Thursday, October 31, 2019
Corrections Corporation of America Company Essay
Corrections Corporation of America Company - Essay Example Ethical Factors The ethical factors surrounding the current changes in the justice and correction departments in the US regard the moral consequences and the general good of the nation. The early release of incarcerated individuals may have an impact on the recidivism and security of the country at large. Rehabilitation and correctional efficiency of criminals reduces even with an increase of cost in public prison facilities. The effect of the current state policies affects all individuals, from individual citizens to the individuals incarcerated. Company’s Current Strategy The CCA is planning to expand its market to Europe and other countries. In Europe, the market for private prison services in increasing, a change attributed to the changing justice policies in those nations. In the US, the company has remained behind its competitors in expansion, preferring to wait for clarity on the current situation and its expected-persistent duration (Tella and Winig, 2010). The current adoption of cost control policies by states will result in leniency in law and justice, which will further result in increase in crime nationwide. Additionally, CCA suffers economically if its correction facilities do not maintain an acceptable level of incarcerated criminals. ANALYSIS EXTERNAL ANALYSIS The history of private prison industry dates back to 1984, with CCA taking over the management of a prison facility in Tennessee. The company has since grown to become the leader in the industry, commanding nearly 50% of the prison beds under private correctional services (Tella and Winig, 2010). Industry Structure & Trends The private prison services industry offer correctional services to the nation, the main customers being federal and state... The paper tells that the history of private prison industry dates back to 1984, with CCA taking over the management of a prison facility in Tennessee. The company has since grown to become the leader in the industry, commanding nearly 50% of the prison beds under private correctional services. The private prison services industry offer correctional services to the nation, the main customers being federal and state governments in the US. These companies work on a contractual basis, typically three to five years, but most of the contracts incorporate clauses that allow the government to terminate their agreement. The growth of the industry depends on a number of uncontrollable factors, which include sentencing patterns in different jurisdictions, crime rates, and acceptability of prison services privatization. Specialists in the industry argue that business is headed downwards for new comers as more states try to reduce prison overcrowding and expenses. According to the article, almost half of the new inmates were sent to private prison facilities in 2009. The article cites one analyst suggesting that established firms in the industry who have focused on their competencies will continue to grow despite the budget crisis. The policies regulating private prison use varies from state to state, with some states banning the private prison altogether, like New York, Louisiana, and Illinois. Outside the US, privatization of prison services has not been embraced fully. Nonetheless, countries, especially in the European region, are adopting the system, with Australia having a record 17%.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Process of Change in Relationships and the Balance in Power Essay
The Process of Change in Relationships and the Balance in Power - Essay Example The period between 1890 to 1991 represents landmark events responsible for a change in relationship across different countries. Certainly, these changes affected the balance in power from different perspectives as discussed in the paper which follows. Pearl Harbour, ‘the worst naval disaster in American history’1, was a key turning point in American and world history, which produced a profound shift from ‘isolationism to internationalism’2 in US foreign policy. Pearl Harbour was attacked by the Japanese navy in December 1941. It was important because it caused the American public to make a major shift and to change their minds about U.S. intervention in World War II, and this shift in public opinion accounted for much in determining the course of America foreign relations. Opinion polls in 1939 showed a staggering 99% of American people opposed American involvement in a foreign war.3 In 1940 the polls showed that 80% of them continued to oppose any involvement in military conflicts.4 After Pearl Habour this opposition changed. Senator Nye5 showed the aggression of the nation in his speech: As Senator Vandenberg7, noted in his memories: ‘That day ended isolationism for any realist.’ Arguably, America had been willingly entangled in world economic affairs, but had stayed clear of military interventions.. The United States were involved in economic expansion, German reparations, naval and land disarmaments, the creation of a new treaty system for ‘the Far East’. Many historians argue that Roosevelt was an internationalist because of his early ‘Good Neigbour Policy’ and he had doubts about intervention even before Pearl Harbor, but his policies and actions were limited by oppposing public opinion. The evidence of that is that he kept some of his actions hidden from scrutiny for example, the secret talks between British and American planners.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Economic Analysis of Australia
Economic Analysis of Australia Table of Contents (Jump to) Introduction Analyzing Performance of Production Output Performance Trends Measures taken by Government to achieve Economic Performance Labor Market Analysis Unemployment Measure taken by Government to achieve full employment Price Level Analysis Inflation Trend Causes of Inflation Government measures for achievement of Stability in Price Conclusion References Introduction Australian economy has been encountering growth which generally emphasizes on low level from claiming unemployment, holding inflation, and low debt obligation for open and a stable solid monetary framework. For quite a while that is around 2012, Australia has been encountering nonstop monetary development for quite some time calculated as 2 decades which is reportedly increasing with 3.5 percent per year. Various assets and energy demand needs has been increasing with a rapid pace from the developing from Asia and China by working on a practical idea of creating a channel that easily carries on with the purpose of investing interest in the resources and at the same time growing them within the commodity. In this essay, monetary execution also known as economic performance of Australia will analysed and various studies will be carried out to get a deeper knowledge of it. Analyzing Performance of Production Output It has been quite a while during 2013, when the Gross Domestic Product of Australia was reported to be a whooping US $ 1560.60 billion. The quality from claiming Gross Domestic Product over Australia has been known to represent 2.52 % share within the worldwide economy. A normal expansion of about US $ 348 billion was reported in the year i.e. 2004 but it reached an astounding level of $ 1560. 60 in earlier years. Concerned illustrations marked a low reach of US $ 18. 60 billion (Zambrano, 2008). Regardless of the monetary tightness and strictness inside the economy, there is degree to the Gross Domestic Product with raise in additional concerns dealing with an idea of raise in economy with the raise in mineral reserves and its exports. (Fig 1: GDP of Australia 2004- 2013) (Source: Office for National Statistics, 2014) Performance Trends Those economy about Australia need been recognized similarly as a standout amongst the greatest capital economy crosswise over the globe. It need been computed that the Gross Domestic Product for Australia for quite a while in 2013 arrived dependently upon US $ 1. 5 trillion. Those downright riches of Australia need been computed toward US$ 6. 4 trillion. In the quite a while i.e. around 2012, its been distinguished concerning twelfth greatest national economy crosswise over those globe Toward the count about nominal amount of Gross Domestic Product. It may be additionally positioned at seventh rank toward the proper estimation for Gross Domestic Product following settling on alterations clinched alongside PPP. This need been computed similarly as 1. 7 % of the worldwide economy Australia is coming under the mark of rank nineteenth constantly the biggest exporter furthermore shipping over the globe (BBC News, 2014). Those administration segment from claiming Australia dominates the w hole economy of Australia that comprises of 68 percentage of the whole Gross Domestic Product. Those stock trade about Australia that is in Sydney need been positioned toward nine rank crosswise over the globe for admiration to promotion for market. (Fig 2: Australian Exports in the year 2006 across the globe) (Source: Office for National Statistics, 2014) Measures taken by Government to achieve Economic Performance In place to guarantee that economy of Australia sits tight great crosswise over those worldwide economy, legislature need to be been a number for activities to incitement about financial development same time providing for sufficient level for help of the worth of effort surroundings too (Zambrano, 2008). Those administration need presently been keeping tabs upon authorities should work greatly for making previous ventures work furthermore divisions about science and various engineering organization should exist on the check list to furthermore enhance the region in order to make smoother moving towards advancement by performing various tasks and doing certain researches. Labor Market Analysis The background about Australia has been known to remain developing during an unfaltering position for quite a while around the year 2003. The rate from claiming unemployment has been known to setting off by the rate of 6 percent and is continuing to slow down till the present time. (BBC News, 2014). The patterns clinched alongside unemployment from claiming specific states alternately locales might not influence the experience of Labour market crosswise over the whole range about Australia. Sydney should bring more level rate for unemployment in examination for different zones or locales. However, despite the fact that those rate for unemployment need been low Since the time that the end about money related crisis, those unemployment rate for different created nations need aid still easier. This states that there is at present extent for Australia to enhance this rate. Unemployment Unemployment will be a state during which people who need aid eager to worth of effort come up short to search for proper occupations. This may greatly prove to be an unfriendly condition that not only have enormous effect on the lifestyle for people yet it proves to be a hazard on the whole economy also. Clinched alongside attention with those sorts from claiming unemployment, it has been seen that the most of the Australian population dives through issues claiming cyclical unemployment (Rogers, 2013). This hazardous process usually takes place when the whole economy may be at a level of decrement. It may also be caused when there is a decline in the demand of nominal goods that prove to be bringing an increment in the economy. Australia is known to be suffering from confronting issues as big as structural unemployment. Measure taken by Government to achieve full employment For admiration to the issue from claiming unemployment, the legislature of Australia need o produce a frictional arrangement working towards good of the citizens (Bremner, 2007). This specific approach should focus with reducing activities that basically causes diminishment of societies. It can be done by claiming strict qualities for connection with points of interest instead of complaining about unemployment. A centralised data of skilled people