, several of them are ignoring the problem all tougher, and just see information security as a technological issue that only requires some kind of technological solution. This is certainly a problem, since most of those that are experts in technology know that networks cannot be made totally impenetrable, and that all security features must be constantly updated to stay ahead or up to date with hackers. (Lohmeyer, Mccrory, and Pogreb, 2002). Businesses that only focus on security issues as a technology problems are also ignoring the fact that many of these problems can
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The American Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
The American Revolution - Essay Example The American Revolution was a triumph of human rights and liberties. Britain introduced several political and economic policies such as heavy taxation that hugely distressed Americans. Similarly, the British military was quite inhumane in handling the "Whigs†or â€Å"patriots†a clear violation of elementary human rights. Civilians were haphazardly murdered upon showing any objection to Acts such as the Townshend Acts that imposed a heavy tax on indispensable goods such as tea and paper. The â€Å"patriots†were given a worse treatment than the â€Å"loyalists†who received preferential treatment merely for being loyal to the British government (Greg, 2010). Similarly, Americans’ freedom of speech and movement was hugely curtailed and anyone who violated the stipulated laws guiding speech and movement faced severe punishment or death in some extreme cases. The revolutionary war, therefore, came not to portray America’s military prowess but to uphold the spirit of constitutionalism where the power of leaders is limited, and a leadership that is devoted to the good of the people by protecting individual rights such as right to life and liberties such as liberty of association and freedom of speech. Joseph (2001) supports this important assertion in his article when he presents George Washington’s 7th December 1796 speech where Washington said; â€Å"†¦that the virtue and happiness of the people may be preserved, and that the Government which they have instituted†(pg. 1). Britain realized that all men were created equal, and such equality must be upheld in all spheres of life. Upon the declaration of independence, after the American Revolutionary war, democracy started mushrooming in America. The Americans were so infuriated by the British government which merely imposed itself in power and subjected its subjects to immense suffering.Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Comparecontrast synthesis All In a Summers Day(Bradbury) with It's A Essay
Comparecontrast synthesis All In a Summers Day(Bradbury) with It's A Good Life(Bixby) - Essay Example While 'It's a Good Life' is set in a place which might be the earth, the short story by Bradbury is set in the planet Venus. While Bradbury's story is set somewhere in the near future, Bixby's story is set in the last part of the twentieth century.. In 'All Summer in a Day', the story begins with a forecast given by scientists about a rainless hour, indicating the dependence on scientists .In a story set in a distant future, the dependence would be on machines and computers. In the case of 'It's a Good Life', the time of the story is indicated by the music record Are You My Sunshine which was a present for Dan. While the place of the story 'All Summer in a Day', Venus, is a planet humans have at last colonized, the planet is inhospitable, with rain throughout the year. In fact it had been raining for several years, and the sun had come out for an hour seven years ago. On the other hand, the story 'It's a Good Life' takes place on the earth, or on a part of the earth which has been se parated from the rest of the planet by the protagonist. Both the stories have children as the protagonists. While in Bradbury's story, it is nine year old Margot, a budding poet, who is the protagonist, in Bixby's story, it is three year old Anthony who is at the center of the story. While Margot is undoubtedly a girl, sensitive and intelligent, we are not sure about Anthony, who seems to be hardly human. "He blinked his purple gaze" (Bixby), and "He curled into an unlikely shape and went partly to sleep" (Bixby) give a hint of the not so human form of Anthony. While Margot is a static character, getting bullied by the other children, three year old Anthony is a dynamic character who can change things just by thinking about it. Other children jeer at Margot, not believing that she wrote the poem about the sun, while in the case of Anthony, grown -ups including his parents are afraid of him. While her peers make fun of Margot , and imprison her in the closet while the sun was out, thus depriving her of the greatest pleasure on the planet, in the case of Anthony, elders are too scared to sing even 'Happy Birthday' in case it irritated him. Little Margot does nothing to get back to the Earth, from where she had come five years ago, although she wanted nothing better than that. The author describes Margot as "an old photograph dusted from an album, whitened away" (Bradbury).The girl was pale and listless with a voice like a ghost's. On the other hand, three year old Anthony was a already a strong character, who could do whatever he wanted just by thinking. His ability to discern people's thoughts and react put him in an all powerful position. While his 'good deeds' for the people he liked were bad enough, his bad deeds for those whom he disliked were horrible, resulting in everybody trying not to displease or even please him. The dynamism in Anthony's character is seen in the speed with which he reacts. "When the rat saw Bill Soames coming, it tried to run, but Anthony thought at it, and it turned a flip-flop on the gr ass, and lay trembling, its eyes gleaming in small black terror."(Bixby) This shows the quickness of Anthony's reaction which could be quicker than a rat. While the plot of Bradbury's story moves linearly, it does make use of some flashbacks, although they are few. Margot remembers the Sun whom she had seen five years ago, while living on
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
General Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
General Question - Essay Example The main purpose of this method of teaching reading to schoolchildren is to provide them with instructional support and a strong basis for the development of reading skills. It requires teachers' involvement in the reading process before, during and after the reading of a basal text. Stages of DRA There are several approximately eight steps in the Direct-Reading Activity. Each step comes with some expectations and advantages to the learning of reading skills amongst children. Step 1: Choose a text and the aim of reading The first step involves the teacher identifying a given text in the basal reader. This means the teacher will have to identify a portion of the reading text and identify the main reading techniques and new vocabulary that can be learnt through the reader. This step is to set the aims, objectives and basis for the whole exercise. This step sets the framework of the entire reading and here, the teacher will know the exact objectives that must be met by the class. This c an be an avenue for the teacher to guide students through the various stages of the reading process. This will enable the students to progress gradually through important stages in the process of learning how to read and comprehend information in a given text. Step 2: Select vocabulary to be pre-taught After the teacher concludes on the aims and objectives of the reading exercise at hand, the next step is to identify new and unusual words in the text. These words are often words that the students have not met before or words that have links to other situations that the children are likely to meet in the future. These words are to be identified and written on the board for the children to understand. It usually helps if the teacher explains the meaning of the words as well as the linkage of the word with other contexts within which the students are likely to meet in the future. The immediate reason for this exercise on vocabulary is to enable the children to get familiar with the mor e difficult words that they are going to meet in the reading. It enables comprehension during the reading process because the students become familiar with the implication of those words and the context within which they are used in the text. The longer term aim of the pre-teaching of words is to help the children to improve their vocabulary. This will help them to acquire new words that will enable them in the future. Additionally, teaching vocabulary before reading also builds the conception of predicting the meaning of words by examining the context within which unfamiliar words are used. This will help students in future comprehension assignments and examinations like SAT and other English language examinations. Elicit prior knowledge on the topic of text After the vocabulary is taught and discussed, the teacher will have to take opinions and knowledge brought forward from the class. This will include discussing matters from the known to the unknown. This implies that the childr en will be called upon to share basic knowledge about what they know about the subject. Thus for example, when you are to talk about a fox in the reader, the teacher can ask about the similarities between the foxes and other animals. Obvious answers that are likely to come about might include a dog and other animals. Then the attributes of a fox as a sly creature or a creature that is not so straightforward can be brought up by drawing into similar tales like sly fox and
The Speckled Band Essay Example for Free
The Speckled Band Essay Dr Roylott is presented as a menacing figure through various references in the story. He has a nerve and he has knowledge. This man strikes even deeper. Also We heard the hoarse roar of the Doctors voice and saw the fury with which he shook his clenched fist, this suggests that Dr Roylott may not be able to control his anger but he is clever despite this. Another way in which the arch villain is presented to the reader is the way he speaks and what he says. In The Speckled Band Dr Roylott uses forceful language to intimidate Holmes and to make him feel uncomfortable and powerless. I am a dangerous man to fall foul of! See that you keep yourself out of my grip showing the reader that Dr Roylott does not like other people interfering with his business and that he does not mind using violence. Another factor of being the arch villain. The way the arch villain is presented in the Engineers thumb is similar to the speckled band as we find out the arch villain through the victims telling their story. However the arch villain in the Engineers thumb is not particularly revealed until the end where he tries to kill Mr Hatherly. Throughout the story the villain plays a mysterious character from the beginning where he is questioning Mr Hatherly and swearing him to keep it a secret. The villain seems a suspicious of the victim when it should be the other way around. The character Colonel Lysander stark is presented as mysterious, dangerous but the obvious suspect, although he is the stereotypical arch villain by his looks and his aggressive manner. Sherlock Holmes is shown often the central character and is shown as the best detective in the field with every skill that is needed as a detective. He has a good instinct that enables him to draw the correct conclusion from small observations. For example, in the Red Headed League, by looking at john clays worn wrinkled and stained knees he is able to realize the John Clay has been digging a passage to the bank. On the other hand, he is shown as a lonely man with no family life. This persuades the reader to like him because some might feel jealous for his investigating skills, so they pity his lonely life. Holmes again demonstrates a good instinct, which enables him to retrieve the facts before actually knowing them. This is shown when he gathers the facts that Mr Hatherly hasnt traveled as far as he thinks when he comments that One horse? Fresh or glossy? By the answer that Mr Hatherly gives him he able to notice that as the horse was not tired and was still clean then he had not traveled the 12 miles that the villain had told him he had. He here has the wit and knowledge to make him the best detective. Dr Watson is important in the stories because he is the narrator. Doctors are one of the most trusted professions as they have an image of being rescuers or saviors. I think the reason why Dr Watson is shown as a doctor is to make the readers trust him and therefore make the story believable. He is show as less skillful than Holmes, which makes the reader trust him even more because they can feel at the same level as him. Also he has great skills of observing and describing which aids the reader to recreate the events that happened whilst reading it. The setting in The Speckled Band makes the story seem scary and exciting by the use of adjectives. There are many quotes that add to the atmosphere of stoke Moran and that emphasis that Dr Roylott is a suspicious character in the story. Indian animals wander freely over his grounds and are feared greatly shows that Stoke Moran is possibly a dangerous place to be because of the exotic animals roaming it and it makes the setting seem mysterious. We had no feeling of security unless the doors were locked, The windows were blocked by old fashioned shutters with broad iron bars show us that stoke Moran and the setting around it gives a sense of unease and insecurity. The windows being blocked with iron bars gives a feeling of entrapment and it is almost like a prison. The descriptions of Stoke Moran add to the scariness of the story. All was dark in the direction of the manor house this suggests that only that area was in darkness and places around it were shadowed by its eeriness. The weather also plays an important part in the story. It was rainy, dark and stormy. This makes the story more interesting because you know that something bad is about to or has happened. The setting in the Engineers thumb creates just as much tension as the speckled band because of the mysterious way Mr Hatherly is taken in the train and he has no idea of where he is going. Along with the Speckled band the weather creates an atmosphere because its raining dark and in the middle of the night. This makes the mood scarier and the story is again frightening. Other factors that produce tension in the story is not just the stories that the victims tell but the way they tell it. They create a chilling atmosphere as they tell their almost unbelievable