Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin-Response Paper free essay sample
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: The Path to the Auto-improvement 2 The main reason that Franklin had to write his autobiography was to show how to live the life In a better way, at least in Franklin s experience. Franklin added two letters that eventually convinced him to finish his project of writing his autobiography. The letters (one from Mr.. Able James and the other from Mr.. Benjamin ) said to Franklin about the importance that had others would know about his life. Actually this book was not destined to talk about his role during the American Revolution. In fact, this book is about a way to get a life of excellence. During his autobiography Franklin remarked the facts that he thought more relevant for the auto-betterment. The main factors that I like were: the importance of reading, the education that Franklins father gave him and the accepting mistakes. During four parts of the autobiography, Franklin talked about how the books make him better. We will write a custom essay sample on The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin-Response Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Franklin s love for the books during his childhood was very important for his success. It Is easier to acquire knowledge from books If you like reading than If It Is Just done as a task. HIS abilities for reading grew enough to develop his writing. At the time Franklin had developed reading (to gain knowledge) and writing (to transmit It) he Is converted In a respectable man. In the most part of his life, due his knowledge, Franklin was very helpful in the development of the town where he lived. Also, with reading, Franklin reshaped his life style.For example, just consuming vegetables (sometimes ate fish), or Just drinking water and nothing of beer although others laughed of it. Maybe getting a healthy life helped to the long life of Franklin. 3 Next, Franklins father was too important in his development as person. I think the most important fact was when Franklin stole some quarry stones for a wharf. But when his father took notice of this, he taught to Franklin that when something bad Is done to accomplish anything, then this does not worth It. Also, Franklin during his childhood and youth notice the Importance of knowledge.Franklin saw his father as a respected man due his Impartiality and capacity to solve problems. This example became a model to live in society for Franklin. Committed a very big mistake when he loses contact with Miss Read. At the time he returned from England, he married with Miss Read. Franklin believed that left her in the past was a big mistake because when they are married, they became happier. Also, accepting mistakes meant for Franklin the happiness. When he took notice that he could not be perfect, then Just does not live more under pressure to reach perfection. This did not mean leave his life style.In conclusion, I think this is a very helpful book. Actually I believed that it would be more engaged with American history, but eventually, the lessons were very interesting like the importance of reading, the thirteen virtues, or working for the community. On the other hand, I think that the book is very hard to read due the differences and useless of some words, it is necessary a dictionary. Also, the way to write an autobiography is not the better. I remembered had read The Autobiography of Malcolm X, and this had a better sequence. Although this book was not made as a history resource, it helps to know the way of life in this era.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Leveling and unleveling of the ego in Full Metal Jacket essays
Leveling and unleveling of the ego in Full Metal Jacket essays Leveling and unleveling of the ego in Full Metal Jacket This movie is different from all that I ¡ve considered till now to be good war movies, like The Patriot, Saving Private Ryan, The Platoon or Braveheart. The proper word that would describe my first impression at seeing the movie would be 'shock ¡, because I felt that it said in a loud and ironical voice all that we think about war. From the first scene in the barbershop, where the new recruits are having their heads shaved in military style and to the last scene, when the marines are marching into the night singing a song about Mickey Mouse, the movie impresses with its sense of real life. Also, Kubrick has no hero in his film, only one protagonist and that ¡s the collective mind of American marines. The movie has two parts. The shifting to the second part is done rather abruptly (just like the beginning), the viewers expecting to see an explanation or maybe the consequences of Pyle ¡s suicide, or even the end of the movie. But the two parts are linked together by the presence of one character, Private Joker and, although he is not the central character, he is an important one because he represents the duality of human nature. Also, he is the one we have to talk about when speaking of the leveling and the unleveling of the ego. The movie opens with an unusual scene. Me, as a viewer, I didn ¡t know how to react: to laugh at that stupid song that said  ¡Goodbye, my sweetheart, hello, Vietnam ¡ or to try to figure out what was on the minds of those men from looking at their serious faces. Well, not all of them were serious. Since the first scene, we can distinguish two men who have a sort a grin on their faces: is it a stupid one, an ironical one or is it just as expressionless as the other faces? We discover this out in the next scene where in comes sergeant Hartman, a Drill Instructor at the Marine boot camp from Paris Island, South Carolina, where all these men ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Lesson Plan on Rational Number Lines