and various companies should be made to enhance the job and employment process. This particular idea usage has been proving fruitful to labourers and workers that need aid while searching for occupations to an animated. Price Level Analysis Inflation Trend Those rate of inflation for the year2014 in the second quarter has been computed toward 3 percentage (BBC News, 2014). In the case of Australia, those rate of inflation contributes in the assessment of a fact that the climb in the price of a commodity that has to be beard and paid by a normal purchaser. Products like tobacco and alcohol have seen a price rise in some of the considerable years that have passed. (Fig 3: Inflation Trends in Australia) (Source: Office for National Statistics, 2014) Causes of Inflation The principle foundation behind sudden rise in inflation is because of sudden cost increment in raw petroleum that in the end prompts a value rise in vitality charges and foreign merchandise (Bremner, 2007). Other reasons that had been recognized are basically concerned with expanded costs for import, expansion in the rate of backhanded taxes, and increasing rate of labour toward government Government measures for achievement of Stability in Price There comes a point when there is an event of negative pattern inside inflation, there would possibilities that there will a chance to be a decrease in the trade rates. This is on account of the brokers will start those deal of cash that will prompt a diminishing scenario in the exchange rates. This is the reason why legislature of Australia initiates drifting trade rates that serves for reversing once again the real level from claiming interest. Conclusion The economy of Australia has been experiencing regular growth and featuring low level of unemployment, containing inflation, very low debt of public and a stable and strong financial system. The economy of Australia has been identified as one of the biggest capital economy across the globe. It has been calculated that the GDP of Australia for the year 2013 has reached up to US $ 1.5 trillion. In consideration with the types of unemployment, it has been seen that the Australian population mostly goes through issues of cyclical unemployment. With respect to the issue of unemployment, the government of Australia has generated a frictional policy. References BBC News. (2014). Korean economy growing at fastest rate since 2007. BBC South Korea. Bremner, C. (2007). Top 150 city destinations: South Korea leads the way. Euromonitor International. Office for National Statistics. (2014). Gross Domestic Product: Preliminary Estimate, Q1 2014. Rogers, S. (2013). Deficit, national debt and government borrowing how has it changed since 1946?. The Guardian. Zambrano, J. (2008). World's Most Economically Powerful Cities. Forbes.  Economic Analysis of Australia Economic Analysis of Australia Australia has had a good track record of prudent fiscal policy, strong macroeconomic management and performance, and good financial regulation over the years but most importantly all through the global economic crisis. In fact compared to other OECD countries it’s weathered the current crisis extraordinarily well. In 2012 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Australia accounted for 2.45% of the world economy at 1520.60 billion US dollars. Since 2008 its economy has grown by 14.3%. If we take a look at Australia’s GDP per capita, the biggest rally is in 2009 if you measure it in US dollars. Where growth since 2007 is 42% compared to 24% using nominal Australian dollars. If we take inflation into account and look at Real GDP, which is a more realistic view as it’s used to define the standard of living; Australia has increased by 5% since 2007. Relative to the UKs decline by 6% during the same period, this is an outstanding result. Growth of Australia GDP per capita (2007=100)  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Real (A$) 97.4 100.0 100.5 110.1 101.3 102.2 104.1 105.4 Nominal (A$) 93.3 100.0 107.1 107.0 114.0 119.6 121.1 124.4 Nominal (US$) 83.3 100.0 108.8 101.0 125.0 147.2 149.6 142.6 Data source: IMF Australia’s economy is dominated by its services sector, yet its economic success is based on its abundance of agricultural and mineral resources. Mining, including oil and gas, accounts for 60% of Australia’s exports and over 10% of its Gross Domestic Product. Source: Australian Government, Dept. of foreign affairs Australia’s close proximity to China and its strong demand for commodities has also helped with the mining sectors rapid growth in the last 10 years. The expansion in the mining sector has had a knock on effect to other related sectors which have grown rapidly on the back of it mining equipment, technology and services (METS), education exports, construction and financial services. Australia’s terms of trade rose to an historic high in to 2011 mainly due to high global prices for its exports such as Iron ore and coal. Australia acknowledges and it’s been well documented that the mining boom is over its peak and mining related investment is expected to fall dramatically. Therefore, Australia is building a sophisticated services export, converting its natural advantages in mining and agriculture into a wider knowledge-based, diversified and service-oriented economy. Although some sectors unrelated to mining have struggled with Australia’s strong exchange rate, unemployment, albeit edging higher , remains at a low level, inflation is within targets and public debt is low relative to other OECD countries. Over the medium term the biggest external risk to the Australian economy is a slowdown in growth in China and a related fall in commodity prices. As outlined in the table below over 50% of its exports were shipped to China, Japan and Korea in 2012-2013, if demand from these markets were to fall dramatically it could be detrimental to the Australian economy. Australias main export destinations 2012-13 (e) (f) 1 China 31.60% 2 Japan 18.80% 3 Republic of Korea 7.70% 4 India 4.60% 5 United States 3.60% Source: Australian Government, Dept. of foreign affairs Between 2008 and 2013 the Australian government took a number of steps to boost trade and investment, among these they reduced taxes on imports and simplified the screening process for foreign direct investment. Because of these alterations to policy Australia is 4th in OECD for ease of trade and investment flows, behind only the Netherlands, Poland and Belgium. As pointed out by Brian Aitken, IMF Mission Chief to Australia- â€Å"Australia’s flexible exchange rate provides a buffer against shocks and the authorities have both monetary and fiscal policy space to react if the outlook deteriorates â€Å" (Australia on Path to Broader-based Growth, IMF Survey, February 12, 2014). The government aims to reach a fiscal surplus over the medium term and have put strategies in place to do so. Which will put them in a position to take the necessary steps; they believe, to counter act damage to their economy. As noted above, Australia has a flexible exchange rate which means that the Reserve Bank (RBA) is able to react to shocks in the market by altering its independent monetary policy. As outlined in the graph below its exchange rate main trend has been growth since 2008/2009 with a slight decline in value recently. This strong exchange rate has boosted household income because of cheaper imports however it has had an adverse effect on the international competitiveness of manufacturing firms – particularly the car sector, education and tourism sectors. All that said, as outlined in the OECD Economic Survey 2012; â€Å"The Stronger exchange rates together with capital-goods investment have increased imports and thus widened the current account deficit.†In the IMFs Article IV the economists are noted to believe that â€Å"despite some recent depreciation , Australia’s exchange rate is still moderately overvalued and is weighing down non-mining activity. â€Å" Unlike most OECD countries the Australian Banking Sector has continued to perform well, has kept pre crisis profits through 2008 to date, and continued to be rated favourably by international rating agencies, current rating AAA. Their exposure to the stressed banking sector in Euro zone is low and the Australian governments’ priority is to help preserve the banking sector as this will aid them in accessing international capital markets with relative ease. In February 2012 the government implemented a deposit guarantee scheme for all bank deposits up to 250,000 AUS dollars which will fully protect 99% of deposits in any Australian bank. Over the last 12 months Australia has seen an upsurge in the housing markets, mainly concentrated in the major cities where house prices rose by 10%,the highest yearly growth in four years. This in turn has led to an upsurge in the construction sector, which had previously been weak. However, it is not envisaged that construction of new homes will meet demand which could attribute further to house price acceleration. Household credit has remained moderate; however, Australian government and banks need to learn from its peer’s mistakes in OECD and guard against the effect a sudden drop in house price which could mean a reduction in consumer confidence and an impact on economic activity. Some point to Australia’s tax system as a major contributor to the house price surge, record low interest rates are being paid on savings and very attractive tax concessions being offered to property investors such as negative gearing and capital gains discount. However high taxes and charges on new homes, a difficult planning process and the urban consolidation policies are driving costs higher, which in turn is helping to further inflate house prices. That said, despite growth in the housing market being largest since 2009, there had been a decline in housing prices in 2011 2012 totaling 4.2% similar to the decline in 2008, so an increase was expected by most .The labour market is also effecting house prices with unempolyemnt rising and people moving mainly to the cities to get empolyment, a factor which is attributing to both house price and rental market increases. Another contributing factor is Australias population growth and immgration. In 2009 the popluation grew by 2%, over half of this was net migration alone. On the back of demand for new homes economists expect an increase in the construction sector in 2014 to help boost economic growth. Already Australia has seen an increase in the approval of residential homes, January alone seen an increase of almost 7%, which puts the annual growth rate at 34.6%. Australia’s unemployment rate climbed to a 10 year high in January 2014 6%, a 2% increase since 2008 that said it is low compared to other OECD countries which are still feeling the effects of the Global Financial Crisis. In the recent IMF Article IV report WA Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief economist John Nicolau said of these figures that the states economy remains buoyant despite the jump in unemployment. Weve got employment growth of around 16,500 new full-time jobs in this last month alone, coupled with 9,000 the month prior, he said. â€Å"That’s the strongest two-month period of employment growth in this state for six years (, 13th March 2014). Unemployment Rate 2008 – 2014 Unemployment Rate versus other Economies This year already new jobs have been generated and filled, approx. 50,000 in February, but the unemployment rate of 6% remains static as there was a 0.2% rise in the proportion of people in work or looking for it the participation rate now stands at 64.8%. February 2014 marked the 15th consecutive month where unemployment grew less than the size of the labour force. The inflation rate in Australia has remained relatively low in recent years (table below), down from 4.4% in 2008. This is consistent with the central bank’s objective of an average inflation rate of between 2% and 3% a year. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) expects that inflation will stay at or below this until at least mid-2015, with wage growth forecast to remain contained. Historical Inflation Rates (2008 – 2014) Year mar Jun sep dec Ann 2013 2.5% 2.4% 2.2% 2.7% 2.5% 2012 1.6% 1.2% 2% 2.2% 1.7% 2011 3.3% 3.5% 3.4% 3% 3.3% 2010 2.9% 3.1% 2.9% 2.8% 2.9% 2009 2.4% 1.4% 1.2% 2.1% 1.7% 2008 4.3% 4.4% 5% 3.7% 4.4% Last year, 2013, Australias inflation rate moderate to around 2.2% 2.5%, and has been broadly stable since, reflecting ongoing strength in the Australian dollar, broad-based competitive pressures within the domestic economy and subdued growth in costs. The absence of high inflationary pressures is another aid so the government can alter monetary policy as and when it needs to in order to help guard the economy against risks. The Australian cash rate fell from 7% in 2008 in response to the Global Economic Crisis; the Reserve Bank of Australia cut interest rates by 4% between September 2008 and February 2009 in response to the slowdown of their economy – an effect of the Global Financial Crisis. RBA cut interest rates again in 2012 in response a worsening outlook to the global economy and signs of their own weakening labour market. The cash rate now stands at 2.50%, the lowest on record. However, this is expected to edge higher this year as growth is expected to strengthen helped by the low interest rates and inflation is expected to stay within target of 2%-3%. In the long run an increase in interest rates could help the spiraling house prices in the major cities come back to more realistic valuations. A new government was voted into Australia in September 2013 and they are preparing for their first budget in May. The budget deficit for 2012 – 2013 was 2.6% of GDP an increase from 1.3% in 2008- 2009. Top of the new government’s agenda is to tackle public debt, and they are being very vocal in pointing the finger of blame at their predecessors. Of the 17 top surveyed IMF countries, Labour left us with the fastest growth in spending of anyone in the world and they left us with the third highest growth in debt of anyone in the top 17,( Mr Hockey, Treasurer,,13th March 2014) Their aim is to return their budget to surplus and maintain a budget surplus going forward; to do this a huge cut in spending will be needed. As highlighted in the IMFs article IV; â€Å"If tax revenue is held at its average level over the last decade, the resulting budget deficit in 2023/24 would reach 2 percent of GDP. Reaching the government’s budget surplus target would thus require cutting spending by around 3 percent of GDP, either by reducing net non-social spending or by putting in place policy measures to contain increases in social spending†( IMF Article IV, 2014) Consumer confidence has been low, Consumer spending was held back in 2013 because of uncertainty around the government election in that September, high household debt, and uncertainty in the economy. In the year to June 2013 retail sales growth rates were at their lowest rate in 51 years, rising just 2.5% from the previous year. Because of this consumers have increased their saving rates since 2007 and reduced their demand for loans. Although household debt is high, Australian households seem to be able to meet this debt with only 1% non-preforming house loans and 50% of owner occupiers repaying ahead of their mortgage schedule. Compared to other OECD countries tax to GDP in Australia is low. Since 1965 Australia has ranked in the bottom third of OECD countries and in 2010 it ranked fifth lowest over all. Tax-to-GDP ratio for OECD countries, 2010 Source: OECD Revenue Statistics, 2012. Of the OECD countries Australia also has the third lowest level of taxation on personal income which includes social security taxes and taxes on payroll. Tax revenue (% of GDP) in Australia Source: In 2008 tax revenues were steady at approx. 24% however as a result of the Global Economic crisis tax to GDP fell to approx. 20% in 2010 – 2011 since then total taxes have recovered one third of the lose but are still not back at 2008 level. Australia’s tax components are very similar to other OECD countries but with one major difference, Australia is one of two countries in OECD which do not levy social security taxes. Conclusion: Over all the Australian economy has performed very well since 2008, mainly because of its mining sector and related industries. The big challenge ahead is whether and how quickly it can adapt to mining construction falling. Home building and mining exports could help boost the economy and drive economic growth in the medium term. Now that the election is over and there is renewed demand for housing could be indicators of a boost consumer confidence and help the consumer start to spend again. If interest rates remain low this will help stimulate discretionary consumer spending and dwelling construction. Unemployment is still low at 6% compared to Australia’s OECD peers and new jobs are being generated, aided by a rise in demand for new housing. The main internal risk to the Australian economy is that the new government may be too aggressive in reducing government spending in their aim for budget surplus however this effect could be lessened by a further cut in interest rates. The main external risk to the economy as outlined already is Australia’s reliance on the Chinese market and commodity prices. Chinas growth rate is currently at approx. 7%, their government are implanting fiscal stimulus which should boost economic growth which will have a positive effect on the Australian economy as there will be continued demand for commodities to be exported to China. This may also affect the demand for housing in Australia as Chinese investors buy to rent, thus boosting the employment sector. The Australian banking sector is strong and both domestic and international markets have fate in it, it is one of only eight sovereigns globally to be rated AAA with a stable outlook by all the major credit rating agencies. This is a huge endorsement on the Australian Economy. If any shocks were to apply to the Australian Economy, its government are one of few globally that have the fiscal and monetary policy that will enable them to adapt very quickly. Australia’s economic performance to date has been the result of good structural reforms, demand for commodities and sound macroeconomic policies, hence the IMF forecasting â€Å"annual average GDP growth for Australia of 3.1% between 2013 and 2018 – the highest growth forecast among major advanced economies†(IMF, World Economic Outlook, April 2013). Bibliography IMF, Article IV Australia, 2013 OECD, Ecomonic Outlook Australia, 2012 Reserve Bank Australia
Friday, October 25, 2019
Concept :: essays research papers
Concept Manic depressive disorder is a chemical imbalance within the brain. This disorder disrupts you mood and causes your emotions to fluctuate. Mood swings. The disorder causes one to experience extreme depression and mania. The intensity of the mood swings vary going from mild, moderate, and severe. Without treatment the severity and frequency of the illness builds up over the years. Non-professionals normally call this disease â€Å"manic-depressive illness†. Those in the psychiatric field refer to it as â€Å"bipolar disorder†. Bipolar is a name given to this disorder because it refers to the two poles that range from depression on one end and mania on the other. One who has bipolar will experience severe depression. They lose interest in activities and hobbies. The loss of interest in things and people cause them to see things as meaningless. Hopelessness, worthlessness, sadness, and guilt are only a few of the feelings one is overwhelmed with. Most find it extremely difficult to concentrate, make decisions, and think. They are preoccupied with failures, loss of self-esteem, and can’t stop certain thoughts from intruding. Hallucinating, hearing voices, and delusions plague the person. 15% of untreated patients commit suicide. They experience changes in their weight. Most will lose weight but about 40% gain. Many experience insomnia. They will feel really tired, irritable, and restless. Change of behaviors includes the following: withdrawal from people and social events. The symptoms of mania start with feelings of happiness and joy and progress to the person feeling â€Å"on top of the world†. They feel like Lyles 2 they can do anything. They are creative, work more, and barely sleep.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cultural Supression: Abusive Behavior Towards Women and Its Effect on the Spread of Hiv/Aids
Africa is facing a devastating crisis with respect to the AIDS epidemic, currently accounting for over 70% of the world's HIV-positive population. There are, of course, many factors that drive the explosive transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, but in the tangled web that is the epidemic in Africa, many of these issues share a common thread. The oppression of women in Africa can be considered the virus' cultural vector. Females are rendered powerless in African societies, and existing gender inequalities are largely responsible for the spread of the disease.Females' disadvantaged position in society is intrinsically linked to the subordination of women in their relationships with men. In order for progress to be made, an examination of gender relations and empowerment for women must take place. To be successful, AIDS campaigns must be built on the existing organizational skills of women, but must incorporate men as well. The blatantly skewed distribution of power in Afric an patriarchal societies makes women extremely vulnerable but has dangerous implications for all.To examine the forces that steer the epidemic down its course, the epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in Africa must first be considered. More than 80% of all HIV infections in Africa are acquired through heterosexual contact. This statistic is grossly out of balance with the 13% rate of infection through heterosexual contact in the United States. Vertical transmission from mother to child is the second most common route for the virus to take in Africa (Essex et al. , 158). These rates are generally much higher than in the United States and Europe, where the use of a drug called nevirapine has drastically reduced mother-to-child transmission.This disparity is a direct result of differences in the nations' wealth. African nations simply cannot afford to provide the drug to infected pregnant women. The continued transmission of HIV through contaminated blood during processes such as blood transf usions is another dismal consequence of poverty and inferior health services in many African countries. This method accounts for the third most important mode of transmission, one that has been virtually eradicated in many countries because the technology is available to prevent it (Essex et al. 159). Part of what makes the situation in Africa so devastating is that the primary roads the virus travels in Africa were shut down long ago in other countries. Much of the world's population already takes many of the roadblocks for granted. The transmission route of heterosexual contact is so heavily traveled in Africa that it demands an examination of sexual behavior. Before we delve into the workings of intimate relationships, however, the fine points of gender inequality in the public sphere must be examined.These social conditions spill over into every aspect of life, tainting women's casual and sexual relationships with men. Women are systematically disadvantaged in African society. M ale bias in the structures of society is reflected in day-to-day behavior, embedded in legislation, policy, political and religious ideologies, and cultural conventions (Baylies et al. , 6). Examples of this trend abound. The Civil Code of the Empire of Ethiopia designates the husband as the head of the family and gives him the authority to administer household property.The husband is given the right to control and manage common property and to make all decisions regarding it. While the Code requires that the husband act judiciously and not alienate property without the consent of his wife, strong traditional and cultural beliefs discourage women from enforcing this requirement (African Region Findings). In Kenya, the Constitution permits the application of customary law to personal matters. The Constitution contains no provisions for gender as a basis for non-discrimination and consequently, even gender-biased practices are held as valid and constitutional.Women's access to economi c resources in Kenya is largely defined by customary laws (African Region Findings). Inheritance is usually along the male lineage; women do not inherit family property. Not only do women have less access to income and possess much less wealth than their male counterparts, but they also contribute more hours of labor than men do (Baylies, et. al. , 7). In a village meeting held in rural Lushoto, Tanzania, in 1996, coordinated in response to AIDS, even two of the men present agreed that women take the heavier burden. A man, if you need him, is always out,†an elderly man spoke out, â€Å"whereas the woman is the one at home, taking care of cooking and all other household affairs. . . . We get up in the mornings and go about our business and don't concern ourselves with whether [the children] eat or not,†he continued. â€Å"We leave it all to mama. We give orders, we are ‘dictators' in the home†(Baylies et al. , 191). Most of the men, however, did not share his capacity to see the situation in this way. One male maintains, â€Å"as a man you have so many things to attend to, and you rely on her to think of things like soap for washing†(Baylies et al. 190). Women's limited opportunities also translate into reduced access to education.Their lower levels of literacy contribute to their more limited access to information about sexually transmitted diseases and HIV (Baylies et al. , 6). Cultural conventions prevent them from asserting themselves in public, squelching any hope of improving their situation in this way. Since their work is confined to the domestic field, women's labor does not command market value, leaving them dependent on those members of the household who operate in the cash economy (Baylies et al. 7). Economic need often drives women to enter into prostitution. The selling of sex, many argue, is often the only choice African women have â€Å"between starvation and survival†(Essex et al. , 538). It is the l ink between women's position in wider society and position in sexual relations that is crucial to understanding their vulnerability to the virus. UNAIDS reported in 1999 that in sub-Saharan Africa 12 or 13 women are infected with the HIV virus for every 10 men (Russell 101). Women have characteristically been viewed as responsible for transmitting the virus.Prostitutes are blamed for spreading HIV to clients, and mothers are blamed for passing it to their children (Essex et al. , 3). Females are thought to have a polluting influence and are treated as â€Å"vaginas or uteruses,†â€Å"whores or mothers,†and â€Å"vectors or vessels†as opposed to people (Essex et al. , 3). Instead of regarding women as blameworthy for the severity of the AIDS epidemic in Africa, they should be more accurately perceived as occupying a cultural niche in which they are highly vulnerable to contracting the virus.Since women are forced to relinquish the driver's seat to males in the public sphere, they certainly have no say in the nature and timing of their sexual activity in the private sphere, leaving the roads HIV travels open to traffic. Intimate relations revolve around the same â€Å"notions of personhood†that operate in the larger society (Baylies, et. al. , 7). The outcomes of these gender ideologies take form as sexual practices. The foundation of these sexual understandings seems to be that women are expected to give but not receive pleasure.Sexual norms prescribe relative passivity for females, while according sexual decision making to men (Baylies et al. , 7). Tolerance is expected for the greater sexual mobility of men. Female fidelity is usually viewed as necessary while male infidelity is consistent with the extension of the familial line (Essex et al. , 534). The double standard expectation is that women will enter into a marriage as virgins but men will not. In patriarchal, sub-Saharan African cultures, marriage can be defined as a leg ally and socially sanctioned relationship between a man and a woman within which procreation takes place (Essex et al. 534). Women are not viewed as people capable of sexual pleasure but as the means by which to achieve an end. That end is the perpetuation of the family line. This prime value on marriage and motherhood presses young girls into risky, multiple-partner relationships long before they are psychologically or physically mature. Young women cannot refuse the sexual demands of older men nor bear the social stigma of being without a husband or children (Essex et al. , 536). Women are powerless within their relationships and have too little power outside of them to abandon partners that put them at risk.How, then, do these social and sexual patterns account for the severity of the AIDS epidemic in Africa? Many claim that male privilege is what drives the AIDS epidemic, even going so far as to call AIDS a form of mass femicide (Russell 100). Diane Russell bluntly states, †Å"Those women who contract HIV/AIDS from their male partners because of their sexist attitudes and behavior, and/or because of their superior power and dominant status, are? when they die? victims of femicide†(102). There are many examples of manifestations of male domination that can be fatal for female partners.Male refusal to use condoms is perhaps the most critical of these behaviors. Utilization of condoms is the one factor that would undoubtedly reduce transmission rates drastically. Women are not even allowed to ask, â€Å"Can we have sex? ,†so it is even more difficult to bring up condom use (Russell 103). However, if a woman does find the courage to ask her male partner to use a condom, not only will he almost certainly refuse, he is likely to beat her. â€Å"Talk to him about donning a rubber sheath and be prepared for accusations, abuse or abandonment,†relates Johanna McGeary in TIME magazine.Her article also related the story of a nurse in Durban, who, coming home from an AIDS training class, suggested that her husband put on a condom. He proceeded to grab a pot and bang on it loudly, attracting all the neighbors. He pointed a knife at her and demanded: â€Å"Where was she between 4 p. m. and now? Why is she suddenly suggesting that? What has changed after 20 years that she wants a condom? †One man, who had already infected his wife with HIV and was developing open herpes sores on his penis, objected to his wife's suggestion of using condoms, accusing her of having a boyfriend (Russell 103).Even educated men, aware of the AIDS risk, balk at the suggestion. McGeary heard the same answer come up again and again: â€Å"That question is nonnegotiable. †Several myths account for the lack of condom use, even when they are distributed for no cost: your erection can't grow, free condoms must be too cheap to be safe, condoms fill up with germs, condoms from overseas bring the disease with them, condoms donated by forei gn governments have holes in them so that Africans will die (McGeary).Some men simply decide they do not like the way condoms feel, and that is enough to decide the issue. When interviewed, one couple in Kanyama, Zambia, reported using condoms for contraception, but the husband started to complain that they were â€Å"burning†him and was not going to continue using them (Baylies et al. , 98). The established trend is that women must risk infection to please men. Women compromise their sexual safety to men's pleasure by even more drastic physical means. Throughout Southern Africa, many women practice â€Å"dry sex†to please their husbands.This involved drying out the vagina with soil mixed with baboon urine; some use detergents, salts, cotton, or shredded newspaper (Russell 102). Not only is dry sex reportedly very painful for women, it causes vaginal lacerations and suppresses the vagina's natural bacteria, both of which increase the likelihood of contracting the HIV virus when engaging in sex with an infected partner (Russell 103). Since women are already twice as likely to contract HIV from a single encounter than are men, this is extremely dangerous (McGeary).The decision to engage in dry sex can be made for economical reasons as well. The prostitute who dries out her vagina can charge more, 50 or 60 rands ($6. 46 to $7. 75), enough to pay a child's school fees or to eat for a week (McGeary). This is in contrast to the 20 rands ($2. 84) she might receive otherwise. Since male economic privilege plays a major role in forcing women into prostitution, any AIDS deaths resulting from it can be considered femicide. Economic disadvantage for females drives them to participate in other â€Å"dirty†deals.Teenage girls especially are easy prey for older, wealthier â€Å"sugar daddies,†men who provide money and goods in exchange for sex (Essex et al. , 536). Sex has been referred to as the â€Å"currency by which women and girls are ex pected to pay for life's opportunities, from a passing grade in school to a trading license†(Baylies et al. , 7). Girls as young as ten and eleven in Tanzania have been reported as having sexual relations with men for chips, Coke, money for videos or transport to school (Baylies et al. , 11).Sexual networking has dangerous implications for the spread of HIV, leaving many young women with much more than they bargained for. Yet another expression of male dominance on which the virus thrives is the practice of female genital mutilation. This practice, which has roots in the patriarchal society, is defined by the World Health Organization as the removal of part or all of the external female genitalia and/or injury to the female genital organs for cultural or other nontherapeutic reasons (Russell 104).It is designed to cater to men's sexual preferences and reinforce their control over women. The tendency of mutilated genitals to bleed, especially during intercourse, puts women at high risk for contracting the virus, as does the repeated use of the crude instruments used to perform these operations. The tools are often used on a number of girls on the same occasion (Russell 105). This practice is imposed on millions of girls in Africa. It is an attack not only on their bodies but also on their womanhood, on their personhood, and on their ability to protect themselves from a deadly disease.Tolerance of male promiscuity is a further social construction that strips away females' autonomy with fatal consequences. Men are accepted as sexually voracious by nature. â€Å"They are like that, and you can't do anything,†says one girl in Lushoto (Baylies et al. , 128). Many families' economic situations require that husbands are gone for months at a time in order to work, and they are certainly not expected to abstain from sexual activity during this time. Another Lushoto girl, married to a trader often away in Dar es Salaam, reports that she is afraid of her hu sband, worrying â€Å"he may infect me†(Baylies et al. 128). Her concern is absolutely justified. When a wife suspects that her husband has many partners outside the marriage, she is not entitled to refuse to engage in sex. â€Å"You are a wife, what can you do? †is the sad reality for most (Baylies et al. , 128). Marriage is an institution of vulnerability for women in Africa with respect to HIV. In general, it is men who bring HIV into a marriage (Baylies et al. , 11). Women can be infected, not through promiscuous activity on their own part, but as a consequence of being faithful to their husbands.The prevalence of AIDS in Africa also transforms sexual assaulters into murderers. The problem of rape is especially highlighted in South Africa, where a woman is estimated to be five times more likely to be raped than a woman in the United States (Russell 106). It is an extremely rare event that a rape is reported at all; 75% are believed to remain unreported (Russell 1 07). The existence of rape gangs is also a serious problem in South Africa. The term for recreational gang rape is jackrolling, and it is considered a