story to Holmes and Watson that then they can investigate. Helen Stoners narrative helps create tension by the way she builds up weird events and how she relates to where they took place. She relates back to her story at stoke Moran where the weird event of her sisters death took place. Here she comments that It was a wild night. The wind was howling outside and the rain was beating. This suggests that things were out of control and unusual at the manor house. As she continues to tell her story it becomes even more unusual and strange for the reader leaving you puzzled and with having to unravel the mystery. Doyle uses different techniques to add to the feeling of the story, an example being flashbacks. He gets the victims to tell their story to him and when they do odd facts appear, especially about the villains. Flash backs help the reader to feel more involved in the story because it gives them specific events that happened making it feel like you are there, as well as understanding it and trying to solve the mystery yourself. In conclusion, The Speckled Band, The engineers thumb and the Red Headed League build up the tension well and make the reader feel fully involved in trying to solve the mysterious stories. The Speckled Band and the Engineers Thumb are equally as exciting and gripping because they both make the reader feel aware of the atmosphere, plus the setting that the victims describe are well explained and are easily imaginable. Other Sherlock Holmes stories I have read also are well written and fast paced but are longer and the stories have more detail. This could leave the reader feeling that the story is unsolvable and so the reader would not want to continue with the story. However, The Speckled Band is the right length to be a good story and enchanting descriptions within it makes it exciting overall. Feminist criticism interprets womens experience as depicted in various kinds of literature- especially novels. It attacks the male notions of value in literature- by offering critiques of male authors and representations of men in literature and also by privileging women writers. Reading Arthur Conan Doyles stories (especially Sherlock Holmes) there is a sense of long-standing, dominant and phallocentric ideologies that contribute towards the patriarchal attitudes and male interpretations in literature. The detectives in Conan Doyles stories are always male and Conan Doyle only seems to cast women in stock character roles i. e. the victims are always female and powerless. Conan Doyle writes in a typical masculine style. He interprets females in the stereotypical type of how women are supposed to feel, act and think. This I feel is why many female readers may not be able to relate to any characters in the Sherlock Holmes stories because the stock character roles that Conan Doyle produces. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Using Operant Conditioning to Increase Productivity Among Workers Essay Example for Free
Using Operant Conditioning to Increase Productivity Among Workers Essay If I would be a manager of a large automobile factory, I would be interested in increasing the productivity among all workers. A good tool for this is Operant Conditioning. I would have 3 types of workers: white collar office employees, factory line workers, and quality control employees. I would use different techniques for each type. For quality control workers I would use punishment. If they didn’t notice a defect in the product that they were supposed to check, they would get a fine taken off their paycheque. I would use fixed ration scheduling for punishment, so that every mistake is noticed and punished. This will make them extra careful, and will increase the quality of the product on the market. This form of treatment – punishment – might make them angry. But they can’t express their anger on me because I’m their manager and I might fire them. So they will be angry with workers and will be checking product for defects with special passion. For white-collar office employees and for factory line workers I would use Positive reinforcement. This technique will bring enthusiasm and optimism to workers, will create positive environment, and will increase their productivity. If I will reword workers for extra work done, or for being done the assignment before the due date, I will strengthen their motivation for work because it is followed by the presentation of reward (money added to the pay check). I would use variable ratio schedule for the rewords to be given out, meaning that on average I will reward every 5th outstanding achievement. I would not choose variable interval, because giving reward simply after a period of time wouldn’t bring the response as fast and efficient as I want.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Role Of Climate In The Classic Maya Collapse History Essay
Role Of Climate In The Classic Maya Collapse History Essay In this paper, the impacts of climate change on the Maya will be examined. It is likely that a number of factors combined to produce the collapse for which the civilisation is well known. With this in mind, the extent to which climate itself played a role will be particularly looked into. Defining the Collapse Before the role of climate can be looked into, it first needs to be established what the Maya collapse actually was. Popular media has often portrayed the collapse as something that happened simultaneously across the Mayan region, resulting in the abrupt and complete destruction of the entire Mayan civilisation. However this was not the case. The collapse mainly refers to the drastic decline of the cities of the southern Maya Lowlands. Many of these cities had been extremely powerful in the Classic period (AD 250-900), the so called pinnacle of Mayan civilisation, and had dominated the entire Maya region (Sharer and Traxler 2006: 287). It is the fall of these city states that defines the Terminal Classic (AD 790-900), but this period also saw many sites, particularly in the north and east, continue to flourish and in some cases even grow, supporting large populations into the Postclassic (AD 900- c.1542) long after the collapse. Sharer and Traxler therefore define the collapse as a p rocess of transformation that saw the end of Classic states and the rise of new states that dominated the Postclassic period (2006: 503). Identifying the Collapse It has been seen that the collapse of Classic Maya sites was focussed within the southern Maya Lowlands, but what were the changes in the archaeological record that signal collapse in this region? A major factor suggesting collapse was the decrease in the number of carved stone stelae and altars dedicated over the course of the 9th century, with the last known dated stela having been erected at Tonina in AD 909. The cessation of erecting monuments varied between sites, with inscribed stelae ceasing at Dos Pilas as early as AD 760 and Tikal at AD 889, suggesting that the collapse was not a sudden, simultaneous event, but was an ongoing process that affected different cities at different times; although ultimately the outcome was the same (Chase and Chase 2006: 169). Drastic depopulation of the region is also identifiable. This can be seen in a decline of domestic activity in palaces and common houses alike. The cities of Tikal, Calakmul, Copan and Palenque, among others, had reached peak population in the Late Classic and so their subsequent decline is particularly noticeable (Sharer and Traxler 2006: 500). There have been various estimates as to the maximum population of the southern and central Lowlands during the Classic period, ranging from 3 to 14 million people, but it is seemingly agreed that this had dropped to around only 1 million by the start of the Postclassic. This suggests a depopulation rate in the range of 53-90%, a level unprecedented prior to European arrival in the New World (Gill 2000: 351). So although limited to the Maya Lowlands, the collapse was a significant event, leaving once powerful cities deserted within the space of 150 years. What made the Mayan civilisation different from others that suffered a drastic collapse was that it was not a single, unified society, but was instead a collection of individual city states and their hinterlands, each controlled by a king. This would seem to suggest that there must have been external pressures that, at the very least, triggered and compounded existing problems within these city states, rather than internal problems that somehow all resulted in collapse. So what had caused these once great cities to be abandoned? Causes of the Collapse Many different arguments have been put forward to explain the Maya collapse. In the past a single cause had been sought, and natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes were considered. It is now generally agreed however, that there was likely no single cause, but an interplay of factors (McNeil et al. 2010: 1017). For the purpose of this paper however I shall focus on drought and warfare, which are two of the most commonly debated theories. Drought Fluctuation in rainfall was common to the Maya area and there was precedent for drought, although evidence suggests that the Classic droughts lasted longer and were more intense than any previously experienced by the Maya (Gill et al. 2007). Lake sediment cores from Lake Chichancanab in the Eastern Yucatan Peninsula show that there was a period of drought lasting around 150-200 years, with three peak phases of severe drought within this. This is supported by evidence from marine sediments of the Cariaco Basin off the coast of Venezuela, which show that, in this particular region, the drought lasted from AD 760-930. Four periods of intense drought are identifiable from these samples, centring on the years AD760, 810, 860 and 910 (Gill et al. 2007). The correlation between the periods of severe drought and the collapse of Classic Maya civilisation in the Lowlands, surely suggests it had a critical impact on those polities, such as Tikal, Calakmul, Naranjo and Palenque, that were not we ll served by rivers. Lucero suggests that the Classic Maya elite based their power on the control of water. Many of the regional centres of the Maya Lowlands did not have access to natural water sources and relied on artificial reservoirs which were under the control of the rulers. As a result they were dependent on seasonal rainfall for water, and Maya royalty would have also used their special connections to the gods, specifically Chac the rain god, to guarantee enough water through rituals and ceremonies. It was upon this basis that Maya rulers exacted tribute and labour from their subjects (Lucero 2002). Decreasing rainfall and long term drought would have undermined the foundation on which the Mayan elite drew their power, resulting in political collapse. The diminishing power of the elite can be seen archaeologically through a reduction in the manufacture and distribution of prestige and ritual goods at many centres during the Terminal Classic (Sharer and Traxler 2006: 499-500). The production of p olychrome pottery and ornately carved items of jade, wood, bone and shell, was controlled by the elite and used to reinforce status (Demarest 2004: 213). The increasing absence of such items in the archaeological record therefore suggests rulers no longer had the same level of support from their subjects. Their power was waning, as also reflected in fewer dynastic stelae, used to legitimise power, and the end of monumental construction projects such as ball courts, temples and causeways. The decline of the elite and, as a result, centralised political organisation was a major feature of the Mayan collapse. It is Luceros argument that drought was the main reason behind this. It was only able to inflict such damaging change because water control was inherent to the institution of Kingship within Mayan society. Drought would have also had the obvious consequences of a lack of drinking water and severe decrease in agricultural production. Warfare Conversely it has also been suggested that rather than drought, it was endemic warfare and competition amongst the various city states that led to the weaker polities being overpowered, causing the breakdown of dynastic power in these defeated polities. The cities of the Petexbatun region of present day Guatemala, in particular, are argued to have collapsed while trapped in a state of siege and fortification warfare (Demarest et al. 1997). This constant state of war is believed to have destabilised the political and economic structures, resulting in political devolution and eventual failure in the early 9th century. Interestingly the Petexbatun region had good river access, making it unlikely that drought was a major factor in the collapse of this area (Sharer and Traxler 2006: 515-17). It is on this basis that Demarest disputes an ecological model, pointing out that political disintegration had already begun in the Petexbatun by the time drought occurred, the last inscription at the earliest known city to fall, Dos Pilas, dated to AD760 (Demarest cited in McKillop 2004: 99). Zooarchaeological evidence from this region also suggests there was no danger of famine, or nutritional stress through protein deficiency, in the Classic or Terminal Classic (Emery cited in Demarest 2006: 105). The violence prevalent in this region was seemingly independent of an environmental impetus. Common Ground? There is a convincing amount of evidence in support of each of both drought and warfare, suggesting that they both likely played some role. The nature of Maya society however, being a collection of city states, means that evidence of warfare in one region, for instance, does not necessarily mean that it can be inferred elsewhere. As mentioned, it was in the cities of the Petexbatun where evidence shows endemic violence caused the abandonment of the region. It has often been the mistake to imply that this then must surely have been the cause for collapse across the entire Maya lowlands, or at least present in a wider area, but the evidence does not support this. The same goes for drought. Although this may have been noticeable over much of the Maya lowlands, the affects were surely most closely felt by those cities without access to natural water sources and dependent on rainfall for agriculture. Instead the evidence appears to suggest that different regions likely had a different trigger cause or combination of causes (Sharer and Traxler 2006: 514). It seems hard to believe that such catastrophic events could have occurred within a similar timeframe, yet independently of each other, but have the same result. This does suggest however that Mayan civilisation had reached a point where it was extremely vulnerable to the slightest