A Lesson Plan on Rational Number Lines Students will use a large number line to understand rational numbers and to position positive and negative numbers correctly. Class: Sixth Grade Duration: 1 class period, ~45-50 minutes Materials: Long strips of paper (adding machine tape works well)Display model of a number lineRulers Key Vocabulary: positive, negative, number line, rational numbers Objectives: Students will construct and use a large number line to develop an understanding of rational numbers. Standards Met: 6.NS.6a. Understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes familiar from previous grades to represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates. Recognize opposite signs of numbers as indicating locations on opposite sides of 0 on the number line. Lesson Introduction Discuss the lesson target with students. Today, they will be learning about rational numbers. Rational numbers are numbers that can be used as fractions or ratios. Ask students to list any examples of those numbers that they can think of. Step-by-Step Procedure Lay out the long strips of paper on tables, with small groups; have your own strip at the board to model what students should be doing.Have students measure two-inch markings all the way to both ends of the paper strip.Somewhere in the middle, model for students that this is zero. If this is their first experience with rational numbers below zero, they’ll be confused that the zero isn’t located on the far left end.Have them mark the positive numbers to the right of zero. Every marking should be one whole number - 1, 2, 3, etc.Paste your number strip on the board, or have a number line started on the overhead machine.If this is your students’ first attempt at understanding negative numbers, you’ll want to begin slowly by explaining the concept in general. One good way, especially with this age group, is by discussing money owed. For example, you owe me $1. You don’t have any money, so your money status can’t be anywhere along the right (positi ve) side of zero. You need to get a dollar in order to pay me back and be right at zero again. So you could be said to have -$1. Depending on your location, the temperature is also a frequently discussed negative number. If it needs to warm up considerably in order to be 0 degrees, we are in the negative temperatures. Once students have the beginning understanding of this, have them begin marking their number lines. Again, it will be hard for them to understand that they are writing their negative numbers -1, -2, -3, -4 from right to left, as opposed to left to right. Model this carefully for them, and if necessary, use examples such as the ones described in Step 6 to increase their understanding.Once students have their number lines created, see if some of them can create their own stories to go along with their rational numbers. For example, Sandy owes Joe 5 dollars. She only has 2 dollars. If she gives him her $2, she could be said to have how much money? (-$3.00) Most students may not be ready for problems like this, but for those that are, they can keep a record of them and they could become a classroom learning center. Homework/Assessment Let students take their number lines home and have them practice some simple addition problems with the number strip. This isn’t an assignment to be graded, but one that will give you an idea of your students understanding of negative numbers. You can also use these number lines to assist you as students learn about negative fractions and decimals. -3 8-1 5-4 4 Evaluation Take notes during the class discussion and the individual and group work on the number lines. Don’t assign any grades during this lesson, but keep track of who is seriously struggling, and who is ready to move on.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Instruction and Assessmrnt plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Instruction and Assessmrnt plan - Essay Example This paper puts forth some writing and reading learning activities to enhance the same in 5th graders. (Hurley, 2001) Day/Dates Lesson Objective Instructional methods Material Needed Reading Activity 1 Monday Start Reading the story â€Å"Because of Winn Dixie†It will be a read-aloud method in class for the first day followed by some home-reading To get the students geared up for what is to follow ; develop their reading habit and ability to appreciate good literature A brief introduction on the story to be given by the teacher followed by READ-ALOUD sessions of the story and prospect discussions. Get the students to introspect on the characters that they might encounter in the story and what do they expect the plot to be like. White board Marker Flash cards Reading Activity 2 Tuesday Follow-up session on the reading home-assignment given on Monday. To develop the thinking skills of the students and their ability to comprehend the context and predict plots. Preview. Predict G et the students to discuss: 1. What part did Winn Dixie had to play in what happened at the library? 2. Is it possible for a girl to be on friendly terms with an elderly librarian White board Marker Flash cards Reading Activity 3 Wednesday Reader Groups will be made Centered activity and reading would be of : 1. Something to Do Help Students sequence the story, to summarize, and develop story board. 1. Students will be put in leveled groups. 2. During the class, the teacher will put forth story board activities related to sequencing and vocabulary. 3. Students will be expected to take part in the story board activities on rotational basis. White board Marker Posters for story board activities Reading Activity 4 Thursday Reader groups will again be made. Reading would be of: Child of the silent Night Help students In sequencing and vocabulary comprehension. 1. Participation during the entire group discussion. 2. Get students to infer meaning of vocabulary words like grand, memorial, pitfalls etc. 3. Students will be expected to attend to questions put forth by the instructor : What experiences bring forth people from diverse culture together. ; How did Laura recover (Describe the sequence) 4. Words will be read from the context and pictures will be provided to give cue to their meanings from the context. 