game, not a crime.An analysis of gender relations in Africa provides insight into how and why HIV spreads so efficiently. The question now becomes what should be done with this knowledge to generate prevention strategies. It is obvious that women must become more empowered for the epidemic to be slowed with any significance. Russell claims that the first order of business requires educating people about the role played by male domination in the spread of HIV and AIDS, and that policies must then be developed to eliminate manifestations of patriarchy (109).It is clear that education should focus more on gender issues than the need to avoid risky sexual behavior. However, as has been demonstrated over and over, increased knowledge does not always translate into changed behavior. Baylies and Bujra investigate the potential of women's gro ups in campaigns of protection against HIV in Africa. They also point out that if economic dependence on men is a factor underlying women's vulnerability, greater economic security should serve to empower women. For this to occur, women would require higher levels of education.How men should be involved is another debatable issue. Male behaviors not only put their partners in danger, but themselves as well. Therefore, not only do men bear responsibility in this area, but it would be in their interest to assist in the process. One thing is clear: if the AIDS epidemic is to become any less of a problem in Africa, women will have to be empowered. Though AIDS is certainly a virtually impossible fire to extinguish in any context, the patriarchal society and exploitation of women not only fuels the flames but turns a fire into an inferno.For millions of African women, this hell is the reality. Their inferior position in larger society renders them powerless in sexual relations. The manife station of these social constructions emerges in sexual practices and behavior that not only allow HIV to transmit at alarming rates, but also are blatant violations of basic human rights. When African women are no longer denied these fundamental rights, a decrease in the severity of the epidemic will undoubtedly follow.Works Cited African Region Findings. The World Bank Group, No. 126, January 1999. ttp://www. worldbank. org/afr/findings/english/find126. htm April 29, 2002. Baylies, Carolyn and Janet Burja. AIDS, Sexuality and Gender in Africa. NY: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2000. Essex, Max, Souleymane Mboup, Phyllis J. Kanki, and Mbowa R. Kalengayi, eds. AIDS in Africa. NY: Raven Press, 1994. McGeary, Johanna. Death Stalks A Continent. Time Magazine, 2001. http://www. time. com/time/2001/aidsinafrica/cover. html April 29, 2002. Russell, Diane E. H. and Roberta A. Harmes, eds. Femicide in Global Perspective. NY: Teachers College Press, 2001.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Safer Walking Technology Therapists Perspective Health And Social Care Essay
IntroductionDementia is a medical status that affects the encephalon and its abilities. The normal procedures like thought, memory, understanding and opinion are the most affected. In most instances, the symptoms worsen over the period of clip. Peoples even lose the control over emotions in certain instances. Therefore, it is of import to take attention of these people and utilize effectual techniques to assist them get by better with the symptoms and lead a better life ( NHS Choices, 2009 ) . Around 570,000 people are enduring from dementedness in England and this figure is expected to lift drastically over following few decennaries. The people age 65 and above are more prone to dementia, and the opportunities of developing dementedness additions with older age. There are four different types of dementedness, Alzheimer ‘s disease, vascular dementedness, dementedness with Lewy organic structures and fronto-temporal dementedness. Fronto-temporal dementedness is the rarest type of dementedness while as Alzheimer ‘s disease is the most common type. Though dementia affects critical procedures like thought, understanding and memory, self attention is extremely recommended for such people. Apart from ego attention and support from the household, organisations like NHS provide specialised support to the patients ( NHS Choices, 2009 ) . Rolling – a term used to mention to walking behaviors that represent a hazard for an person ( Banty et al. , 2010 ) enduring with dementedness. Such people are difficult to take attention of. Apart from occupational healers, recent advanced in engineering have seen assistive engineering being developed for the people with dementedness. The assistive engineering has sparked a argument amongst the research workers. While some support it and see it as a measure frontward to healthcare of people affected from dementedness, many see it as an violation to the patients ‘ liberty. How successful this assistive engineering proves to be, nevertheless, remains to be seen. â€Å" The usage of the term ‘technology ‘ in relation to dementia attention provokes conflicting reactions. For some, ‘technology is a Jesus, the manner to paradise? ? ? ; others are profoundly leery of engineering and size up its advocates carefully for any tell-tale Markss of the Beast? ? ‘ †( Cash, 2003 ) . Dementia costs the UK over ?17 billion per twelvemonth. Apart from the consequence this unwellness has on the economic system, the affect on the lives of the people that have dementia and the people associated to the sick are reeling. It has a serious impact on communities. With increasing figure of aged people in the society, the figure of people enduring from the unwellness besides increases. The figure is estimated to be over a million by 2025. This can overpower the wellness and societal attention services, which are already unable to get by with the challenge posed by dementedness ( Alzheimer ‘s Society, 2007a ) .Literature ReviewThe figure of older people aged 65 and over is lifting at an accelerated gait, it is the fastest turning section of the population worldwide and life anticipation is increasing every bit good as length of service over clip. Whilst people are populating longer, the sustained growing of the older population brings every bit considerable wellness, ec onomic and societal challenges ( Li et al, 2007 ; Kinsella and Wan, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to the World Health Organization – WHO, 2001 dementedness presents an unprecedented challenge to the society and is one of chief causes of disablement in ulterior life, impacting chiefly older people. At present, there are about 700,000 people with dementedness in the United Kingdom and this figure is predicted to lift by 154 per cent to over 1.7 million people by the twelvemonth 2051 ( Alzheimer ‘s Society, 2007a ; 2009 ) . The National Dementia Strategy for England – published in 2009 – set up 17 cardinal aims to better the quality of dementedness attention through intervention and direction of the disease. One of the aims highlights the demand for commissioners to see the proviso of options such as assistive engineering to assist people with dementedness to populate independently in their communities and to assist the direction of hazard every bit good as to detain the demand for intensive services including admittance to residential or nursing places ( Department of Health – Do, 2009 ) . In dementedness attention, assistive engineering can be described as a scope of devices and systems taking at back uping persons to keep their independency and authorising clients and carers to pull off more efficaciously their activities of day-to-day populating – ADL ( i.e. , functional mobility ) every bit good as their instrumental activities of day-to-day populating – IADL ( i.e. , community mobility and wellness direction and care ) every bit good as heightening wellbeing. ( American Occupational Therapy Association, 2002 ; Alzheimer ‘s Society, 2007b ) With the execution of specific intercessions including the proviso of assistive engineering, occupational healers may non merely lend to better wellbeing and independency of clients with dementedness, but besides to cut down dependance on their carers, and to protract independent life and detain the demand for intensive or inpatient services including admittance to residential or nursing places ( Graff et al, 2008 ; Chakraborty, 2009? ? ? ) . Dementia is a chronic and progressive organic encephalon upset taking to the diminution of cognitive working including memory loss, troubles with information processing, perceptual experience, spacial consciousness, every bit good as emotional and behavioral alterations ( WHO, 2001 ; Perrin et Al, 2008 ) . Rolling – a term used to mention to walking behaviors that represent a hazard for an single – is one of the most ambitious symptoms of dementedness. It is estimated that rolling occurs between 15 to 60 per centum of people with dementedness. While walking is a good activity, persons can go forth their places ( unnoticed ) and non be able to happen their manner back. Banty et Al ( 2010 ) highlights the hazards associated with rolling including hypothermia, desiccation and even mortality. It can convey hurt and anxiousness to both clients and their carers and it can take to the usage of physical restraint such as persons with dementedness being locked into their places, pharmacological traditional intercessions every bit good as an early admittance to residential attention places. ( Alzheimer ‘s Society, 2007b, Robinson et Al, 2007 ; Banty White et Al, 2010 ; Hope and Fairburn, 2004 ) Safer walking engineering – an alternate term used by Alzheimer Society in the United Kingdom – United kingdom which encompasses ‘electronic surveillance, labeling and tracking engineering and it will be used throughout this survey – might enable people with dementedness to keep their independency, to prosecute their occupational activities to increase liberty whilst understating hazard, accordingly lending to their wellbeing. These engineerings comprise of dismay and surveillance system which alert carers when a user cross over a set boundary within their environment, and tracking devices which enable a user to be located at any clip and topographic point ( Alzheimer ‘s Society, 2007b ) . Despite several progresss in research, evidence-based surveies back uping the efficaciousness of this engineering for people with dementedness with rolling behavior remains limited and inconclusive. ( Cash, 2003 ; Adams and Clarke, 2001 ) The writer of this survey intends to reexamine four recent research findings related to safer walking engineering and people with dementedness life in the community. In visible radiation of demographic, social-economic tendencies, the UK authorities is making enterprises and policies with the purpose of protracting independent life for people with dementedness in the community ( DoH, 2009 more mentions ) . Non-statutory administrations such as Alzheimer ‘s ‘ Society support the usage of this engineering. Both sectors nevertheless, strongly highlights the demand for farther research and evidence-based on the clinical effectivity of the usage of this engineerings ( DoH, 2009 ; Shoval et Al, 2008 ) . While there are possible positive and digesting benefits from utilizing safer walking engineering for people with dementedness and their carers ; there are nevertheless, of import factors to be considered such as ethical considerations and the hazard involved in utilizing and supplying these engineerings. In drumhead, there are an increasing figure of surveies on safer walking engineering which highlight the common subjects presented on their findings including the benefits and hazards for users and carers on utilizing its devices and systems every bit good as the ethical issues involved in the usage and development of this advanced engineering. The surveies besides greatly emphasise the demand of farther researches with the engagement of users and their carers ( Robinson et al, 2007 ; BMJ, 2007? ? Where is the mention? / ; Shoval et Al, 2008 ; Landau et Al, 2009 ) .Literature Review HighlightsRobinson et Al. ( 2007 ) say that