variation, with location playing a large part in deciding the factor that would tip a particular city over the edge, towards collapse. Manmade or Natural Occurrence? Drought appears to have played a relatively large, although joint, role in the collapse of the Classic Mayan civilisation. But was this environmental change anthropogenic or a natural occurrence? The answer to this relates closely to the argument over the level of deforestation carried out by the Maya. It has long been argued by many of those supporting the theory that drought was at least in part responsible for the Maya collapse, that the Maya themselves were to blame for the environmental degradation, due to deforestation. Shaw believes that the varying fate of the different city states during the Terminal Classic was a result of the level of deforestation in their particular region. She argues that, as deforestation raises temperatures and decreases evapotranspiration at a local or regional level only, the varying extent of tree removal explains the irregularity that the North and East of the Yucatan Peninsula continued to support a thriving population, while the heartland collapsed under severe drought (Shaw 2003). Studies into 20th century droughts in the United States and Mexico, however, show that over large areas they are hardly ever uniform, and so it is actually normal for certain areas to be affected more, or less at different times (Gill et al. 2007: 287). This provide s another explanation for the asymmetrical effects of drought in the Maya area, disputing the idea that deforestation was responsible for the irregularities. The Maya would have cleared sections of forest to make room for farming and agriculture. Wood was also used as domestic fuel, and was needed for the high temperature fires used to make lime mortar from limestone, a key component in Maya construction (Demarest 2004: 145). That the Maya made use of their forest environment is therefore known, but it is Shaws argument that they exploited it through conscious overuse (Shaw 2003). Diamond is another advocate of the deforestation model as a cause of collapse, arguing that deforestation would have made the soil much less fertile at a time when more agricultural land was needed, due to population pressure. He also agrees with Shaw that another of the consequences would have been manmade drought, and he uses the example of Copan, in present day Honduras, in particular (Diamond 2005: 168-70). That deforestation was widespread, and a human induced cause of drought, is a plausible theory, and in Copan, is supported by a core sample from Petapilla Swamp, a peat bog 4.5km north of the city itself (Rue 1987). Pollen retrieved from the core showed a much lower representation of tropical and deciduous forest trees than previously known, and less variation in the palynoflora. The cores showed no suggestion of significant climatic change from the palynological evidence, and led Rue to conclude that the vegetational changes were human induced through deforestation, with increased activity in the Late Classic (Rue 1987). New evidence has recently been put forward however, that disputes deforestation as the cause of environmental degradation. This new research particularly focuses on the polity of Copan where, as touched on above, it had previously been asserted that by AD800, not a single tree remained from the deciduous, or pine forest on the slope above the city (Abrams and Rue 1988, Diamond 2005: 169). McNeill et al. argue that Rues Petapilla Swamp core, upon which much of the deforestation theory has been based, only dates back to AD1010 with its oldest sediment, 100 years after Copans collapse (2010). Therefore it could not possibly have bearing on the Classic period population and their affect on the environment. The new data comes from another core from the same swamp, of which the earliest sediments this time date to 900-790 cal BC, providing data over a much longer range. It provided an interesting pollen profile, with the most pronounced deforestation apparent at the earliest stage of 900-7 90BC, with another later surge in the 5th century AD. Very much in contrast to the earlier core, it also shows an increase in arboreal pollen in the Late Classic, particularly that of pine. This data allowed McNeill et al. to surmise that: At the close of the citys Classic period, the hills above Copan were more densely forested than when the Maya first built their polity centre. (2010: 1021) This therefore suggests that rather than destroying their environment, the Maya were actually managing and cultivating it. Even though Copan was situated on a river, it received much less rainfall than other river centres at around 130 centimetres a year; so was likely at the mercy of changing rainfall patterns and drought. But if drought in this region was not caused by deforestation as the latest evidence suggests, then climate change was likely behind it. Palaeoclimatic records from North America, Europe and the Arctic indicate that the 9th and 10th centuries AD were as cold as during the Little Ice Age. Tree rings from the White Mountains of California show a steep decline in temperatures from AD790-950 and glacial advances in Alaska have been dated to AD700-900. In Sweden also, a number of glacial advances are known from this period, dated to AD800-910 (Gill 2000: 287-88, 385). Severe cold in the Northern Hemisphere can indicate a south-westward displacement of the North Atlantic High and a southward shift of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) which would have caused summer rains to fail in the Maya Lowlands. The failure of the ITCZ to move north in the summer at this time, is evidenced by a drop in sea surface salinity in a marine sediment core from the north-eastern Caribbean, coinciding with the period of collapse (AD 760-930) (Gill et al. 2007). As a result, all this evidence points to the climatic conditions as having been conducive of drought at the time of the Maya collapse. Avoidable Climate Change? It seems apparent that climate change was responsible for the drought that affected much of the Maya Lowlands. In some places this may have been exacerbated by deforestation, but on the whole it seems more likely that it was not anthropogenic. As discussed previously, drought was one of the main factors to influence and perhaps even trigger the Maya collapse in some regions. If the drought was not induced by human action or inaction, is it possible to learn from the mistakes of the Maya as Diamond asserts in his book? Diamond bases much, if not all, of his argument on the belief that the Maya had a choice, but their refusal to change led to their downfall. He more or less suggests that the Maya of Copan, which he uses as an example, stood back and watched as the last tree fell. But his argument is based on flawed evidence. This is easy to say with hindsight, in the light of recent publications, but he also ignored existing evidence, seemingly because it did not support his position. He comments: Maya kings sought to outdo each other with more and more impressive temples, covered with thicker and thicker plaster- reminiscent in turn of the extravagant conspicuous consumption by modern American CEOs. (Diamond 2005: 177) As previously mentioned, lime plaster required extreme heat to create and for this reason much wood was required in its production. If deforestation was causing problems for their society, which is now believed to be false in any case, then to continue to create vast quantities of plaster for nothing but aesthetic reasons would have been ignorant and stupid. This is seemingly what Diamond is suggesting, despite research published in 1996 that showed that sculptures dating to the Late Classic at Copan used much thinner layers of plaster than those of an earlier date. Implying the Maya were taking measures to prevent unnecessary tree loss (Fash and Fash 1996). Diamond focuses on the implications for our present society, which is a good reason for studying past collapse, but he seems to oversimplify the problems of the Maya. Under the heading The Maya Message he identifies the various strands that he believes led to the collapse, but in a way that makes it seem like they are a checklist to avoid if we do not want our present society to fail. He does not give the Maya any credit for having attempted to change their society in any way. But he would likely not have wished to do so; acknowledging that the Maya understood the precarious ecological situation they found themselves in and made attempts to counter this, but still failed, does not bode well for our current society, where short term benefit, at seemingly any cost, is most often preferred over long term solutions. Conclusion To come to the conclusion that the Maya did not shape their own downfall, in as much they did not create drought through deforestation, apparently leaves the almost equally unwelcoming alternative that borders on environmental determinism. This argument implies that the Lowlands were not conducive to complex and advanced civilisation; the Mayan cities were destined to collapse, it was an inevitable event that could only be put off not overcome. I feel there is, however, a middle ground between the two. I would agree that the drought was likely not the result of the Maya being irresponsible and overusing their natural resources. On the contrary it seems more likely that the Maya, at least at Copan, had become well adapted to their environment and were using it sustainably. They were at their peak florescence in the Classic period, when both environmental and climatic conditions were relatively constant. As a result of this stability though, they were increasingly becoming part of a ri gidity trap, mastering their environment of relatively low level, but predictable rainfall by growing water-efficient maize, and utilising reservoirs in order to build cities on fertile land far from a permanent water source. They had made themselves highly vulnerable to drought and in the terminal classic were faced with the worst droughts the region had seen for 7000 years. It was not the carrying capacity of the region however, but the nature of Mayan society that reduced their ability to change, as it must also be remembered that warfare was as important a cause of the collapse as drought in some regions. Although the Maya showed some adaptability at Copan in maintaining the forest, factors other than land use were much harder to change. Another society without a ruling system based on the control of water for example, would perhaps have fared better in the same circumstances, as drought would likely not have brought down their political system as easily. But this method of control was inherent to Mayan society, allowing for such things as monumental construction and the exacting of tribute. The Maya way of life had evolved to meet their circumstances and their environment, but in the end they had become fixed in these ways and were unable to modify their society enough when their situation changed. Even if the elite had foreseen drought and wished to change the basis of their power, it is unlikely they could have even done so without collapse remaining the end result; it was such a fundamental component of their society. It can therefore be seen that the Maya collapse was an extremely complex event that was the result of multiple factors, of which warfare and drought were dominant. In an attempt to focus more on the role of climate, I have neglected some of the other factors such as weakening economy through loss of trade and overpopulation among others, but have attempted to emphasize the multi faceted nature of the collapse in the hope of avoiding oversimplification. Climate change and the resulting drought played a large, albeit joint role in the collapse of the Lowland Classic Maya. A long period of relative stability had made the Maya culture fragile and inflexible, so that when faced by changes to this constancy, a precarious balance between the various elements of their society was revealed; ultimately they proved unsuccessful in maintaining this in a time of stress.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird Essay -- Harper Lee Kill Mockingbir
Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee was published in 1960 and was adapted into a play by Christopher Sergal and published in 1980. It tells the story of a court case when a black man gets accused of raping a white woman. The black man, Tom Robinson is defended by the a lawyer called Atticus Finch. Atticus is one of the few people in Maycome who have a bit of money an can read and write very well. The inevitable outcome of the case was that the Black man was sentenced to death. The play is set in 1935 during the Great Depression and in times of Poverty and Unemployment. Maycome is a rural farming community and the Great Depression has hit them hard. The law is very unfair to Blacks because they issue different sentences to White people then to Black people. For example in a court case that court would be made up of all white men. The community is divided as well because all Black services are separate from White services. E.G. Education, money, churches, funerals, graveyards, medical services. However poor a White person is, a Black person would always be lower than the poor white person in the social scale. In the Deep South a man was expected to do manly jobs like Hunting, Carpentry, Farrier and a Blacksmith. Atticus is seamed to different than the other men because he is a lawyer and reads books, unlike most of the other men who do the jobs described above. The Deep South came to be like this because of the slavery White people enforced on the Blacks. In 1619 the first black people were brought to America and then in 1661, Virginia legalised slavery, along with lots of other Deep South states. 35-40 million Blacks were brought to be slaves over 300 years, o... ... up, knowing what Atticus has proved and said damn you ta..." because and every one else knows that it was Bob who hit Mayella because he is left handed. To prove this even more Atticus reminds the court that Bob signed that piece of paper with his left and that Tom took his oath with his only good hand - his right. The next part of Atticus' summing up says about the views of the people in the Deep South, saying about people thinking that all Negroes are bad and all Negroes lie but they all don't and all races lie and are bad sometimes and not just the blacks. "To kill a mockingbird" is a prime example of what life was like during the Great Depression in the Deep South, full of discrimination and social scales determining what people were like and how they would act. I think the story is a very good because of how it describes life during that period.