5. Students will be expected to solve practice work sheet page 4 White board Marker Posters for story board activities Reading Standards: To inculcate an understanding of figurative language in students. Students at grade 5 level are not pro at their understanding of figurative language. They find it difficult to draw inferences and meanings given the context at this level. They still tend to delve on the literal meaning of words. So the idea would be to develop their understanding of figurative language. Secondly, it would also aim at inculcate student understanding and ability to connect different ideas and arguments, in a given context. In general the abilit y to understand and comprehend information will be developed at this level. Day/Date Lesson Objective Instructional Method Materials Needed Writing Activity 1 Monday Narrative Prompt The objective of this activity is to help students put in words what they feel about a certain aspect of their life/life in general. It is simply
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
ERP Story-Part A Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
ERP Story-Part A - Case Study Example The business should consider the cost of implementing the new software installation and profitability of the undertaking. Merging the business has risks accompanied to it. Therefore, proper evaluation of returns and efficient running of activities is so important. The research found out that the problem associated with such step is the increase in the size of the organization, which means difficulty in tracking records and meeting operational costs. Business organizations vary in the operations they engage in order to satisfy human wants. The two main categories are service based, or commodity possessing and production. The finished product or service in these activities provides a platform for either satisfaction or dissatisfaction from customers. If customers are not happy, the organization engages in an evaluation process to determine where the problem sprouts from. This can be through assessing current equipment in production or performance evaluation as a whole. The corrective measure is then undertaken to retain the loyal customers. If the customers are satisfied, the management initiates ways to maintain the standards. As such, this paper will discuss ABC Company and how it seeks to obtain a market placement through merging of activities and improving technology. The size of a growing business organization instigates the type of technological equipment an organization should adapt in order to increase efficiency. Complex company structures will need large data storage facilities to enable the business store properly its information. In the case study, the current technological position of ABC cannot ensure good flow of information and communication. The new idea of creating merged type of business can be a solution to problems. Problems such as funds required for the project can be managed through pooling of resources from these different entities.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Japanese Business Culture Essay Example for Free
Japanese Business Culture Essay What do you do to prepare for this meeting? In order to prepare for this meeting, apart from the usual prepaparation with regards to presentations, brochures and other information material, information about the product as well as the company, etc, I need to gather extensive information about the Japanese business culture as the peculiar characteristics of this particular trading company with whom we are meeting. It is extremely important in international business that one should pay attention to prevailing business culture, customs and peculiarities of the companies from other countries in order to conclude a successful business deal. Therefore, I need to peep into material describing the Japanese way of doing businesses, their negotiation styles, things which one should avoid during the meetings, etc. What do you want to know about the trading company? The first thing which I would like to know about the trading company is its similarity to the traditional Japanese companies which possess certain typical characteristics. For example, one of the important things to know about this trading firm will be whether it is part of Japanese Keiretsu or not. The knowledge of this information in advance will help me to identify key features of Japanese trading firms who are still part of the large groups or Keiretsu. Knowledge about few characteristics of the firm will help us to present ourselves in a more comfortable manner at deal stage. I am presenting below few important characteristics of Japanese firms: 1) Connections are very helpful in this country, but choose your intermediaries carefully: the Japanese will feel obliged to be loyal to them. Select someone of the same rank as the person with whom he or she will have dealings. Moreover, an intermediary should not be part of either company involved with the deal. 2) If you know a highly respected, important person in Japan, use his or her endorsement and connection. Before you enter into negotiations, request a consultation, and then ask if you can use the endorsement and connection to further your business efforts. This method of using connections is standard practice among Japanese businesspeople. 3)Generally, the Japanese are not receptive to outside information. They will consider new ideas and concepts only within the confines of their own groups. 4)The Japanese tend to think subjectively, relying on feelings rather than empirical evidence. 