the recommendations by the current authorities in England suggest a national attack to put on the line direction. But, in a litigious society, the balance between hazard direction and the person-centred attack in dementedness attention is difficult to keep. While rolling behavior in people with dementedness can be helpful, it is chiefly harmful and generates emotional hurt in the carers. The struggle between bar of injury and easing the individual ‘s right to autonomy frequently puts the carers into a quandary. The related issue is highlighted through the usage of assistive engineerings such as electronic tracking devices. The patients feel that these engineerings place them at greater hazards, i.e. as a mark to larceny. The patients besides express concern over their independency. There is a demand to develop practical tools for pull offing hazard within dementedness attention which allow both hazard direction to be managed and all other position negotiated. BMJ ( 2007 ) assesses the cost effectivity of community based occupational therapy compared with usual attention in older patients with dementedness and the caretakers. â€Å" Community occupational therapy intercession for patients with dementedness and their attention givers is successful and cost effectual, particularly in footings of informal attention giving. †Dementia is one of the major causes of disablement in aged people. The disease is degenerative and causes memory and behavioral upsets. It besides consequences in loss of independent operation, concluding and opinion. This causes jobs to the ill and load to the household and the caretakers. Occupational therapy tends to convey about an betterment in the day-to-day operation of the people with dementedness. It may besides cut down health care costs because of improved independency in patients and an enhanced sense of competency in the attention takers. Shoval et Al ( 2008 ) stress on the most common behavioral manifestations of upsets related to dementia, i.e. jobs with out-of-home mobility. Attempts have been made in the yesteryear to accomplish a better apprehension sing the mobility behavior. But, all the observations are based on the institutionalised patients and health professionals. There is a demand to do a significant part to basic every bit good as applied and clinical facets in the country of cognitive damage and mobility research. Landau et Al ( 2009 ) examined the attitudes of the household and professional health professionals towards the usage of electronic tracking for patients with dementedness. The health professionals were caught between caring for the safety of the patients and patient ‘s liberty. Family health professionals favoured the electronic trailing devices like the Global Positioning System ( GPS ) and the Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) . Both household and professional health professionals believe that determination on tracking the patients with dementedness should be an intra-family issue. These electronic devices are really of import for rolling patients as these people may non be recollect their memory to happen their manner back place. For older people with dementedness, rolling can be a potentially life endangering behavior. Sing the demand for assistive engineering for the roving patients, it is necessary to happen an reply to the undermentioned inquiry: What is the position of the occupational healers on the proviso of safer walking engineering with dementedness? Hence an interview to research ‘occupational healers ‘ position on the proviso of safer walking engineering for people with dementedness with rolling behavior in the community ‘ is both appropriate and feasible. To reply the above inquiry, the proposed research aims are: to look into participants ‘ consciousness of safer walking engineering to understand the importance of technological aid in safe walking techniquesResearch MethodologyDescription and Justification of Research DesignThe purpose of this survey is to research the occupational healers ‘ position on the proviso of safe walking engineering for people with dementedness with rolling behavior. For the intent of a deep survey into the issues, a qualitative research method was used. Qualitative research seeks to explicate the universe instead than step it. Qualitative research is holistic and blatantly interpretive. This sort of a research design trades chiefly with words ( Iorio, 2004 ) . Qualitative research workers examine the texts and artifacts in their work while entering everything they find in authorship or otherwise. These records are so analysed and interpreted to analyze a research job and happen suited decisions. A constructivist grounded theory research design was applied to come up with a conclusive statement. Constructivism is a theoretical attack to societal scientific discipline. The theory is based on the premise that people create their ain societal universe and acknowledges multiple worlds. It recognises the common creative activity of cognition by the research worker and participant. Therefore, constructivist attack necessitates a relationship with participants in which they can state their narratives in their ain footings while listening with openness to feeling and experience is every bit of import ( Charmaz, 2000 ) . Grounded theory is an attack to data aggregation and analysis ab initio developed by Glaser and Strauss in the sixtiess. The purpose of the grounded theory research is to develop theory from the informations collected by the research worker ( Halloway 1997 ) . A constructivist attack to anchor theory requires following a place of mutualness between the research worker and participant in the research procedure which requires a rethinking of the grounded theoretician ‘s traditional function of nonsubjective perceiver ( Mills et al. , 2006 ) . Position is ‘a mental position of the comparative importance of things ‘ ( oxford lexicon, 1990 ) , a subjective construct which can non be quantifiable, hence a semi-structured interview will be the chosen method of informations aggregation. Halloway ( 1997 ) says that interviews are the favoured method of qualitative research. While roll uping all the necessary theoretical informations, interviews give the research worker a opportunity to obtain positions of the participants/interviewees by giving them a opportunity to show their ain ideas and feelings. Interview method allows an in-depth history of participants ‘ experiences ( Domholdt, 2005 ) and their positions analysed for elicited subjects and classs associated to the relevant research inquiry. A semi-structured interview method is deemed appropriate for this survey, as it can be seen as a flexible attack to let possibility to research beyond the replies and potentially to come in into natural two-ways conversation with the participant. For the selected method, a set of open-ended inquiries ( Appendix 2 ) purpose to let for participants to give their sentiments without being restricted as deemed when utilizing structured interview or questionnaire methods to informations aggregation. While interview is the suited method for this survey, in peculiar in a semi-structure format where participants can research in deepness their position on safer walking engineerings and their positions on the incorporation of electronic surveillance of the patients ; there are restrictions including clip ( questioning, transcribing and analyzing informations ) , limited geographical distribution due to costs and clip, low dependability and possible prejudice ( Domholdt, 2005 ) . The research procedure would be completed in eight hebdomads ( Appendix 1 ) . Literature reappraisal is an of import portion of this research and it would be of import to maintain update of the new developments over the class of this research. The experimental design would be finalized in hebdomad 2 and 3 and submitted for ethical blessing of the concerned governments. Week 3 and 4 will see the enlisting of the practicians for the interviews, and the interviews will be held in hebdomads 4 to 6. The informations obtained from the interviews will be analysed and a study prepared by the terminal of 8th hebdomad.Indication and Justification of Required Number of ParticipantsAs the research is comparatively little graduated table, merely 10 participants will be interviewed. They will be qualified occupational healers with changing grades of station measure uping experience, employed by the National Health Services – NHS within Community Mental Health Teams – CMHT who work wi th people with dementedness for at least two old ages.Administration of Access to and Recruitment of Possible ParticipantsThe choice of the participants will be conducted utilizing a purposive sampling. This type of trying involves witting choice of certain elements by the research worker ( Grove, 2005 ) . The research worker will enlist the contact inside informations of all older people-community mental wellness squads ( CMHT ) in the greater London country. After ethical blessing has been gained from all relevant organic structures, the research worker will seek contact with service directors of each squad to obtain permission to reach occupational healers as possible participants to this survey. Additional permissions and blessing of the CNHT would be required to carry on these interviews within their office installations.Inclusion Exclusion Criteria of ParticipantsThe inclusion standards require that participants are qualified occupational healers, working with people with dementedness for at least two old ages in an older people mental wellness community squads. The participants might work as occupational healers specific and as a care-coordinator. The clip restriction will guarantee that research worker will derive a richer in-depth history of their experiences and position of s upplying or sing the proviso of safer walking. Geographic distribution will be limited to participants working in a NHS trust within the greater London country parametric quantities. The exclusion standards require that participants to hold no managerial place. The current state of affairs requires a direct interaction with the professionals involved in the attention of the people with dementedness. The sample will be chiefly guided to interview operational healers presently working straight with the patients.Indication of Ethical Issues Relevant to the ProposalThe undertaking would be submitted to the moralss commission of the Brunel University for their blessing. After acquiring the blessing from the university, the proposal would be submitted to the research ethical commission ( REC ) of NHS for their blessing.Discussion of Ethical Considerations Related to Participation and ConsentAn informed consent would be required from the occupational healers prior to the enlisting for this undertaking. If necessary, permission would be taken from the organisations like NHS the practicians are involved with earlier enlisting. The practicians ‘ would be kept good in formed about the work and its results.Indication of Any Risks and Benefits to Participants and/or ResearcherIn relation to the two out of four most of import ethical rules prolonging ethical pattern in most countries of wellness attention beneficence ( making good ) and non-malfeasance ( non making injury ) ( Beauchamp and Childress, 2001 ) ; the research worker, by questioning, and deriving information on the position and sentiments of participants in relation to the proviso of safer walking engineering to service users, endeavoured to advance the well being of the participants and to guarantee that no injury was experienced by them. Although this is a little survey with comparatively low risked involved, measuring the possible benefits against the hazard to both participant and interviewer will be an on-going consideration during the research procedure. Harmonizing to College of Occupational Therapists ( 2003 ) , â€Å" Research must hold intended value for participants, research workers, the profession, the research community and/or society. †While there is no direct benefits to take part in this