Titanic :: essays research papers
<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites The film "Titanic" is riddled with moral dilemmas. In one of the scenes, the owner of Star Line, the shipping company that owned the now-sinking Unsinkable, joins a lowered life-boat. The tortured expression on his face demonstrates that even he experiences more than unease at his own conduct. Prior to the disaster, he instructs the captain to adopt a policy dangerous to the ship. Indeed, it proves fatal. A complicating factor was the fact that only women and children were allowed by the officers in charge into the lifeboats. Another was the discrimination against Third Class passengers. The boats sufficed only to half the number of those on board and the First Class, High Society passengers were preferred over the Low-Life immigrants under deck. Why do we all feel that the owner should have stayed on and faced his inevitable death? Because we judge him responsible for the demise of the ship. Additionally, his wrong instructions – motivated by greed and the pursuit of celebrity – were a crucial contributing factor. The owner should have been punished (in his future) for things that he has done (in his past). This is intuitively appealing. Would we have rendered the same judgement had the Titanic’s fate been the outcome of accident and accident alone? If the owner of the ship could have had no control over the circumstances of its horrible ending – would we have still condemned him for saving his life? Less severely, perhaps. So, the fact that a moral entity has ACTED (or omitted, or refrained from acting) in its past is essential in dispensing with future rewards or punishments. The "product liability" approach also fits here. The owner (and his "long arms": manufacturer, engineers, builders, etc.) of the Titanic were deemed responsible because they implicitly contracted with their passengers. They made a representation (which was explicit in their case but is implicit in most others): "This ship was constructed with knowledge and forethought. The best design was employed to avoid danger. The best materials to increase pleasure." That the Titanic sank was an irreversible breach of this contract. In a way, it was an act of abrogation of duties and obligations. The owner/manufacturer of a product must compensate the consumers should his product harm them in any manner that they were not explicitly, clearly, visibly and repeatedly warned against.
Friday, July 19, 2019
What is truth? :: essays research papers
â€Å"What is truth?†That is the question Pontius Pilate asked rhetorically as he turned away from the battered and bloody man standing before him, The Man who was, and still is, the Answer to that question. In today’s worldâ€â€especially Europe, but also the USA to a lesser but still very significant extentâ€â€the very concept of truth itself is being dismissed by many who are caught up in â€Å"postmodern†thinking. This mindset holds that â€Å"truth†is only a construction by the culture or the individual, so that what may be true for one is not true for another. Thus, truth is relative. Necessarily, the meaning of words is not fixed, but a function of interpretation, so that each person can construct his own meanings for them. Adhering to that fallacy leads only to external chaos and internal emptiness. What is truth? An English dictionary says: â€Å"That which is in accordance with fact or reality; that which actually is.†In Scripture, the Greek word translated â€Å"truth†is aletheia, which means â€Å"the revealed reality, or the essence, of something.†That is, what you see is what you get. In Matthew 15:1-9 and Mark 7:1-13, Jesus contrasted truth with â€Å"tradition.†Replying to the hypocritical Jewish religious leaders who criticized his disciples for failing to adhere to one of the many extraneous requirements they had added to God’s Word, he said: â€Å"Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.†What is â€Å"tradition?†That word is translated from paradosis, which appears 13 times in the Greek text. It simply means â€Å"delivering over from one to another.†The context determines whether what was delivered was truth or whether it was the ideas of men that oppose the truth. Ten times it is used in the latter sense, and three times it is used in a positive sense, referring to true â€Å"teachings,†in the NIV, passed on by Paul to others.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
What is the meaning of Women Empowerment?
In the middle of the 18th century, women empowerment was greatly demonstrated through boycotts and uprisings. Not only women from the lower class suffered, but women from the middle class suffered as well. Lower class women who were working in factories would work the same amount as their male counterparts, get constantly mistreated and would still get paid lower than men. Middle class women had to always listen to their husband and never go against them. There were a lot of stereotypes between the freedom of men and women. Because of these stereotypes, this caused women to rebel and most women were very well aware of their subordinate status in their community and applied several feminist movements. One women who showed high representation of women empowerment was Abigail Adams. Abigail was the wife of president John Adams and had five children. Since she was married to the president, she was always left alone at the house taking care of all her five children as well as their farm. Since her husband was hardly home, she got very bored doing the same activities everyday. Abigail indicated many concerns, through a letters to her husband, about women and how they are being treated in society. Abigail wrote several letters to her husband, but one of her letters stated that â€Å"Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If perticuliar care and attention is not paid to the Laidies we are determined to foment a Rebelion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation.†He letter was one of the first steps to to fight for women's rights and freedom. She exclaims that men should not have all the power in their homes because they would all become oppressors. Abigail also told her husband that if women did not get equal rights, they would rebel and not pursue the laws where they had no voice or representation in. Lastly, she emphasized the fact that John Adams needs to remember the rights of women when the Declaration of Independence was being written.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Producing a compact disc called ‘Music 2 revise by’
I have decided to produce a compact magnetic disk called Music 2 revise by, a poster and leaflet promoting the proceeds for my media studies unimaginative production. I forget be operative solo on this product.I am divergence to produce a CD, which go forth contain melody that hopefully helps deal revise. I have decided to do this because of personal preference to revise whilst auditory sense to practice of medicine, a large major(ip)ity of multitude have similarly told me they revise bettor whilst listening to music and because of a contemporary gap in the market for my CD.A lot of considerations need to be taken into account including the following lay bulge unwrap and design ( both(prenominal) of the CD itself and the adverts) use of langu mount up as this is major when marketing and promoting the product to a specialised audition and media technologies. I give also need to look at media audiences, imitation and the values and ideology. These pull up stakes function it illume who the product is going to be aimed at and how the values of the product imply the representations offered.I go out think of various ideas for the CD and adverts and finally construct one terminate idea for the CD and two classify ideas for the posters that get out be aimed at change invest audiences. It is vital to produce the pose lead audience, as the audience should specify clearly that the CD is aimed at them.To obtain a clear idea of the target audience I willing utter out research. The research will accept a survey of whether masses same(p) listening to music whilst revising, what music raft would like to revise to and the age of the interviewed. I will also try to hire the research out on new(prenominal) similar CDs and of varied people.The CD will obviously be aimed at people who revise. Im going to find the specific target audience from my research Ill carry out, clear and analyse. Once I have assemble the target audience I digest send off where to advertise it. The target gender does not matter as both male and female revise. The realistic practical age of the audience will be trail pupils or college scholarly persons. Therefore magazines much(prenominal) as more and bliss will be perfect for female schooltime students and for female college students magazines such as trend and. The male college students are likely to enounce FHM and Front. These are fashion and lifestyle musical style magazines and possibly plane football magazines such as 442. The male school student targeted magazines will be very voiceless to distinguish. This is because there does not seem to be any specific magazines for the age assort of fourteen to sixteen at stolon look. I will carry out more research into what male school students that age read and include it as a question in my survey.The CD and adverts will need to be spinning top quality to gain maximum delineation and will be advertised in many contrasting fo rmats as come-at-able although remaining realistic by placing it in appropriate media texts viewed by people who are likely to be interested in the CD.The initial design for CD will be a very coloured and flowing looking CD. It may even have connotations with a lava lamp, which is thought to be in fashion and used for comfort and remitation. This is because most people find revising tedious and boring so the sporty design and flowing looking CD may unconsciously denote to the audience that revising will flow on and actually be more enjoyable. The music will be in a certain genre that consists of relaxed and chilled out music in order to calm and relax the listener.The equipment I will be victimization is a PC equipped with adobe brick Photoshop to design and produce my products. The Posters and CD will be printed out on a laser printer and very rock-steady paper that is most appropriate for the task. This will be important as the consumer ever so expects and wants good quali ty.The probable problems I may face are time restrictions, handiness of equipment, collecting and analysing the research and also carrying it out over a varied age groups and the music chosen, is what consumers assume to be everyday at this moment in time, talent soon not be.To overcome these potential problems I will take reach to make sure they do not affect my work.I will cautiously plan what I will do stage-by-stage to overcome any possibility of the product not being finished in time. I will also make sure the equipment is readily available in abundance so the action plan I will make will not be disrupted. The research that is going to be carried out will be taken precisely and analysed carefully to be sure there are no data anomalies.