5)Getting acquainted is the purpose of the initial meetings. You may, however, introduce your proposal during these preliminary discussions. During presentations, and especially during negotiations, it is essential that one maintain a quiet, low-key, and polite manner at all times. The highest-ranking individual may appear to be the most quiet of everyone present. For a persuasive presentation, you must describe how your product can enhance the prosperity and reputation of the Japanese side. Making these claims effectively requires a thorough knowledge of Japanese economy, business, and product lines. The Japanese will commit themselves to an oral agreement, which may be acknowledged by a nod or slight bow, rather than by shaking hands. Contracts can be renegotiated; in Japanese business protocol, they are not final agreements. After gathering knowledge about these typical characteristics of Japanese firms, we will try to compare this particular firm with these characteristics by analyzing the available information. Â source: Comment to student: click on the link above. You will find many links on this page with respect to business culture in Japan. The Japanese have been raised to think of themselves as part of a group, and their group is always dealing with other groups. This is viewed on many angles internationally it is We Japanese vs. everyone else (more on that later), but in schools, companies, sections of companies etc. there are many groups and sub-groups and not always in perfect harmony and cooperation as it may look on the surface. Dealing with Japanese on a one-to-one basis usually comes very easy to non-Japanese, but dealing with Japanese as a group can be a different matter altogether. source: about the V.P. and his/her delegation? There are certain things which we need to know about the VP and his delegation. The strong hierarchical structure in Japanese business is reflected in the negotiation process. They begin at the executive level and continue at the middle level. However, decisions will often be made within the group. Generally speaking, in business meetings the Japanese will line up in order of seniority, with the most senior person at the front and the least senior person closest to the door. In addition to this rule however, you may find that the most senior person chooses where to sit. It is important to bear in mind that in contemporary Japan, even a low ranking individual can become a manager if his or her performance is good. (source: ) Further, it is important to know few personal information about the visiting team. For example, their level of proficiency with English, whether or not a translator will be required, the age as it is directly related to seniority in Japanese culture, whether they have travelled abroad to US or other Western Countries before because it may have serious implications with respect to few culturally sensitive issues such as some Japanese men who have not been abroad are not used to dealing with women as equals in a business setting. ..about their inquiry? The foremost thing about their inquiry which I will like to know is the nature of relationship they are looking to establish with our company with respect to selling our products in Japan. For example, are they looking for some kind of manufacturing joint venture in Japan, or are they looking to take distributorship or license for our products. Such information will help us to present ourselves in a better and precise manner and will help us in coming to common ground with them. One of the sources for finding such information will be the local Santa Clara office of the company. Further, internet can prove to be a useful source for finding more information about the company such as its web portal, its partners and vendor relationships as displayed over the website, press releases and third party comments available on the web, etc. When starting business in Japan and entering into initial distributor contract negotiation, many foreign executives are probably unaware of the potential value of their products in Japan, but you can guarantee that the Japanese distributors on the other side of the negotiation will have a very good idea of the value. source: If you are doing business in Japan with a Japanese distributor, then you absolutely must negotiate a strong agreement before starting in the Japanese market. Â Another issue to be aware of, and which if uncontrolled will have a significant impact on the final percentage of revenue you receive, is that the Japanese market is awash with multi-layered distribution channels. Your Japanese distributor may in fact be a master distributor who will pass your products through one or more layers of sub-distributors prior to it reaching its intended consumer or corporate buyer destination. In some situations its unavoidable for example, if your distributor sells to a large Japanese company you can expect that the customer will mandate a trading company (usually one of its subsidiaries) to handle the purchase and take a 5% 15% fee for its efforts. source: What do you want to highlight in the meeting with the V.P.? As discussed in the above paragraphs, it is very important in Japanese business negotiations with a distributor to explain to them the potential value of our products in Japan. It is important to present them with some revenue forecasts with respect to sales in Japan. First, you must know the Japanese value, not the US, UK, German, French or Italian value but the Japanese value of your product or service before you can negotiate a win-win relationship with a Japanese distributor. If you spent your first month doing business in Japan aggressively networking and information gathering you should have a pretty good idea of your products value. By comparing with your home market statistics you should also be able to extrapolate some reasonable revenue forecasts: idealized of course but an invaluable benchmark for contract negotiation with a Japanese distributor. Armed with the results of your first months Japanese business analysis, you stand a good chance of convincing a reputable distributor that they should put your product into their lead portfolio and invest in aggressively promoting it. Your ability to assert the potential Japanese value of your product and your ability