survey, participants will hold an chance to show their sentiment about the issue of safer walking engineering where research is thin within occupational therapy and lending to the addition of research capacity within the profession ( College of Occupational Therapists, 2010 ) .Consideration of issues of confidentiality and informations securityThe results of the interviews would be kept confidential. While in some interviews it is of import to uncover the inside informations, nevertheless, the participants can take to stay anon. in this instance ( Driscoll, and Brizee, 2010 ) .Comprehensive description of ProceduresOccupational healers willing to take part in the research will have full information prior to make up one's minding to take part. After having informed consent signifiers back, participants will be contacted by telephone to set up a suited clip for interview every bit good as for booking an interview/meeting room at their office premises. Interviews will last about 60 proceedingss, nevertheless, it will be agreed with participants that interview/meeting room must booked for 90 proceedingss. The participants would be given all the inside informations of the research methodological analysis. Furthermore, the research worker will explicate to participants the processs for the interview including confidentiality issues. Measures would be taken to do certain that this research does non harm the participants in any mode. If necessary, names or any designation will be removed from records. To avoid personal sentiments impacting the result of the interviews, researched would be accompanied by his or her coach.Description and justification of the proposed pilot survey that would be carried out prior to induction of the full surveyA pilot interview will be conducted with one the occupational healers within the chief sample of participants. This step can supply an chance for the researcher/interviewer to reflect on and measure on his/her interview, verbal and non-verbal communicating every bit good as the participant reaction to the interview. In add-on, a pilot interview will ena ble the researcher/interviewer to obtain participant feedback on the suitableness of the informations aggregation methods including lucidity of the inquiries every bit good as become accustomed to the use of the recording equipment and informations security processs ( Domholdt, 2005 ) . To understate prejudice, the researcher/interviewer will work under his/her coach supervising. The feedback informations will be evaluated and analysed by both researcher and coach. Whether minor or major alterations are required, the research worker will set the original set of inquiries or either to supply a new set of inquiry harmonizing to the findings. The pilot interview will be incorporated into the chief survey if no alteration is needed otherwise the stuff relevant to the pilot interview will be destroyed.Justification of chosen method of Data analysisData analysis was coincident to the informations aggregation. For the analysis of informations, the grounded theory attack of Strauss and Corbin ( 1990 ) was used. As informations collected through qualitative research is constantly unstructured and frequently text based, the qualitative research worker has to supply some construction and coherency to the big sum of informations while retaining a clasp of the original histories and observations from which it is derived ( Holloway, 1997 ) . To ease this, the model analysis designed by Richie and Spencer ( 1994 ) was used. This method portions common characteristics with thematic analysis. Framework analysis is designed to ease systematic analysis of the information. It is an inductive attack and uses the changeless comparative method which is a cardinal characteristic of grounded theory. This attack was chosen because it is systematic, easy to follow and consistent with a constructivist position. Five cardinal phases to the procedure are identified: familiarization, placing a thematic model, indexing, charting and function and reading ( Ritchie and Spencer, 1994 ) . It is possible either for all the informations to be collected before analysis occurs or every bit for informations aggregation and analysis to happen at the same time. The changeless comparative attack was used so that in line with the constructivist nature of the enquiry some of the findings from earlier interviews could be fed into subsequent interviews by a procedure known as the hermeneutic rhythm ( Rodwell, 1998 ) .Appraisal of Resources required, including a Timetable for the Proposed Research.Cost will include travel disbursals within Greater London country with the usage of an oyster card ; printing and letter paper stuff and postage ; purchase of a new sim card to be used on the research workers ‘ Mobile phone. Fundss to cover the above costs will be provided by the research worker. Digital recording equipment, rechargeable battery and a laptop computing machine with suited applications including package for uploading the collected stuff are properness of the research worker ; hence no cost will be incurred on the use of the above equipments. The research worker intends to carry on interviews in an interview/meeting room at participants ‘ CMHT offices. Therefore no costs will be incurred on leasing installations for the intent of this survey. Human resources include both researcher and tutor clip and handiness.DecisionDementia affects the mental ability of the people enduring from it adversely. It is responsible for impairment of the cognitive abilities like opinion and apprehension. In many instances, dementedness leads to a status called roving, where the patients go on lone walks and bury the manner back because of the medical status. The debut of electronic surveillance and community based attention are recent developments in the field of dementedness attention. Dementia is one of the most cost incurring diseases in the UK. The new facets of attention claim to admit the comparative issues of the disease and do it economically feasible. Although new schemes are being devised and implemented on a regular basis, dementedness continues to be a serious economic and wellness attention job. There have been claims of rolling being good to the wellness of people holding dementedness ; the grounds is non strong ( Robinson et al, 2007 ) . The electronic trailing devices are wild put to inquiry by the professional health professionals for attaching on the personal liberty of the people holding dementedness. This signifies a displacement towards a more person-centred attack to the direction of rolling. This displacement towards the individual centred attack may besides be reflected in the hereafter research surveies and the result steps selected to measure the effectivity of new schemes and intercessions. There is a demand to choose the result steps which are more meaningful to people with dementedness and their carers, such as quality of life, physical and emotional well being and serious inauspicious events alternatively of t rying to mensurate existent behavior ( Robinson, 2007 ) . This survey capitalizes on the positions of the occupational healers to spot a demand for individual centred attention in the hereafter. It has been established that there exists a demand to explicate a state of affairs specific tool for measuring all assortments of hazards. The survey has found that this aforesaid tool demands to non merely be a hazard estimating method but should besides function the demand for embracing a myriad of positions that will so be taken into history, evaluated and catalogued as mention stuff every bit good. Te survey highlights the function of helpful engineerings in authorising individuals get bying with assorted signifiers of dementedness and enabling them to populate a self-sufficing life. Adept sentiment dictates that while measuring the importance, utility and farther range of electronic devices aimed at helping people enduring from dementia the primary deciding factor should be the positions and sentiments of the people themselves, followed by find ings derived from scientific and academic researches.Appendix 1Figure 1. A Gantt chart explicating the timeline that would be followed during the class of the researchAppendix 2QuestionnaireHow serious is the issue of rolling in people with dementedness? How can this job be overcome? What is more of import – safety of the patient or patient ‘s liberty? Positions on assistive engineering. Does assistive engineering pose a serious menace to a patient ‘s liberty? How of import is patient ‘s consent for usage of assistive engineering? Keeping the drawbacks of the assistive engineering in head, how can this engineering be improved to do it more patient friendly? What is better – a patient centred healthcare installation or engineering based health care? Taking the pros and cons of rolling into history, is rolling good for people with dementedness? What is more of import – research on societal attention or research on engineering?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Experimental Essays
Experimental Essays Experimental Essay Experimental Essay Experiment # 4 Questions: 1 . Give the procedure for reading the volume in relation to the formation of the meniscus. 2. Give the USP specification and tolerances regarding liquid and solid filling. 3. What are the factors that may affect a products fill volume? Experiment # 5 Sampling and Sampling Plan 1. To determine the numbers required in a sampling plan. 2. To demonstrate the square root sampling plan. Compute for the following problems using the two sampling plan methods The following materials were delivered and received in the warehouse with a status of ready for sampling. Determine the number of samples to be taken (using both sampling plan) include the acceptance and rejection. Labels 3 packs of 12 bundles by 500, 1 pack of 14 bundles by 500 Bottles 30 mL cap 210 shippers X 144 Inserts 55 packs by 500, 1 pack by 300 Cartons 100 packs by 250 What is the sample size code letter for a lot of 30,000 bottles coming from a new supplier? What is the sample size using square root system? For an AQL of 0. 65, using normal inspection, determine the acceptance and rejection number. M315 AC-5 Re-6 A batch size of 25 was accepted where 3 defectives were found during the nspection. The acceptance limit is 2. 5% defectives. Determine the sample size code letter, sample size, acceptance number and AQL using the master table. Give the N if the sample size is 5 using square root system. 1. Enumerate the materials to be sampled. 2. Site some advantages and disadvantages for each system of sampling plan. 3. Give the duration of time for keeping the following samples: Finished product- Reference and retention samples from each batch of finished product should be retained for at least one year after the expiry date. http://ec. europa. u/health/files/eudraleWvol-4/pdfs-en/2005_12_14_annex19_en. df Records/Documents- The duration of retention for pharmaceutical records has been the object of great debate among specialists from different areas. http:// www. arma. org/bookstore/files/stamatiadis. pdf I ne Issuance, revlslon, supersealng, ana wlt narawal 0T all documents snou10 De controlled, with maintenance of revision histories. When a document has been revised, systems should be operated to prevent inadvertent use of superseded documents. Superseded documents should be retained for a specific period of time. *no specific time? ttp://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. ov/pmc/articles/PMC3122044/ Raw materials- Packaging materials- Experiment # 7 Moisture Permeation Test 1. To understand the importance of vapour transmission test. 2. To demonstrate a simple stability study for a packaging component. 3. To train the students in decision-making. 1 . Enumerate the different classes of containers. 2. Between glass-type and plastic type container, which has lower permeability? Explain. 3. What are the different storage conditions? 4. Other than moisture and temperature, name other factors, which may directly contribute the stability ofa product.