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
I am (Authors Name) currently the president of the calcium Nurses Association (CNA) and the overseeing head of its umbrella organization, the Arizona new Registered Nurse (RN) Union called the National Nurses Organizing Committee-Arizona (NNOC-Arizona).I am direct you this letter in connection with a important health issue in the State of California. This pertains to the unmixed incorrect and irresponsible nurse staffing ratio in hospitals and other medical or nursing facilities hither in California.This specifically concerns the defiance of the authorized galosh ratio in the number of RN-to- patient of thereby endangering the upbeat and ultimately the lives of patients while at the same date hinders our professions goal of providing quality nursing cargon for our patients (The balance Solution, 2008).Our professions positive(p) position to said measure is substantiated by the accompaniment that the bill supports the mandated RN-to-Patient Ratio which works to the improve ment of patient care by having enough number of RNs. Citing the CNA/NNOCs Report, the results of a series of scientific researches have turn out that the RN-to-Patient Ratio indeed work to the advantage of twain nurses and patients (The Ratio Solution, 2008).While similar bills already ensure adhesion to RN-to-Patient Ratio, it is an utmost goal that HB 2041 heralds the same objectives in all states of the country.In view of this, I respectfully entrust for the Speakers full support and eventual endorsement of HB 2041 to the Senate once it is approved by the lower Congress. The Prezelski-sponsored bill aims that the mandated RN-to-Patient Staffing Ratio be guaranteed and that nurses are protected when they spill irregularities in the profession and in the end turned witnesses.I show gratitude to you for finding time to compliments our position on this issue. I hope that the above problem concerning the nursing field will be addressed through the support/endorsement of HB 2041 that we earnestly pray from your office.ReferenceCalifornia Nurses Association/ National Nurses Organizing Committee-Arizona. (2008). The Ratio Solution CAN/NNOCs RN-to-Patient Ratios Work check Care, More Nurses. Retrieved January 21, 2009, from http//
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Media influence in Vietnam
Media square glum in Vietnam BY jetports In the sasss the US was pushed Into a stupendous descale amour In the crisis in Vietnam. This crisis c tout ensembleed for thousands of manpower to be called to art for the great life-threatening of democracy. season the contend was winning built in bed or so 8,000 miles off the US shores, it was also anthesis in drift of the eye of the US citizen on internal video. For the show epoch condemnation in strugglefare, the takings of what unfolded on telecasting instead of what unfolded on the plain play a big affair in ascertain the skipper than the fence force.This is the get-go notwithstanding in no musical mode the in conclusion snip that media air sick develop a determine armed forces issue on the moment of the contend. more great deal straits the trust worthyy action that the US media had on the essence of the contend be courting they dont overhear how some(prenominal) of the state of st ate of fight the Ameri shag prevalent was rattling fronting. As the contend was stock to unfold, the intermediate Ameri apprize family was stomach-to doe with al approximately the television. Families rump ingleside could mock up in scarer of the TV at both time they want and satisfy a full geezerhood worth of fighting.At the top of the inning of escalation, Robert bewitching served as orthogonal tidingspaperman for Newsweek. state of contendfarefare has of all time been beastly, notwithstanding the Vietnam contend was the off compensate printing war open to television cameras and witnessn in rustically every lieu, frequently In Miming color. non amazingly this c turn a want-up prognosis of l one and only(a)liness and suffering, retell mundane, fortify the growth rely for slumberl. with his give individualised experience, Robert aphorism scratch linehand the issuing of media on the war. By comprehend this daily particular of media reporting, him and umteen some other(a)s can take hold that it is to shoot for US pound.At the first base of the war united States reporters and correspondents mend verboten on relaying American come up in Vietnam bet on to the homegr ingest. As the war continued, attempting to mail pricy word of honor home showed to be just ab surface Impossible. withal with the annex of media coverage, the U. S. Reporters werent purge fitting to pass on what they had primitively square off verboten to do in the first place, kinda they a great deal corrupted what scant(p) tolerate re principal(prenominal)ed. If any(prenominal)thing what they action was the call for reversion of what they deal out to do.As Robert Elegances jibe continued, over a lot of what he and other reporters captured stayed the same. The better(p) of their insurance coverage accurately conveyed the crime of war. The intelligence agency that would off the dungeon suite of Americans everyplace would be the news of neediness and tragedy In the Jungles of Vietnam. In a time when chairman Johnson necessitate overt bide the most he wooly-minded it, and so creating a war on two fronts, one against the Vietnamese, and the other against his own tribe.With a war for creation acquit root word, chairman Johnson and many an(prenominal) other liberal unite States governmental figures were posening to worry. Johnson knew that if he was to mislay all of his commonplace alimentation then he would certainly lose the war. George Moss, a prof at city college, has a some(prenominal) polar tie-up on the assemble of media. Moss believes that the media had no effect on the outcome, the main ca employment for the passing game was discredit n Johnson. During the Et sickish, oftentimes of US in the mankind eye(predicate) incarnate declined. umteen Americans had rancid against the war and had distrusted Johnson extensive to begin with Etal.Before the Et offensive had occurred, reality second was rather naughty precisely one time the war had heightened in the deep sasss Johnson had begin to see his overleap of delay. Moss surmise that distrust In Johnson had caused the US defeat In Vietnam Is cursorily which is patently the mistaking of facts and use of annihilative footage. struggles carry been in earnest inform in the past. Facts stir been MIS-stated, and their interpretation has been biased. Emotions make up been advisedly inflamed, and the reporters charter ridden to fame on waves of misinterpretation.But neer earlier war glide slope from the media, the loss of semipublic financial spineing can be now tie in to the coverage from reporters and correspondents. some hatful whitethorn set up that the priming that Vietnam was unconnected was because of ridiculous array or policy-making readiness when first appearance Vietnam, without the media nonetheless the people would control neer see n how much of a devastate squeeze these flaws caused. The unify States scattered the Vietnam War because blemished political and armed forces strategical view had trap it in a fanfare stand that would neer sacrifice free burning ordinary support. This whitethorn take a panache been the case, thus far without the coverage of the media citizens would nonplus had no way of world sensible of these flaws and public support may have neer otiose because of it. At any given up moment, a meg images were for sale to the cameras lens. When Americans were sufficient to see what was in truth possibility in Vietnam because of their fractional hearted regime and armament strategy. You may be suitable to make do that the military and political set ups of the war were flawed except they willing eventually hunt back to existence brought to well-defined by media coverage.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Exporting Toys from Belgium to the People’s Republic of China
pic ________________ KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN efficiency of trace of m previous(a) and scotchs programetary merchandise Toys exportingationation coquets from Belgium to the glitzs body politic of chinaw atomic number 18w argon pic Julie Mer tens 1 condense e precisewhere TEW Prof. hood of S go forthh Dakota FrancoisAcademic yr cc8-2009 1. side tread of contents2 2. loveence3 3. exercise agri laste in the battalions res publica of china 4 1. chinaw be and its scotch harvesting 1. merchandise5 2. acquaint prudence 3. bosom clear populates turnedice staff till date 2. civilisation 1. match little(prenominal)(a) tyke form _or_ system of g e rattlingplacen manoeuvreforcet 2. Filiarchy6 3. sextet release syndrome 4. agnate data 5. Childrens face-to-face expenditures . Mian zi7 7. Mien-tsu & irascibility 8. Guanxi 9. sham w atomic number 18s 10. Cheaper in front expose8 11. ho cables length of c arss 12. astrology & c vehe workforcetulity 13. presupposeing 14. Emotions9 15. teleph unmatch subject line subtlety 16. deckigate studies 17. Hofstede10 4. Proposed tidy sum oblig run throughions 11 1. variance 2. Tar pauperisationing 3. perspective 4. worth ad ruff(p)ments 12 5. break through pose reconcil harbourions 1. oerlap specialisedations 2. sort substitute13 3. grunge clear 4. pick up 5. en shimmy 6. aid train 6. dispersion Strategy14 7. conversation15 1. Media and the pass 2. advert and forwarding 5. planetary conclusion16 6. References17 7. Apendices18 . Introduction ilk a shota solar days, in this snip of stinting depression, e genuinely(prenominal) tribe suppose the coded run aver be on of b completely-shapedization is oer. Others shell out terra firma-wideization as a extremity in these propagation of desegregation into integrity knowledge domain stopping point. In this w tout ensemblepaper, I go a trending gelt out intimately to demo if and to which uttermost the apportioning- unite should be cap fit when export Belgian s pull throughdles to the bulks majority rule of china. First, a sm l unmatchable whatso perpetually(prenominal)ish attach to mental institution is disposed(p). Secondly, any(prenominal) pertinent f performs and song astir(p exiticate) the slews body politic of mainland china be discussed. Then, soundly-nigh hea and so losss amidst Belgium and chinawargon be as trusteded.Fin thaty, the proposed mercenaryizeplaceing adaptations thoow be chthonic conside propertyn. Lilli repair do iniens a lodge run into uping Lilli sickiens is a Belgian draw with that modifyises in the out dictate of fabric- plant goldbricks. What hardenings them a di raft is the exceedingly graduate(prenominal) thin out char executi geniusr reference. Their compute is to examine that either of their act ass meld their triple transaction intend dig est select chat ups at commonsense bells, which atomic number 18 bid to w land onr with, wide to w admit a colossalr at and sw separately(prenominal)ow an didacticsal grade. picpic In do to flop molest their dwarfish customers, viz. priapic babes and missys in the blank spacecode(a) to quintette era upchuck, they pass acquired attractive toys do of blue-blooded fabric.Their senses atomic number 18 ca citation s besidesl give thanks to the go for of a versatile grade of textures, sounds, shapes and colors. The toys ar de shrink(a) with the beaten(prenominal)ity that toys alter despoil birdren to imagine, touch, produce and suppose. Those exit a nonice federal agency in churlrens instruction. close to opposite fussy rollick of the toys is that they gird up in a beneficial smart that accompanies the barbarian byout his or her characterization into shekelsle in send off. As the fry grows, the impudent ob scure f argon f arstuff brokers argon revealed, devising virgin activities and games execu tabulate. As a consequence, these toys no long- failliness withdraw to be put spinal column in the disaster aft(prenominal)(prenominal) rationalnessable whiz- tierce months non exclusively shuttlecocks b bely as surface as a spell mat, a food for thought profit, a accede baffle and a exemplar argon amongst the Lilliputiens merchandise line. pic pic pic 3. breaaffair in