to defend that value will support your justifiable contract negotiation claims to require transfer fees calculated on net revenues, not on your home market price list. The result is that you have a chance to get the best possible distribution deal for your company and a deal that could only ever be bettered by a direct entry into the Japanese market using a Japanese subsidiary company or office. source: If things look positive in that meeting, what would you expect to happen at the next stages of the discussions? Â Even if the things look positive in that meeting, Japanese generally take time time finalize their decision as the decision making process can be very slow for Japanese firms. I expect the Japanese trading firm to extensively discuss the issue within their group in order to arrive at the final decision. From the pre-meetings, to the informal parties, the Japanese style of doing business will take the shape of an intricate spiders web, where few outsiders can fully understand the implications of what exactly is occurring. Japanese culture effects every aspect of daily life. The cultural tradition of Japan reflects a strong desire to be harmonious, efficient, and most important, to promote group solidarity, and this is best achieved by making decisions based on consensus. Robert Marshall elaborates by saying that, group decision making in Japan promotes unanimity in result through consensus {Marshall},[p. 7]. source: Comment to student: The above mentioned link is an excellent article on group decision making in Japan. Please read through it to gather more information on decision making in Japanese culture. How are your actions in this situation different from the situation in which you make the first move in order to find a licensee? The actions in this situation is different from my first move because I have a more informed and better view along with a clear understanding of the Japanese business culture and negotiation process now. My first move was a sort of unorganized effort to explore the Japanese markets. This situation is different in the sense that I am now preparing myself for specific company which has already shown little interest in our products and are ready to explore more about our company. It is very important to have clear understanding of Japanese culture, prevailign market conditions, information about the industry and knowledge of other peculiar characteristics before one can enter into a successful negotiation with a Japanese company. My initial failures have made me realize that in order to successfully conclude a deal with a Japanese company, one needs to present him in a manner that proves the value of our product with respect to Japanese market.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
cold war :: essays research papers
1991 Gorbachev resigns as president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev announces that he is resigning as president of the Soviet Union. In truth, there was not much of a Soviet Union from which to resign--just four days earlier, 11 of the former Soviet republics had established the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), effectively dismembering the USSR. The Soviet Union, for all intents and purposes, had already ceased to exist. In his farewell speech to the nation, Gorbachev indicated that the recent establishment of the CIS was the primary motive for his resignation, claiming he was "concerned about the fact that the people in this country are ceasing to become citizens of a great power and the consequences may be very difficult for all of us to deal with." In words that were sometimes prideful, sometimes resentful, Gorbachev stated that he stood on his record of achievement. He had, he claimed, overseen the Soviet Union's trip down the "road of democracy." His reforms "steered" the communist economy "toward the market economy." He declared that the Russian people were "living in a new world" in which an "end has been put to the Cold War and to the arms race." Admitting "there were mistakes made," Gorbachev remained adamant that he "never had any regrets" about the policies he pursued. In reality, Gorbachev had lost much of his power and prestige in the Soviet Union even before the establishment of the CIS. The economy was unstable. No one seemed pleased by Gorbachev-some opponents demanded even more political freedom while hard-liners in his government opposed any movement toward reform. In August 1991, he survived a coup attempt only through the assistance of Russian Federation
Monday, November 11, 2019
Cultural competency Essay
Cultural competency is an important strategy of eliminating racial disparities and improving quality in health, human and social services. The goal of cultural competency in these services is to create a health, human and social service system and practitioners who are capable of delivering the highest-quality care to all clients regardless of their cultural background, ethnicity, and race and language proficiency. If the professionals are not culturally competent they will not be in a position to handle social problems (Lecca, et. al. 1998, p. 71). Professionals offering these services do require an interpreter in certain situations such as; when the provider is not thoroughly effective and fluent in the target language should always use an interpreter. In situations when a client is not mentally fit a provider may need an interpreter. In cases in which language and literacy rate of the patient and practitioner vary due to different cultural groups, an interpreter will be required. Incase the client is a child who is under five years or more or an elderly person an interpreter is required. If the client is unconscious the provider can request for an interpreter (Lecca, et. al. 1998, p. 89). To minimize these problems, a professional should use an interpreter of the same sex as the client to avoid client from feeling insecure. Family members should be avoided as interpreters. Professional