Monday, October 21, 2019
House of Hades Essays - The Heroes Of Olympus, Free Essays
House of Hades Essays - The Heroes Of Olympus, Free Essays House of Hades Type of book: Fantasy, Greek mythology and Adventure Pages: 597 Author: Rick Riordan Main Characters: Annabeth: Annabeth has curly golden blonde hair and is "like a princess," as Percy describes it. She is tall, fit, and athletic. Her eyes have been described as an intense shade of gray and always have a distracted look as if she were thinking of a million things at once. Mainly because, she's the daughter of Athena. Annabeth looks like a typical California girl. She loves architecture, and spends her free time designing new buildings and visiting national monuments. Her fatal flaw is pride. She thinks she can do anything and does it well. Annabeth can be very caring but possessive of the people she loves. For example, she is very anxious of losing Percy to another girl like Rachel or Calypso. Percy Jackson: Percy is described with jet black hair and bright sea green eyes inherited to him from Posidon his father. Percy is a brave, spirited natural leader, and is willing to risk his life to save friends, family, strangers, and sometimes even enemies. He has a sarcastic and smart sense of humor. He has earned the respect of all the Olympians. Percy is somewhat short-tempered, and thus has trouble controlling his anger and will do anything to save his friends even risk his own life. This is showed when he tries to save Annabeth from Tarturas but falls in with her (Pg 3). Jason Grace: Jason Grace is described as having the features of a Roman statue, with blue eyes, blond hair and a small scar on the corner of his lip. Son of Jupiter Jason is a very serious with a moderate sense of humor. He also has a strong sense of honor and justice as shown by his great compassion. He greatly cares for his friends and family willing to risk his life to protect or help them. Jason goes to such great extents that he almost gets himself killed to save his friends. Leo Valdez: Leo is described by Jason to look like a " Latino Santa's elf," with curly black hair, dark brown eyes, pointy ears and being of normal height with a slim build. Son of Hephaestus he is good-natured, easygoing, upbeat, energetic, funny, and loves to tell jokes. Leo is intelligent and honest, and cares about his friends and family. He sometimes doesn't think before reacting and he enjoys pulling pranks on people. He frequently falls in love with any girl such as the goddess Khione and Jason sisters Thalia. For example when Thalia, Jason and Leo were in the cave alone, Leo asked Thalia if her no-dating policy was seasonal, but she ignored him. Khione herself being a snow goddess hates Leo as she can sense the fire within him and takes his compliments as insults. Piper MacLean: Piper is portrayed to be a very beautiful girl of Cherokee descent mainly because shes the daughter of Aphrodite. She is described to have dark tanned skin, chocolate brown and eyes that change color like a kaleidoscope. Piper is very convincing and has a good sense of what's right helping others who need it. There have many times where she could have betrayed her friends but never did even when her dad was on the line because she believed they would win for the good of everyone. Hazel Levesque: Hazel is African American with shoulder-length curly cinnamon brown hair and gold eyes. Hazel is outgoing with a love for creativity and horseback riding, but has dislike for boating and curses. She feels a massive amount of guilt over releasing the giant of giants. After her father Hades gave her the gift to summon minerals, she thinks it's her responsibility to bring him down. Hazel is extremely loyal to her friends and treats them as family, as shown through her friendship with Frank and Percy. Even when she gave up Elysium to go to the Fields of Asphodel so that her mother wouldn't go to the Fields of Punishment. Frank Zhang: Frank has a large and stocky frame. He is Asian-Canadian and has a babyish face with brown eyes and black short hair which, Percy states, seems out of place with his stout body and
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Bernoullis Principle
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION: Bernoullis Principle is a physical phenomenon that was named after the Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli who lived during the eighteenth century. Bernoulli studied the relationship of the speed of a fluid and pressure. The Swiss mathematician and physicist Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) discovered the principle that bears his name while conducting experiments concerning an even more fundamental concept: the conservation of energy. This is a law of physics that holds that a system isolated from all outside factors maintains the same total amount of energy, though energy transformations from one form to another take place. writing help service The principle states that the pressure of a fluid [liquid or gas] decreases as the speed of the fluid increases. Within the same fluid (air in the example of aircraft moving through air), high-speed flow is associated with low pressure, and low-speed flow is associated with high pressure. OBJECTIVE: *USE BERNOULLI’S PRINCIPLE TO EXPLAIN HOW THE ENERGY OF A FLUID AND ITS PRESSSURE ARE RELATED. *EXPLAIN SOME SITUATIONS USING BERNOULLI’S PRINCIPLE. SCOPE: *the first fly of airplane In 1899, after Wilbur Wright had written a letter of request to the Smithsonian Institution for information about flight experiments, the Wright Brothers designed their first aircraft: a small, biplane glider flown as a kite to test their solution for controlling the craft by wing warping. Wing warping is a method of arching the wingtips slightly to control the aircrafts rolling motion and balance. * Thursday 2 June-06-011 VORTEX CLIMBER: Researchers at the University of Canterbury can make a robot stick to walls through pressurized air. The non-contact adhesive pad, or air gripper, uses the Bernoulli principle. The feet of the robot dont actually touch the wall but are held 25 micrometers away about 0. 025 mm. Air is squirted out from the feet sideways at high speed, causing a low pressure vortex that creates a * Morgan County students compete at wind generator contest at GCSU related news 2011-05-12 Hard work paid off for 8th grade students at Morgan County Middle School as their teams placed second and third in the 1st Annual Middle Grades Wind Power Competition at Georgia College and State University today, Monday, May 9, 2011. The competition was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, and highlighted Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM) Education. * How cats drink: A lesson in fluid mechanics related news 2010-11-12 Philadelphia Daily News By Tom Avril Inquirer Staff Writer In the annals of animals who have contributed to science, there are Laika the Soviet space dog; Koko, the gorilla who is said to use sign language; and Lancelot, the blind dog who regained some vision after gene therapy at the University of Pennsylvania. And now, Cutta Cutta, the cat? The feline did not exactly provide a cure for cancer, but he has made something * When airplanes fall from the sky related news 2009-06-07 Arab News Chris Impey | LA Times Ive traveled more than five million miles by air  far enough to get to the moon and back 10 times  but I still get a sense of amazement when Im in a fully laden 747 and we lift off. A million pounds of metal traveling at more than 200 mph, countering the force of gravity. Its a minor miracle. Which is why it is so shocking when planes fall from the sky, as happened Chapter II: RELATED STUDIES: *Archimedes principle (Hydrostatics) Archimedes principle that states that a body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. The principle applies to both floating and submerged bodies and to all fluids, i. e. , liquids and gases. It explains not only the buoyancy of ships and other vessels in water but also the rise of a balloon in the air and the apparent loss of weight of objects underwater *Hydrodynamics A liquid or gas flows from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. This happens, for example, when water is squeezed from a sponge or squirted from a hose. The flow of a liquid or gas can be laminar (smooth) or turbulent (rough and eddying). *Torricellis Theorem Is an application of the Law of Falling Bodies to liquids. This theorem was derived by the Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647). It states that a liquid flowing from an outlet in a tank has the same speed as an object falling freely from the level of the liquids surface to the level of the outlet. The theorem also states that a jet of water rises to the level of its source, unless opposed by friction. Torricellis Theorem explains the action of an artesian well. *Pascals Law, The law states that pressure upon the fluid at any point will be transmitted uniformly throughout the fluid. In the case of a gas, a pressure increase causes compression (uniform lessening of volume). Liquids, however, are not compressible. An increase of pressure at any point upon a contained liquid will result in an increase of pressure at every point upon the walls of the container; the volume of the liquid remains the same. Pascals Law explains the action of a hydraulic press and similar devices. Aerodynamics Aerodynamics is the study of air flow over airplanes, cars, and other objects. Airplanes fly because of the way in which air flows over their wings and around their bodies, so a knowledge of aerodynamics is crucial to the design and construction of airplanes. The efficiency with which automobiles use fuel is also a function of air flow. Even stationary objects are affected by aerodynamics. Winds blowing past a tall building, for example, may cause windows to pop out if they are not properly designed and installed. RELATED LETERATURE: *Hydrodynamica By Daniel Bernoulli He considered the properties of basic importance in fluid flow, particularly pressure, density, and velocity, and set forth their fundamental relationship. He put forward what is called Bernoulli’s principle, which states that the pressure in a fluid decreases as its velocity increases. He also established the basis *Liquids and Gases: Principles of Fluid Mechanics Book by Paul Fleisher; Lerner, 2002 Subjects: Fluid MechanicsJuvenile Literature Bernoulli’s principle works just as well with liquids. Most chemistry labs have a piece on, it rushes past the side tube at a high speed. According to Bernoulli’s principle, high velocity creates low pressure. So the side tube generates *Principles of Experimental Phonetics Book by Norman J. Lass; Mosby, 1996 Subjects: Phonetics, Experimental, Speech can be described in the oversimplified terms of Bernoulli’s principle Lieberman, 1968 . Consider that airflow through and therefore the potential energy must decrease. Bernoulli’s equation demonstrates that pressure falls at the *Principles of Economics Vol. 2 Book by C. W. Guillebaud, Alfred Marshall; Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society, 1961 Subjects: Economics poor in equal proportions, price becomes a fair measure of utility; provided allowance is made for collective wealth. 3. Bernoullis suggestion. The edge of enjoyment blunted by familiarity. Superior nobility of collective over private use of wealth. pp * Encyclopedia of Earth and Physical Sciences Vol. 4 Book by Marshall Cavendish; Marshall Cavendish, 2005 Subjects: Earth SciencesEncyclopedias, Physical SciencesEncyclopedias tends to counteract the effect. Bernoulli’s principle explains how airplanes it does over the bottom. From Bernoulli’s equation, as the velocity of lift. Curveballs also rely on Bernoulli’s principle. Putting a spin on a baseball * Scientific American Inventions and Discoveries: All the Milestones in IngenuityFrom the Discovery of Fire to the Invention of the Microwave Oven Book by Rodney Carlisle; Wiley, 2004 Subjects: InventionsHistoryEncyclopedias, InventionsUnited StatesEncyclopedias, Technological InnovationsEncyclopedias, TechnologyHistoryEncyclopedias was not developed until 1761. Bernoulli’s principle In 1738, the Swiss natural philosopher ower surface, creating lift. Bernoulli’s principle is employed in the VI and in boat-keel design. Bernoulli’s principle can be used to explain CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY: Upon gathering data, direct observation was made to add some knowledge to us about the Bernoulli’s principle. Related books and magazines as the primary tool of the study were used. Books and information from internet were also used as the other sources of additional knowledge about the principle of Bernoulli’s, we also asked some physics teacher about the matter that we have.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Analysis of American Gun Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analysis of American Gun Culture - Essay Example There is too much violence today; people everywhere they go are rightly concerned of their safety at school, at the mall, at the office, at the church, at a parking lot, at supermarkets, and even along the country’s highways when simple traffic altercations can turn violent in a sudden manner as people vent their road rage on innocent fellow travelers who might cross their path unwittingly. While the debate on guns continues to rage seemingly without an end in sight, politicians, academicians, and concerned citizens who worry about the state of civil society in America today argue for stricter gun controls to reduce this violence. On the other hand, supporters and advocates of the Second Amendment assert their own right to carry guns for protection but unfortunately, this had also bred a culture of violence in which simple arguments can escalate into the use of guns. Further, a permissive gun culture is contributory to the proliferation of guns almost everywhere to the point even people who are supposedly not qualified to have guns carry these guns around with them. This situation is now spinning out of control and so many people argue for more gun regulations. This paper takes this view and argues violence can be reduced through stricter gun control laws. The right to bear arms contained in the Second Amendment has outlived its usefulness as people today now live in a modern and civilized society. This means people need not resort to the use of guns or any other form of violence to settle certain disputes. Moreover, the police are the ones who are properly deputized by law to protect citizens from harm and the Second Amendment is actually an anachronism today because it transfers responsibility of protecting the citizens from the police to the citizens themselves. In other words, the right to bear arms needs to be amended through stricter gun control laws or even rescinded
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