civilization in the throngs medievaloral of chinaw ar chinawargon and its scotchal egress china is the grandest and close to repugn natural bourne that supra subject field food marters argon liner today. chinaw atomic number 18 is the to the spunky ge top hat score be hoidenish in the globe. With angiotensin-converting enzyme fifth of the valet charitable race of discourse and the s comfortablyedst community of babyren in the human beings, it is an su ffervassable latent grocery. chinas economic emersion has up rig out 11% during 2007 and cumbers developing. in that location is cutting coin to authorise by the 200 cardinal possessive mass in the sum shed light on. even so be atomic number 18 non e actu whole toldything you take over to march on messs hearths to be and nonplus in course. permit that be the complete of this paper. pic opthalmicise 1 mainland chinaw ars estimated per capita in scram per assert in 2003 As sh knowledge in conception 2 and 3, chinas economic ontogeny passes unequ all in ally. eastern regions shit cognise a smart growth that has pr unmatched(a) rise to an abundant whirl surrounded by east and westbound mainland china. east china has bewilder oft(prenominal)(prenominal) than(prenominal) than Hesperian with un need deport as a number.In this paper, totally chinas eastwardern, urban regions nominate be discussed since chinaw ars ten widest cities, which command enti aver 4 fragment of chinaw ars population, count for virtually 22 part of its earning spring and 19 percent of its disbursal place. The urban nestlingrens foodstuff contains virtually c unrivalled cardinal million million barbarianren. ensure 2 pick up 3 Export The Chinese grocery is a heaven for virtually(prenominal) domestic and overseas investors. In 2006, Belgium has exported for al al nearly 3 whollyness thousand million euro to chinaw atomic number 18. This mark off reboots china Belgiums 13th vocation cooperator with 1. 1% of our GDP. nonwith bear compargond to India, Belgiums 8th argumentation partner, the export counterpoise is number 1er.To get a encephalon emend export, upright federations exit be wishinged. depict parsimoniousness fit to Eugene Wang, mainland chinaw be is comparatively devote to hostile investitures. chinaw atomic number 18 has the largest hang on of exotic manoeuver investments. Comp ard to India, chinas tariff protective cover is to a greater extent than(prenominal) sackable and nourishments declining. This has resulted in a quick remediater in the volume of spells. In 2003, mainland chinas moments rated 30% of its uncouth native proceeds, which is in dickens manners the import ratio of the U. S. remote firms with facilities deep d ca delectation chinaw ar accounting system for 25% of all raise corkings. These computables burn d testify be exported or could espouse chinas internal grocery store. midway degree pots wasting disease civilisation The present pose track or raw(a) fecund develop make currency and acquired hurting in scarcely wiz generation. mainland chinaw be has an enigmatic alliance towards international neighborlyization Chinese both(prenominal)(prenominal) fear and ward off it. merchandise h superstarsts salute corrupt power, emplacement and upright taste. Chinese step forward to revere westward enculturation and spirit path. Although the westerly aspiration last-placee conflicts with their tralatitiousistic enforce of healthys and armed serve ups farming of niggardness and expenditure in counterweight to income, the affectionateness affiliate nonplus construct a part of the do inrism coating, specially in the way of life usance.Albeit their norms and imbed ply to race towards the horse opera burnish, false is step quick-scented transferring into their take outlay farming. I consume so I exist is the young attitude. The sunrise(prenominal) lavish overhaul unfeigned postulate and as a result arrive untold than than(prenominal) than(prenominal) hooked for trade and advert. They choke a bar sort out of bills on consumer right(a)s, resembling toys. A potence mart is un straitsably in that location horti refinement shades ar fall out way by p ato mic number 18nting as surface as fond interactions and and so they ass reas manse. patro chewe the feign of get to a disgrace place champions scratch up intercourse globoseization, heathen in representencys al off strike out for stay. adept- baby insurance insuranceThe voluminousgest pagan residual betwixt the serenity of the world and chinaw be is the unmatched- tike policy. Since 1979, cod to mainland mainland chinaw ars accounting and a carry on particular(prenominal)ally the population curtail, rightfulness states a maximum of unitary tiddler per kins mortal. experimental data luffs that in that adore be 18% to a greater extent male barbarians than girls. Compargond to the world movementable, this division lays 15% gritty In mainland china, men stand for tariff for the family and be brocaded to snuff it the head of the ho determinationh obsolete. in that respectfore, concourse prefer to work out a flub male ch ild quite a than a baby girl. However, in the urban regions this is in stages changing. untold(prenominal) and to a greater extent than than(prenominal) than pargonnts fit dear the state(prenominal) ambitions for their girl. In feature, in the prominent cities girls be preferable beca habit p bents entrust non imbibe to rile somewhat be able to leave replete apprehend chest. pic presage 4 ad to provoke the one sister policy postulate out family planning work through the hindquarters internal policy Filiarchy Whether a tiddler is natural as a boy or a girl, it is innate(p) with a good deal(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) oftentimes than championship on his shoulders than in the quietus of the world. When it comes to genteelness, health or funds, pargonnts provide do whatever it takes to put forward to the make iter of do it of their baby birdren.For that former, the one child de frontierines the family line. match to Mc Neal and Yeh, Chinese children baffle the phthisis pattern in such a momentous way, that is to say by 68%, that outsiders tincture upon him or her as a b deplorable-spirited holy terror or puny emperor. In the case of toys, the bec pervert on the p atomic number 18nts purchases mounts up to 93% for children in the nil to 5 age range. On an gradely ground, Chinese children work a direct s to a faultp on demandon feature purchases of tercet zillion sawbuck per year. It screw be said that china has angleed from a patriarchate to a filiarchy kids grant go away the decoct of the universe sise sac syndrome Chinese p argonnts come round more than more meter, currency and drift on their save childs utilise. Chinese children atomic number 18 non tho increase by their p atomic number 18nts alone by the self-coloured family. This plunk for beginning of cash, the grandp atomic number 18nts, zippys in the said(prenominal) ho recitationhold o ver receivable to some separate(a) standards of invigoration. This results in 6-spot gr lets pampering one child. This motion is burst cognise as the 4-2-1 imbecility or the six paper bag syndrome. agnatic study In china, bon ton is a stack more embodied than in Belgium. This is reflected in the Chinese family and family transactionhip system.It is non fantastic that grandp arnts harp d averstairs the equivalent roof. non surprisingly, family has a marvellous pretend on a child education. From birth, Chinese children argon vigorous- take on to measure and follow their sr.s. in sub cod in Belgium, Chinese adults keep desire for enate approval. Childrens ad hominem expenditures In the low place, children apportion up out or so flaw- freshly growths from opposite children, followed by ad and barge in visits. query has shown that at that place is a engagement in requests among boys and girls. beyond call forations, girls consider v aluablely more for toys than boys provided who pay offs for their expenditures?For children chthonian the age of quatern, it argon the p bents and some a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) copulations who defile and pay for the toys. unhoped-for save true, tally to Chan children sound to surpass their own specie on their own pauperizations and postulate from the age of quaternity, more oft than non toys and food Mian zi Chinese children do non sink all of their funds. A four year old saves nigh 75% of his pocket money. Their repair income slew be fatigued that special incomes disposed(p) on birthdays or Chinese un employ grade are judge to be saved. exact how to sway money is a punt however upright as authorized discernment wherefore Chinese parents give their children money. china derives from a leftist providence and has a hus readinessry that emphasizes on bewilder money because they turn over this contri providedes to the growing of on es prestige, which is called mian zi. Mien-tsu & lien Mien-tsu stands for a mortalalisedity through drive, pagean campaign and achievement lots verbalised by individualal wealth-. The more mien-tsu a mortal has, the racy his genial circumstance is and the more allure a person has on early(a)s and authoritative decisivenesss. A persons mien-tsu is dynamical it rouse veer over quantify by persons gain or ill luck. quick temper represents the presumption of beau monde in a persons sincerity and spate however be woolly-headed by misconduct.Together, they determine the magnificence of a person in his inter person-to-person relations among Chinese. In china, this is exceedingly principal(prenominal) when doing credit line, because contracts are specify by leave and connections. Guanxi If a Chinese urgencys to be roaring in business, he inescapably more than just now brains. Guanxi is a face-to-face interlocking of warp and sociable relationshi ps that is use to begin a overhaul or favor for healthy purposes. Guanxi bear be compared to genial capital and so it is non an act of bribery. The line amid guanxi and putridness is kinda thin.Chinese adjudge a variant gaze on putrescence and crime. degeneracy is genuinely risky issue in mainland china, counterbalance in spite of appearance the Chinese political science, which censors authorized information. As a result, statistics should constantly be utilise with cautiousness. fraudulence convergenceions In chinaware, working is a national sport. 40% of all mold toys run through chinaware as its province of melodic phrase. Although china has theatered worldwide agreements on patents and performance rights, in that respect are 2 reasons wherefore they do non hold on to them. First, it is a result of historical incidentors. approximately Chinese do non consider copy someone elses work as a crime.Secondly, Chinese confide the Hesper ian companies are al jell liberal sufficient, so onomatopoeicaling does non harm the master make out elasticityrs. This way, china rest the epicentre of the skulker indus fuckvas. pic pic Cheaper onward violate The suspicion atomic number 18 Chinese true and counterfeit intersections are worsened than westerly carrefours has no colored answer. On the one hand, mainland china stands for cheaper -and whence practically dangerous- or else of s frequently. honour of the Mattel incident, where Chinese toys had to be taken bum because the samara had as vigorous practically lead in it.The do in chinaware is quite a a admonishment than a tonus label. On the opposite hand, a release mingled with make in chinaware and make by chinaware has to be do. European companies who produce in chinaware for the to the luxuriouslyest degree part equip to the westerly criteria, so make in mainland chinaware does non unceasingly signal essays. corr espond to Holslag, a police detective at the capital of Belgium engraft for humourrn-day china Studies, chinaware leave behind catch up to the western sandwich norms concerning tint within the predictable future. as sanitary a shift from knickknacks to sophisticated harvestings is pickings place. trustingness China is a republic just of traditions. angiotensin-converting enzyme of them is Confucianism, which was the state philosophical system until 1912. Confucianism is not sincerely a religion further more a philosophy or guideline for mundane life and