should learn basic words and sentences to minimize use to interpreter since they don’t deliver effective works due to biasness. They should address patients directly without any direct commentary to or through interpreter. Incase the professional suspects any problems and gets a negative response, then s/he should know that the interpreter knows what he wants. Interpreter should not be confused through backing up rephrasing or hesitating. Finally providers should attain training to be culturally competent to avoid cases of having an interpreter so as to offer effective service to clients (Lecca, et. al. 1998, p. 210). Using of an interpreter is not a good idea because the service given to the client will not be sufficient since an interpreter may be bias. Incase the interpreter is of different sex, s/he no knowledge on the service provided to clients of other sex leading to poor or wrong service being given to the client. There is no guarantee that practitioner’s conversion will be correctly interpreted to the patients and patient’s comments may not be conveyed accurately (Lecca, et. al. 1998, p. 211). List of References Lecca, P. J. , et. al. (1998), Cultural Competency in Health, Social and Human Services: Directions for the Twenty-first Century. NY: Garland Publisher
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Intramuscular Injection Essay
The clinical skill I have chosen to reflect on is the administration of Intramuscular (IM) injections. I will use a reflective model to guide me in my reflection. The Gibbs reflection cycle features, description, feelings, evaluation, description, conclusion and an action plan (Gibbs 1988). The first stage of Gibbs (1988) is description of events. On my clinical placement I had the opportunity to administer a drug to a patient via IM injection under the supervision of my mentor. I had already observed this skill on various occasions and previously had the opportunity to administer IM injections in previous placements. My mentor was talking me through the process as this was the first time I have performed the skill with her supervision. When the mentor got to the step of using an alcohol wipe to cleanse the area of the injection site the patient said he did not usually get that done. He continued to say that an alcohol wipe had been used once before and had caused him an unpleasant stinging sensation and he would rather it was not used. The previous times I had administered IM injections, I had cleansed the site with alcohol wipe, and therefore I asked my mentor for some guidance in this situation. My mentor confirmed that it was acceptable to administer the injection without using the alcohol wipe and I continued with the injection. Feelings are the next stage of Gibbs (1988) cycle. My thoughts and feelings about this situation was that I felt a little nervous as I was under the supervision of my mentor for the first time doing this skill. However as I had already had the opportunity to administer IM injections before, I felt I was competent to carry out that skill. When the patient had said he did not usually have the alcohol wipe used, I began to doubt my practice. I knew I had previously used this in my practice, but began to question myself if it was correct. As the patient continued to say he had previously had an unpleasant stinging sensation when the alcohol wipe had been used I began to think that the person who had administered that injection did not allow skin to dry properly before administering the injection. If the skin is not dry the cleaning is ineffective and the antiseptic may cause the irritation by being injected into the tissue (Downie et al. 2000). The patient requested that the alcohol wipe not be used on this occasion and this left me feeling confused. I knew he has the right to patient autonomy and without his consent I could not carry out this procedure. As a nurse you are accountable for gaining consent and maintaining the patients right to be autonomous . Hawley (2007) states that autonomy means a persons right to make their own decisions in life, as long as they do not harm anyone else. I was unsure of the risks of not using the alcohol wipe and had to seek guidance from my mentor. Evaluating this situation made me realise that questioning your own practice is a good way of keeping up to date with evidenced based practice. The Royal Marsden manual of clinical nursing procedures (Dougherty & Lister 2004) advocate the use of skin cleansing wipes, it is however stated within their guidelines that they adopt this for patients who are immunosuppressed, and also give evidence of previous studies which indicate that skin cleansing is not normally necessary. Research by Workman (1999) suggests that the use of skin cleansing wipes is inconsistent and not necessary in IM injections if the patient appears to be physically clean and the nurse has adopted an aseptic technique as well as stringent hand hygiene. The fourth stage of Gibbs cycle (1988) has made me become more aware of different practices concerning the use of alcohol wipes in skin cleansing. I understand that both practices have been researched, and as I develop professionally I will not cleanse the skin in future unless the local policy states to do so or the patient requests me to. The evidence in this area is not clear therefore I will use any literature which is available to allow me to justify my actions, and deliver safe evidence based care. In conclusion, I have learned that not all nurses use evidence in the same way and may use different methods. I understand that as long as my practice is safe and evidence based then I can practice safely. My action plan would be to continue to keep updated with any new research and evidence of using alcohol wipes in the administration of IM injections. This will help me to keep my practice safe and up to date.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Nature and Needs
