Saturday, August 17, 2019
Teacher-Student Relationships
Topic: â€Å"Teacher-Student Relationships and Academic and Behavioral Levels†Introduction The importance of teacher-student relationships will forever be an increasing factor in students’ academic achievements and behaviors. The general topic for this research is how teacher-student relationships affect students’ academic achievements develop or destroy their behavioral skills. This topic brings about a lot of conflicts that leads to many unanswered questions such as ‘What happens to the teacher-student relationships after the early school years? Due to the fact that students go through their most important developmental changes during their middle school years. The goal of this study is to advance our under- standing of the longitudinal connections between teacher–child relationships and children’s academic and behavioral development across elementary schools. The criteria used in analyzing and comparing literature was conducting a study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) using a cooperative agreement that used the scientific collaboration between grantees and NICHD staff.The sequence of this review is set up in a very articulate and organized arrangement. The scope was very limited was seen in this review by the NICHD on Teacher-Student Relationships and Academic and Behavioral Levels. In this study, the keywords are evident in the topic it self, such as: academic achievement which is the level of actual accomplishment or proficiency one has achieved in an academic areas, as opposed to one’s potential. Behavioral Problem is a behavior that is annoying or destructive. Maternal Characteristics are having the qualities of, or befitting a mother.The most important keyword and definition in this study is teacher-student relationship, which is the basic relationship with teachers and the students that they instruct. In this research the teacher-student relationships are based on being positive and impacting the students’ lives in academically and behavioral ways. Main Points In today’s educational world, there is great recognition of the motivation that is present due to the active and positive teacher-student relationships being formed in the schools. In this study, at some point in student’s early school years, teachers are seen as ‘part-time caregivers’ to the students.The bio ecological model and developmental systems theory proposed a conceptual model to advance our understanding of the nature of relationships between teachers and children, and their contribution to children’s development. This model says that good relationships with teachers are defined by a combination of high levels of closeness and low levels of conflict. Closeness in teacher–student relationships is characterized by warmth, positive affects, and open communication. But on the flip side, there is conflict that comes with negativity, h ostility, and difficulty in man- aging children’s behavior.There has been arguments that high-quality teacher–child relationships can promote students’ academic and behavioral development by providing an environment of sup- port and emotional security in which children feel confident and supported. Research conducted in preschool and the first years of elementary school has examined the association between the quality of teacher–child relation- ships and children’s development showing modest links between relationship quality and contemporaneous, and on occasion, subsequent development of academic skills.This evidence, however, is limited by its longitudinal scope. There are key transformations in the role of teachers and classroom structure between preschool and the elementary years. Beginning in first grade, teachers become increasingly focused on their role as instructors and less focused on providing warmth and nurturance for children. Addition ally, classrooms are structured differently, as children often change teachers for different subjects. They also experience larger class sizes and child-to-teacher ratios that impose new demands on children in terms of self-regulation and socialization.Not to mention, students have fewer opportunities for one-to-one teacher– child interaction. Another study was conducted and aimed at determining the relationship between teachers' evaluation scores and the students' academic performance in Ham University of Medical Sciences. This study basically reports that some experts' opinions suggests that evaluation of the teachers' performance by the students is the only tangible way and the best kind of evaluation ecause the students are the only people who are directly taught by the professors; hence, they are in the best position to evaluate their teachers' educational activities. This investigation has two primary goals which are to determine whether; between- and within- child diff erences in academic achievement and behavior problems are associated with teacher–child relationship quality throughout elementary school and the second goal is to consider whether the importance of teacher–child relationship quality changes as children move through elementary school.The data used for this study came from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, a large, multi-method longitudinal study of non-parental care experiences and child development. The participants for this study were selected using a conditional sampling plan to ensure that the sample reflected the economic, educational, and ethnic composition of the 10 cities from which participants were recruited. In terms of the measures taken to access the academic achievement field interviewers and teacher reporters used a direct assessment.Reading and math achievement was assessed with the Woodcock– Johnson Psycho-Educational Ba ttery administered in first, third, and fifth grades by field interviewers. Conclusion The results of this study help academic and behavioral development and us to advance our understanding of the longitudinal connections between teachers–student relationships during elementary school. Using a large and diverse database, this is the first study to examine both between- and within-child associations between teacher–student relationship quality and child’s functioning, and how these associations change across the elementary school years.By analyzing data from mothers, teachers, and standardized assessments, this study allows for comparisons across informants. Results from this study indicate that the quality of relationships that teachers report having with children is associated with trajectories of achievement and behavior problems from kindergarten through fifth grade. The observed associations were consistent across informants in the case of child behavior pro blems, whereas associations with academic achievement emerged only when both relationship qualities and achievements were reported by the teacher.Finally, the importance of the quality of relationships with teachers for children’s development seems to be un-changing, as children get older. One strength of this study is that it tested within- child connections between relationship quality and children’s development. Bibliography Bahadori, M. , Sadeghifar, J. , Peyman, H. , Shams, L. , Sayemiri, K. , ; Nejati, M. (2012). The relationship between teachers' evaluation scores and the students' academic performance: a case study in Iran. TTEM- Technics Technologies Education Management, 7(4), 1635-1640. Dictionary. com. n. d. ). Retrieved from www. dictionary. com Maldonado-Carreno, C. , ; Votruba-Drzal, E. (2011). Teacher-Child Relationships and the Development of Academic and Behavioral Skills During Elementary School: A Within- and Between-Child Analysis. Child Developmen t, 82(2), 601-616. doi:10. 1111/j. 1467-8624. 2010. 01533. x Theasurus. com (n. d) Retrieved from www. theasaurus. com Zuosheng Sun1, b. (2012). An Empirical Study on New Teacher-student Relationship and Questioning Strategies in ESL Classroom. English Language Teaching, 5(7), 175-183. doi:10. 5539/elt. v5n7p175
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