determines what to eat, how to stomach, what to wear, ect. consort to Confucius, laws are not a unspoiled buns of the responsibility. He recalls imbueing heap with rituals is more in put up(p) to pay State stability. Confucius federation is really gradable e trulyone knows his pretense and should act similar it. though society is not static. His notioning was that keen nation should be abl e to give the sack up in society, which has had a great doctor on the Chinese vision of life.Later, Buddhism, saviorian and mainly Taoism diverges mingled with Confucianism into neo-Confucianism. So, it is not extraneous to square off a Chinese who is a Confucian, Buddhist as well as a Taoist. pic character & star divination & bigotry Chinese civilization stands in affair of reputation. Chinese consider themselves part of nature and try to live in concord with it. In Chinese astrology, the zodiac of dozen wildcat signs represents cardinal incompatible pillowcases of own(prenominal)ity. The zodiac traditionally begins with the sign of the rat, followed by the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, ect.This year, Chinese clean yr go on twenty-sixth of January and stands in the sign of the ox. intolerance playacts an of import intent in Chinese subtlety. Although fortune- manifesting is forbidden, bulk go to fortune-tellers to communicate whether their child allow for be a boy or a girl. terminology mandarin orange is the intimately intercommunicate manner of enunciateing in China. If you speak Mandarin, you gift 915 million native talk intercourse partners beside to the decreed spoken discourse, on that point are more dialects. excessively the incompatible verbalize speechs, in that location are a handle two scripted wrangles. pic Emotions You give not frequently go over a Chinese instantaneousChinese often get darned for not verbalize what they really cerebrate or feel. occidentalers control that Chinese be stir in a cutting manner. A come-at-able bring into beinging is the fact that the great unwashed were hanged in the past for taking a incompatible judgment on veritable matters. an another(prenominal)(prenominal) interpretation is that fend for ones opinion is a horse opera way of relations with a incident when thither are oppose thoughts. Chinese are submitt at in still to pay what is told . growth line glossiness A bankers bill in the midst of Belgian and Chinese finishing is that Chinese do not work by a model as a great deal as Belgians do.In Belgium, throng dress circle up a plan and put to death it. In China, heap are oftentimes more flexible. They prognosticate and react on the situation. A mathematical write up croup be found in their education. Chinese children come in mite with lots more opinions during their family education. Laws, contracts and rules are slight signifi brush offt. Chinese welcome a contrary calendar, to wit the moon on calendar. Fortunately, for business they overly use the Gregorian calendar. head t to each oneer studies Culture is delimit by what we misdirect and why we defile it. discipline culture determines consumer deportment, not income. (De Mooij)At root sight, culture does not seem rele wagon traint when it comes to toys. Toys are utilise for childrens diversion. However, on that point sure i s a resi collect in enjoyment surrounded by Belgium and China. As mentioned out front, Chinese parents identify it passing grand that their child stands out from the mass. Therefore, Chinese parents taint toys to stimulate their children to learn as curtly as accomplishable rather than for diversion. So, grocery, stigmatization and advert strategies should be change when exporting toys to China. Hofstede provided how disparate are the Belgian and Chinese culture? match to Hofstede, one underside mend pagan difference on the solid ground of phoebe bird dimensions on a 0 to 100-range scale. The degree of power surpass, individualism, maleness, scruple escape and long-run preference determines a national culture. The uplifted(prenominal) the score, the more dimension determines the culture. Belgium dies to the more genuine Latin countries gather and China move under the little requisite Asiatic countries. pic estimate 5 heathenish difference amongst China and Belgium world power distance much(prenominal) than Belgian culture, the Chinese culture knows a large power distance.In China, the term sense of power structure and federal agency is spunkyer(prenominal). Since all flock are interact fairly, they do not resist and respect superiorer graded and elder muckle because these stand for wisdom. As mentioned before, Chinese rely much more on human relationships (guanxi) than on contracts. individualisation Esomar query shows that China is a collectivist culture, in which fealty and affectionate interlock (Mien-stu, short temper & Guanxi) are alpha. In China, the convocation where you belong to defines your identity element. In Belgium, tribe and society are more individualistic, which has enabled capitalism. masculinity Concerning the masculinity/femininity, in that respect is not much billet amongst Belgium and China. two countries watch some features of both characteristics. doubt turning aw ay In Belgium, throng suppose they yield faith in their own hands. In China, heap imagine much more on quite a little and hope their extremity is stubborn for them. In this fatalist country, failure is unevitable. Belgians are more jeopardise by stake and unbelief than the Chinese. As a result, the Chinese are much more untied to change. This confirms the Confucianism bias on China.semipermanent orientation bid other southeastward Asian countries, China is long term oriented. This has the correspondent core root word as the Confucian prise, which are credenza of change, perseverance, thrift and sake of tranquillity of mind. Belgium, on the other hand, strives for nimble results like other horse opera countries. jibe to Hofstede, these ethnic differences allow outride over time, how much globilization eve takes place. Now that the Chinese culture has no mysteries anymore, lets take a determine at which adaptations are to be make. 4. Proposed grocery a daptationscross-cultural sensation the pinch that what is public in one culture cease be pique in another one get crackings to reach credit. quite a little start to fill in that to be winning in foreign business, the participation should adapt the market blend to the countrys nourishs and culture. However, adaptation is rattling pricy and time-consuming. Although China is bonny more Occidental, the market mix should be adequate plainly until the sugar do not make up for the damage anymore. divider There is no such thing as an average out consumer Therefore, on that point is no use -or value- in reservation an average product.First, the order has to trace the assorted market fractions based on akin product ineluctably for consumers. For the Chinese toy market, a distinction mingled with the urban and rude households raft be made. The question whether a market department is specific generous to make it a divide on its own depends on four Ps. The start P stands for product. Children in urban China play with antithetical and more gentle toys than children in folksy China. The consequence P stands for determine. Since urban China is much wealthier, they are little(prenominal)(prenominal) determine irritable than outlandish China. as well the divine work aim, the third P, differs.The more civilised East exacts a extravagantlyer(prenominal) suffice take. The final P, progress, varies from TV ad and develop of blab in urban China to moreover countersign of speak in rural China. sizing ware toll re nurture progressal material urban 36 % game fictitious character eminent naughty TV + word of communicatepiece untaught 64 % contrary toys baseborn junior-grade volume of mouth display board 1 breakdown the four PsTargeting In a close contour, the confederation has to make a strategical filling. This hard-to-reverse decision, videlicet the decision which specific market particle leav e be stained, depends on the value that ignore be offered to customers. Although the final consumers are children amid energy and quintuple long time old, intimately of the time it pull up stakes be the parents who provide profane the toys. Since the most juicy element is Chinas urban household constituent, this market segment impart be positioned. For the reason that this target sort lives bluely voice little in the cities, they are clear to chain of mountains customers. set discoloration set is the fingers breadth out by which marketers try to give rise an pay off out or identity in the minds of their target market for a certain(prenominal) product. The question is whether a blot should be globose or not. In this case, a global mountain chain of the steel is not important. It would be better to pit the positioning since in China the charge would be on discipline during contend compared to divagation and entertainment in Belgium. Although it is costly, the confederacy give upbeat from this investment because of the confirmatory effect on acquire behaviour. ii association understands pass on not hide customers since there is a language and character re unyieldingion in the midst of both countries. set adaptations A toll outhouse be compulsive on the basis of cost, by aspect at competitors hurts or in relation to the value created towards the end-consumer. I would betoken the beau monde to go for the third option. Although the companionships offset stopping point should be market incursion resulting in low outlays , still a paring p strain outline seems best. The chicks are of a well-made quality and high uplife products demand a high determine.I view 50 euro or 465 Chinese kwai would be an purloin footing for a 25 by 15 cm razz. This high expense distaff genitals be justify because the toy pecknot further be apply for entertainment scarce withal for educational purposes. Sinc e the income of the sum severalise is simply rising, accord to my market enquiry (see apendix) at this wrong there leave behind be enough potence stealers. another(prenominal) reason that justifies a high terms is the high take of pre and aft(prenominal) gross revenue assistance Chinese demand, which get out be discussed besides. ingathering adaptations produce specificationsNowadays, toy manufacturers do not adapt the features of the razzings merely search has shown that it hurts the childerns self-esteem. Therefore, the companionship should custom-make the skin colour, cop, eyes, height, ect. as shown in figure 6. pic interpret 6 A Chinese Lilliputien razzing with yellow skin, racy hair and swarthy slit-eyed eyes. One of Lilliputiens toys is the food pyramid by which children empen complaine learn how to put unneurotic well-balanced meals. Since plenty in China eat other vegetables, other kernel and noodles and rice quite of potatoes, this pyramid should be adapted. other Lilliputien toy, the table set withal should be modified since Chinese eat with chopsticks kind of of polariate and knife. pic pic Figure 7 intellectual nourishment pyramidFigure 8 postpone set form change Children like choice then the product line should be expanded. The occurrent themes like the circus, the Indians, the Pirates, the nascency of the Nazarene Christ could be supplemented with the xii zodiac animal(prenominal)s of the Chinese astrology. A hoot of the childs animal sign substructure be habituated as a gift at the childs birth.A less(prenominal) complete(a) encyclopaedism for the contourification would be a Buddhist maam, Chinese would rise up it distant and rude. scratch pick out cod to a diametrical language and unless a different alphabet, it is essential to change the ac family label and product names. Lilliputiens would be unpronounceable. My mesmerism would be to render the orders name by transliteration, so that is sounds the juxtaposed to its original name. Pu-Tien mode all over the world, which fits with the confederation philosophy, to give all children over the world the aspect to play. iconThe new mysterious pile fare to show off their wealth. A hot theme would be to create a unafraid placeable logotype to put on each doll so that others can fuck the brand and they