Nature and Needs Introduction Students who bear the tag of ‘gifted children’ possess a prominent ability of high levels of achievement, performance and creativity. Special needs often arise either from the interactions of these students with the environment such as in school, family and the society or due to their internal characteristics as gifted students.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Needs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Their characteristics as gifted students are their strengths and can cause problems if taken to the extremes and therefore early identification of these characteristics and development of a plan would help the students utilize their strengths and associated problems as motivational tools for further achievement. However, the strengths of gifted students and their linked problems can act as positives to encourage the students to realize their potentials fully despite presence of limitati ons such as family poverty, social degradation, and substance abuse often faced by the gifted students in their day to day lives. Strengths and associated problems A major characteristic of all the gifted students is their inherent ability to acquire, gain and retain information concerning a certain task or topic quickly. The rationale here is that, their intellectual ability is relatively higher than that of others and therefore they tend to be impatient with other students who have a lower ability of gaining information (Barbara, 2002, p.6). The ability to acquire and sustain information is the basis for good performance in not only academic fields, but also in social and economics fields. In a common class of both gifted students and regular students, problems of fast learners and slow learners often arises as the levels of understanding and concept conceptualization differs from one student to another depending on whether a student is gifted or not. The inherent strength creates a personality, which resists common routines and procedures of doing things because gifted students have the ability of developing accurate shortcuts of solving complex problems within shortest time possible. This ability encourages creativity and innovations and poses a challenge to the other students to improve. Encouragement of the gifted students to develop new methods of doing things and using these methods as a positive motivational tool would propagate innovation of new skills.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Moreover, gifted students own an intrinsic belief and motivation that achievement and success in any task given is possible. For instance, in subjects or academic concepts that ordinary students tackle with difficulties, gifted students believe otherwise. The gifted students usually see the exact opposite of what others see although in the same class, environmen t and under the same learning conditions (Webb, 1994, p.23). Their focus on the possibilities of success and achievement in complex activities helps them to be outstanding achievers even with the limitations of resources and facilities especially in less developed learning institutions. A problem of resistance to direction frequently arises simply because these students remain focused and determined to succeed in the activity they are involved in regardless of how difficult it may be. Although taken as a problem, strong focus on the course of success remains a positive attribute to achievement and accomplishment of a task with lasting results depends on the creation of an unshaken believe of succeeding despite any possible limitations. Regular students who develop this intrinsic motivational believe of succeeding and achieving are more likely to be achievers the same way as the talented students as achievement lies in the mindset and hardworking. In addition, high self-expectation u sually underlying many gifted students facilitates their desire to continue their quest of high performance and achieve higher goals. The personal attitude and expectation of high academic performance and achievement may pose a problem of perfectionism and depression especially when one fails to achieve a set goal (Kerr, 1992, p. 45). Personal expectations to achieve a goal motivate a student to put extra efforts and dedicate extra time in a specific task. For instance, gifted students with problems in certain topics or subjects allocate extra time and efforts to such topics and expect an improvement in performance while on the other hand; regular students may neglect such topics and opt to concentrate on the easy subjects. The characteristic personality of perfectionism often found in gifted students pushes them paragon in all the topics in any course and this leads to increased good performance by the gifted students. The desire to be perfect in all academic aspects can positively help the underperforming students to improve while at the same time help the gifted students to continue performing better and better.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Needs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More High alertness, increased levels of concentration and eagerness to learn new skills are further strengths of the gifted students over the other students. For instance, normal students have a concentration time of maximally two hours after which the level of concentration drops and conceptualization of facts diminishes. With talented students, their concentration period goes far beyond two hours and conception of information remains undisturbed (Webb, 1994, p. 25). All through, the students remain alert, focused and eager to absorb more information. Inactivity and idleness frustrates gifted students as they prefer doing something than idling. Preoccupation of the students with academic work offers adequ ate time to the students to perfect on areas they feel lacking or incompetent. To avoid such frustrations, allocation of extra reading materials to the students would allow the gifted students to remain preoccupied for longer times and thus utilize their alertness to help them explore their potentials positively. Gifted students portray a sense of organization. These students organize themselves and their items in an orderly manner and as a result, people view them as complicated and bossy (Kerr, 1992, p.46). Fortunately, this attribute affects their academic performance positively and helps to shape their future careers. A problem linked to the inherent desire of organization arises mainly because these students formulate complicated rules to guide them in their pursuit to remain organized. For instance, gifted students follow strict timetables with time limits in their revision time. This organization helps the students to allocate adequate time for all the subjects and thus reduc es chances of overemphasis on one subject at the expense of the others. Strict follow up of the timetable allows balanced study period yielding to balanced performance. Conclusion The strengths of the gifted students underscore their characteristics and acts as the driving force for continued creativity, high academic performance, and future career achievements of these gifted students.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Overemphasis of the possible problems linked to the strengths of these students could lead to poor exploration of the students’ full potential while positive application of the strengths would result to full exploration and realization of their inherent abilities and potentials. Integrating gifted students with normal students poses healthy challenges to the normal students who may opt to assimilate the strengths of the gifted students and therefore this justifies the need to use the strengths as positive aspect to propagate high achievements and success. Reference list Barbara, C. (2002). Growing up gifted. New York: Merrill. Kerr, A. (1992). Smart girls, gifted women. New York: Ohio Psychology Press. Webb, J. (1994). some of my best friends are books: Guiding gifted readers. New York: Ohio Psychology Press.
Monday, November 4, 2019
12 Angry Men Essay Example For Students
12 Angry Men Essay A persons surroundings can influence him. In 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose a young mans life is held by twelve men with contrasing views. Eight a caring man, who wishes to talk about why the other jurors think that the boy is guilty, clashes with Three, a sadistic man who would pull the swith himselfto end the boys life. Accroding to Rose, several elements can infulence a jurys verdict, such as the emotional make-up of individual jurors. Many elements can change a jurors decision. Juror Three, who is convincd that the boy is guilty, is allied with Four who is eventually convicedEights showing of how the two testimonies given by the old woman and old man are lies, votes guilty. Three outraged by this exclames A guilty mans gonna be walking the streets hes got to die! Stay with me. (23) But Four sees the truth that Eight has brought into th light and still votes guilty. Eight tries to convince Three how the boy is not guilty beyond reasonable doubt but Three does not listen adn would rather see the boy die. For this kid, you bet Id pull the switch.(17) This shows how emotionally unstable Three is. He is a grown man living in a civilized community and would like to see a boy who he does not even know die by his own hands Eight does not think highly of Three for what he says about killing the boy and shouts your a sadist.(17) which is the absolute truth about Three. The emotional make-up of a juror can change his desicision on wther or not to let a man live or die. When someone is asked judge someone else, shoud not you look at al the facts to be sure beyond a shoadow of a doubt that the man who cimmitted the crime is guilty? Yes, a juror should look at all the facts but some do not, they just judge the person on how that person feels. Category: English .
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Controversy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Controversy Analysis - Essay Example There are presently very violent military scenario games with some depicting ancient battles, a development that has led to the following thesis question: Are video games responsible for youth Violence in America? This essay will look at the two arguments on this topic; one is support and the other against, with reference to studies and relevant literature on the thesis question. Video games as we know them today, traces their origin from the start of 1950s when computer engineers and academicians began the design of simple games and artificial intelligence programs in their respective computer science studies. The popularity of video games however, hit the mainstream in the 1970s and 80s when home computers became available. From the 80s to present times, several generations of video games have been developed with Xbox One and PlayStation 4 from Sonny being the latest 8 generation games. As video games evolved, so did the technology and story lines behind them. Presently, there are games in all aspects of life from business to military combats with the latter being most popular among enthusiasts. Violence among youths on the other hand, has been around even before the invention of video games but the information age has seen new style of aggression among the youth (Levesque and Roger, 51). This has prompted analysts to establish if there could be a correlat ion between video games and contemporary youth violence given the many hours young people spend playing these games. So could there be a relationship between these two phenomena and is so, how? If not, what is the evidence of the lack of relationship? Roanna Cooper and Marc Zimmerman in their article, highlight youth violence as a significant public health issue with youth homicide among African-Americans aged between 14 and 24 years, being very high. Other than the Columbine tragedy that made headlines in 1999 when 12 people died
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