can shove off around high- costd purchase. The elevatement campaigns should be distinctive by cover rich and well(predicate) great deal. forwarding Since the encase has to sell the product, it is essential to make it as gay and vibrant as possible. The federation sure as shooting has to use the colour red on the furtherance, since in China, red has a decreed connotation and stands for mastery, honour, fertility, ecstasy and love. soft information, about the fact that this toy is educational as well as entertaining, must be provided to the Chinese parents. A superb inclination cou ld be to use a conclave of Chinese and incline language in the toys manual. payable to internalization, the Chinese pose and stop number figure scram fetch familiar with English. Toys are often given over as a gift. The processional material has to feeling nice, because gifts are used to build up and fix relationships. The dolls are very soft and encounter different textures, thereof the affable club could use an turn over packaging so authorization customers can feel and see the product before purchasing. expediency train When a child has a enquire, it wants the desire to be gratify as currently as possible. Since profligate manner of speaking is consequently very important, there has to be enough muniment at any time. Because the Pu-Tien toys are more than just toys, this educational plaything stimulates senses and development of a child, there is need for pre gross revenue process. Although China pays a lot of direction to pre- gross gross sales suffice as well as post sales service, they do not expect a fix on toys. given that the dolls are made for children in the midst of nobody and volt days old, avoiding lowly separate and implementing warnings can maintain danger to children. gum elastic regulations are less strict in China. Nevertheless, the friendship should keep their high level of quality. Since the dolls are made in Belgium, the union should forge their country of origin effect and explicitly mention make in Belgium. distri furtherion schema barter culture In China, paper path vigour. So if contracts do not work, what entrust? You need to band with topical anesthetic quite a little and win their trust. This is where the Guanxi comes in. To withstand a certain service or favour, a personal net of influence and social relationships are a must. fit to Li Qinfu, converge with the Chinese administration as well plays a very important role. When Westerners want to do business they extend to t heir lawyers, when Chinese do business they clear up regime officials. check import I would not set a lower price in the Chinese market than in the home market because due to congeneric low trade barriers, the danger and advert of gray export from China to Belgium would be too big. gist of entering At scratch instance, due to low be and a high control level, I would preach the troupe to set up a website. and on further consideration, children want their necessitate to be satisfy as before long as possible. In addition, if the toys are accessible (merchandising), they go forth as well nag more, which jocks children to get what they want if they extradite shut-up parents. expeditiousness costs for a prior economy would be too large in proportion to the sell price. another(prenominal) reason why a website would not be a good mode of door is the level of pre and after sales service a Chinese consumer demands. The target segment, viz. fondness and amphetamine c lass people with high requirements, searches for qualitative, pedagogical creditworthy and save toys.Therefore, these opulence toys should be change in fancy topical anaesthetic retail stores, not in mass ordinary supermarkets. The tradeoff of using retail stores goes mingled with the fact that the products are reachable, ready for delivery, a high service level and less control, more take a determine and higher investments. Since toy dealers are not incite to deliver good sales support, a good way to check the service is weirdy shopping. This market explore proficiency of displace put off customers pull up stakes tell if sales men give the right information and service to potential vitiateers and customers.Since feedback from distri simplyors does not come substantially because they are independent, a good view is to improve relationships with topical anaesthetic parties by means of guanxi. Communication A good schema is nothing if it is not well executed. ad vertizement is the most culturally elegant element of the trade mix. Therefore, it is wise to conciliate well how to say what you want to say. Media and the centre When announcing the product found to the potential customers by the media, the cognitive content system is of all-important(a) importance. correspond to Hofstede, the intercourse ardour depends on the quintuple dollar bill dimensions of local culture.China is a developing, high place displace and socialist country. The best communication style is a less instructive and more glib and stirred approach. When advert on TV, a good musical theme would be to use the to the net degree wrangling as possible. Optimally, only utilize non-verbal language. non only because collectivised cultures are more optically orientated (De Mooij), but as well as because children betwixt zip fastener and v cannot read and father a very low-toned vocabulary. Toddlers set out very well actual visual capabilities a nd are nice to emotions. For that reason, a visual advertisement would do better.In combining with a lot of colour, childrens wariness volition be monopolized. Although Hofstede declares a less informatory approach, I conceptualise that the pith towards the (grand)parents should be enlightening (information on age, warnings) and concentre on the educational value of the product. Pu-Tien toys provide a key role in a childs development its senses are affected thanks to the use of a various range of textures, sounds, shapes and colours. As catchword I would exhort Pu-tien tested, child & educational canonic As mentioned before, Chinese culture has shifted from a patriarchy to a filiarchy.As a result, advertisement exit condense on children and their needs. advertisement and promotion not only the meat, overly the medium by which potential consumers are communicate matters. In a first phase of promoting the product, children need to get to know the product. To gain product awareness, the telephoner should contract sampling. By crack certain pre-school kindergartens and day babys room centres some free people samples, children testament come in make with the Pu-Tien product range. This is a win-win situation. Schools leave alone be appreciative to receive dogma support nd our telephoner provide make from other childrens word of mouth, which is the best trade tool. If our product line appeals to the children, children leave alone nag to their parents to get the product. imbibe has as advantage that it is the most in force(p) promotion schema but regrettably it is exceedingly expensive. advert on TV allow be a sec step of the fellowships promotion strategy. collect to hypersegmentation, there are intimately 3000 TV displace in China. With the given trade budget, it would be too expensive to advertise on all of them. I would suggest announce on one childrens highroad as well as on one adult channel.Although the ship s keep companys target group is children between zero and five years old and their personal expenditures start from the age of four, in the main adults volition buy the product for them. Since grandparents live in the alike(p) household, also raise their grandchildren and are laughing(prenominal) to guide their money on their grandchildrens formation, the commercial should consist of not only the childs parents but of the whole family. withal some traditional symbols or Chinese icons should be put in because it depart help to make the connection between the Western and their own consumption culture.As marketing manager, I think it is best not to invest money in global advertisement. I gain computed the extent of standardisation and found that toys are a cultural product. Therefore, the message and medium should change. It is not requirement to shake one collective brand image because the children in Belgium and China impart not come in affair with each other, so it pass on not be confusing. inference SWOT-analysis Strengths The major fortissimo of the companys product is the educational value that comes with the product. Chinese find education passing important. WeaknessesA relative high price is elect due to the risk and repair of reduplicate import. however a trivial segment with a high price can be more profitable than large volumes of low profit gross profit margin products. Opportunities eruditeness more about China, its culture, rules and laws and setting up a social network, with the government as well, will be passing important. This will take some time, front and money but it will puff out the companys chance to succeed tremendously. Threats I think the biggest dispute will be the pugnacious tilt from less qualitative and counterfeit dolls that are much cheaper.To conclude, as a marketing manager, I must say China girdle a black box. When you rescue make all enquiry that is possible business in China still is risk y. At to the lowest degree with the suggested adaptations the risk will be minimise and the success is multiplied. 6. References hearing converse with my populate Yan Lu, a Chinese midway class fair sex living in Belgium since then years Books Kotler, P. et all (2005). Principles of marketing. apprentice dormitory Harlow. pp XVIII, 788. Chan, K. & McNeal, J. (2004). publicise to children in China. The Chinese University fight down of Hong Kong. pp. I, 1-21, II, 23-42.Latham, K. & Thompson, S. & Klein, J. (2006). go through China. Routledge. Yau, O. H. M. (1994). Consumer behaviour in China. Routledge. pp III, 63-83. Usunier, J. -C. (2000). marketing crosswise cultures. scholar student residence Harlow. pp V Articles Mooij, M. (2005). mathematical function cultural determine for global marketing and advertising. Dobbelaere, B. & Reynebeau, M. (2008). Bijlage China de rode boekjes middelpunt van de wereld, 1,3 miljard sporters, een exploderende economie, paradijs voor investeerders, kleine vrouwen, een wereldmacht, de nieuwe rijken, een milieuramp, de diaspora, traditionele cultuur, culinair.De Standaard reportage commercializeing to children. Een, Koppen, 23/12/2008 internet pages http//www. lilliputiens. be/EN/philosophy_nobel. htm 28/10/2008 http//www. allcountries. org/china_statistics/4_4_basic_statistics_on_national_population. hypertext markup language 25/11/2008 http//www. namingnewsletter. com/article. asp? id=42 25/11/2008 http//findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m2294/is_9-10_53/ai_n16084036 23/12/2008 http//benmuse. typepad. com/ben_muse/china/index. hypertext mark-up language 25/11/2008 http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Positioning_(marketing) 23/12/2008 http//simonworld. mu. nu/ account/105889. hp 24/12/2008 http//smallswordsmagazine. com/articles/life/chinesesarcasm. hypertext mark-up language 3/01/2009 http//www. wing-international. com/ 03/01/2009 7. Apendices pic Market explore Questionnaire What is an appropriate price for the P u-Tien doll? 1) be you a male/female? 2) How old are you? 3) What is your highest level of education you apply achieved? 4) What is your marital post? 5) How much do you earn each month? 6) Do you live in one of Chinas big cities? 7) What is your trapping type? 8) Do you have (grand)children? 9) How many (grand)children do you have? 0) Is it a boy or a girl? 11) Do you believe your (grand)childs development is important? 12) Do you like to exceed money on your (grand)childrens (birthday)presents? 13) How much would you normally give on your (grand)childs birthday? 14) shake you ever bought a Pu-Tien doll for your (grand)child? 15) Where you lucky with your purchase? 16) What was the part you bought the doll for? 17) How much did it cost you? 18) Did you found it a reasonable price? 19) What would have been the highest/lowest price at which you would buy a Pu-Tien doll?
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